hello dani friends.
i'm working on webdesign and web developement from 2 years autolearning on interent. now i'm capble to make a website for a client using php/mysql and html5/css. but i dont know when i will deliver the site for my client how he will be able to add new pages and links on hes website ??, i thought i can learn hin to add article in phpmyadmin but i thing it is imposible to put a wole html page in a colum, brief if seomeone can explain how it work or suggest me a article on internet i will be thankfull. thank you

Well, if you are creating static html page for your website, all you need to do is create a template.html file and copy this file foreach new page you want to add. If you want to have a dynamic site, you can create an admin panel for your site to connect with your database. In your admin panel, you can create functions to allow your clients to add new pages, edit page, add new photos, etc.. The main goal is to give some kind of interface for your clients to interact with the database in a user friendly way.

Another option would be to use a CMS and customize the theme. Like WordPress. WordPress is a blogging plattform used as a CMS and other dynamic web based application. WordPress's admin section has a low learning curve when just starting out.

If you are wanting to create your own Admin Panel for your clients websites, I would recommend using a framework such as Codeigniter or Laravel.

thank very much for your answer it is usefull i use to serach more about on goole, but still i cant find the spesific.
well, i create prety cool php template pages in dreamweaver..., i can create admin panel to connect with database and insert data but i don't know how i can allow my client to create news pages in that panel if i do it.

If you have a table with your page content like so:

Pages ( page_title, meta_description, page_url, page_name, page_content, page_other )

You can create dynamic pages.

                Header Information
        page_title, meta_desc, page_url, page_name
                                    |   Sidebar
        Body information            |   
            page_content            |   Page_other


In your admin panel, you allow you client to edit the page header informatoin the page body information and the sidebar information.

commented: usefull information thank you from my hearth +2

i don't know how i can allow my client to create news pages in that panel if i do it.

I agree with @gabrielcastillo, a framework is the SAFEST and MOST EFFICIENT way to accomplish this, and to be honest they're fairly easy to learn.

IF you really wanted to do this yourself, start by creating a form. On this form use TinyMCE, take the value of this textbox, and through PHP enter the value of this textbox into the database (use the MySQL TEXT datatype for your column). There is no need to insert an entire page, just the content you need.
All you have to do is draw this record out of the database using PHP and spit it onto the page.

So there, a quick roundup of how to store larger elements of content in a database. It's the same way that WordPress does it.

Hope this helps!

commented: thank you it is usefull :) +2

thank you very much my friends on daniweb i dont have friends i have family... :D @mattster thank you for you answer i will try @gabrielcastillo method in 1 week i hope i will finish the work if i have problem i will reply back thank you very much.

i create the database in phpmyadmin i know how to insert the mysql data into php pages but how can i insert an html pages into mysql i mean the bage content must contain link images title subtitle how to structure it

You could start off by creating an admin section. In the admin section you can create a crud system. This will allow you to create read update and delete pages and content. Create a connection to your database and so you can use SQL to interact with you database with forms

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