**I have open source PTC Script install. It was working f9 since last 3 months but yester day Its members login page shows a blank screen only while my all website is working properly. I can access to my admin panel without any restriction but members can't access . http://ptclicks.org is my PTC site. **

A blank screen is typically due to a PHP fatal error, such as a parse error.

Try putting

        ini_set('display_errors', '1');

at the top of the PHP document, and it should print out what the error messages are.

Dani — might be a good idea to have display_errors on before error_reporting. Also, you'd do ini_set('display_errors', 'On') afaik.

You can also check you PHP error logs. This would be a better way to find errors than display them on a live site.

@gabrialcastillo — that depends on whether the site is live yet or not.

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