Hello all,
I am needing some guidance on how to build an array from POST Variables an then insert the data into mysql. Here is what I have
M Variable from submitted form
$parentid ="7638sds";
$child3_1_name =$_POST['chld3_1_name'];
$child3_1_age =$_POST['child3_1_age'];
$child3_2_name =$_POST['chld3_2_name'];
$child3_2_age =$_POST['child3_2_age'];
$child3_3_name =$_POST['chld3_3_name'];
$child3_3_age =$_POST['child3_3_age'];
$childrenContainer ="
(1) Child Name : $child3_1_name -- Age: $child3_1_age \n
(2) Child Name : $child3_2_name -- Age: $child3_2_age \n
(3) Child Name : $child3_3_name -- Age: $child3_3_age \n
My mysql insert would insert each child info (consisting of name and age) and linked by the parent id
the statement is constructed as:
$insertChildCount ="INSERT childrenCount SET parentid='$parentid', childrenCtn='1', childName='$childName', childAge='$childOnly_age', childrenInfo='$childrenContainer'";
So essentially in the provided POST Variables, the sql would insert three children into the DB, all with the same parentid identifier.
Any thoughts on this is greatly appreciated!