Basically, the slider does not work on my website. I think that this is due to a javascript conflict however i am not 100% sure about that.

I have used firebug and it came up with the error "TypeError: my_glider is undefined"

Here is the code:

<div class="homepage">

    <div id="slider">
        <div class="slidercontrolwr-left">
            <div class="slidercontrol">
                <a href="#" class="aprev" title="Previous" onClick="my_glider.previous();return false;">Previous</a>
        <div class="slidercontrolwr-right">
            <div class="slidercontrol">
                <a href="#" class="anext" title="Next" onClick=";return false">next</a>
        <div class="scroller">
            <div class="content">
                <div class="section" id="section1">
                    <?php echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('cms/block')->setBlockId('pt001-home-slider1')->toHtml() ?>
                <div class="section" id="section2">
                    <?php echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('cms/block')->setBlockId('pt001-home-slider2')->toHtml() ?>
                <div class="section" id="section3">
                    <?php echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('cms/block')->setBlockId('pt001-home-slider3')->toHtml() ?>
    <script src="<?php echo $this->getSkinUrl('js/') ?>glider.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
        var my_glider = new Glider('slider', {duration:0.5, autoGlide: true, frequency: 4, initialSection: 'section1'});

    <div class="home-right">
        <?php echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('cms/block')->setBlockId('pt001-home-topbox')->toHtml() ?>
    <div class="clearer"></div>

    <div class="home-box1">
        <?php echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('cms/block')->setBlockId('pt001-home-box1')->toHtml() ?>
    <div class="home-box2">
        <?php echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('cms/block')->setBlockId('pt001-home-box2')->toHtml() ?>
    <div class="home-box3">
        <?php echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('cms/block')->setBlockId('pt001-home-box3')->toHtml() ?>
    <div class="clearer"></div>
    <?php /** echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('core/template')->setTemplate('slider/home-slider.phtml')->toHtml() */ ?>  


Can someone help me to understand if there is somehting wrong with the declaration of glider?

Being able to see the HTML source code would make it easier, at least for me. Is this site online?

I think that's all there is for the code. Apart from the blocks which contains the links to the images.

So block pt001-home-box1 has this

<p><img src="{{media url="wysiwyg/test4.jpg"}}" alt="" width="796" height="410" /></p>

When I click on the next button, it adds a "#" at the end of the url

It's adding a"#" at the end of the URL because your hyperlinks' href attribute has a value of "#".

If you do not want your hyperlinks (<a>) to act link links, you generally use javascript/jQuery to change the default behavior.

Does this glider run as a jQuery plugin? If so, do you have the jQuery library loaded? Did you load this jQuery plug-in file as well?

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