I am trying to take a number entry from a text field to use in some round Robin code to output the data.
When I type a number for the variable num e.g. var num=12; the program works fine, but if I try to do it from text field it does not work, even though I am using ParseInt() to convert the input into a number, I have also tried using valueOf() as well. When I enter into the text field I enter only even numbers. The output for the program when it works I will put below the code.
Any help would be appreciated.
Enter Round Robin number: <input type="text" name="test" id="insert">
<input type="button" onclick="calculate(1);
firsthalf(); secondhalf()" value="Enter">
// change the value of num for round robbins, only an even value will work.
var a = document.getElementById("insert").value;
var num = parseInt(a);
// var num = 12; instead would run the program fine
// creating my arrays, poslow is for the first half of the numbers, poshigh is for the second.
var poslow = [];
var poshigh = [];
var demi = num/2;
// setting the array lengths based on half of what the numerical input is
poslow.length = num/2;
poshigh.length = num/2;
// these two functions assign numerical values to each position in the array. so if the num value
// is 6 then first set creates the poslow array as poslow=[1,2,3]; so for secondset it woulc create poshigh = [4,5,6];
function firstset(poslow)
for( j =0; j < poslow.length; j++)
return poslow;
function secondset(poshigh)
for(k = 0, l =num; k < poshigh.length, l > demi; k++, l--)
return poshigh;
// the functions are added to variables poslow and poshigh so that they can be used in the rest of the programme
poslow = firstset(poslow);
poshigh = secondset(poshigh);
// this function keeps the number 1 always in its original place, it then moves the first number in the array of poshigh
// to the first number after the number one shifting all the other numbers up one place. The end of poslow is removed
// and added to the end of poshigh.
// this function also displays the numbers to the screen
function calculate(round, unshift, push)
document.write('<p style="color:red;">'+'round ' + round + ' </p>'+"<br/>");
if ( typeof unshift != 'undefined' ) {
for( j=0, k=0; j < poslow.length, k < poshigh.length; j++,k++)
document.write('<p style="color:blue;">'+poslow[j]+" "+poshigh[k]+'</p>');
// full and half are created for use in firsthalf and secondhalf functions
// e.g. if the number was 12 the first half would be doing this: calculate(2, 12, 6); calculate(3, 11, 5); calculate(4, 10, 4); calculate(5, 9, 3);calculate(6, 8, 2);
// the second half would be doing this: calculate(7, 7, 12); calculate(8, 6, 11); calculate(9, 5, 10); calculate(10, 4, 9); calculate(11, 3, 8); calculate(12, 2, 7);
var full = poslow.length+poshigh.length;
var half = full/2;
// first half sets up the first half of the rounds
function firsthalf()
for (rnd =2, posone=full, postwo=half; rnd <= half, posone > half, postwo > 1; rnd++, posone--, postwo--)
calculate(rnd, posone, postwo);
function secondhalf()
for (rndb =half+1, posoneb=half+1, postwob=full; rndb <= full, posoneb > 2, postwob >=half+1; rndb++, posoneb--, postwob--)
calculate(rndb,posoneb, postwob);
// the functions are initialised, the first calculate covers the very first round, then firsthalf(); and secondhalf(); do the rest
/* document.write('<div style="float:left; padding-right:20px; color:red;">');
document.write('<div style="float:left; color:red; padding-right:20px;">');
document.write('</div>'); */
round 1
1 12
2 11
3 10
4 9
5 8
6 7
round 2
1 11
12 10
2 9
3 8
4 7
5 6
round 3
1 10
11 9
12 8
2 7
3 6
4 5
round 4
1 9
10 8
11 7
12 6
2 5
3 4
round 5
1 8
9 7
10 6
11 5
12 4
2 3
round 6
1 7
8 6
9 5
10 4
11 3
12 2
round 7
1 6
7 5
8 4
9 3
10 2
11 12
round 8
1 5
6 4
7 3
8 2
9 12
10 11
round 9
1 4
5 3
6 2
7 12
8 11
9 10
round 10
1 3
4 2
5 12
6 11
7 10
8 9
round 11
1 2
3 12
4 11
5 10
6 9
7 8
round 12
1 12
2 11
3 10
4 9
5 8
6 7