Hi All,

I'm having trouble understanding how the spl_autload (and namespaces) should be implemented. I have the following:

namespace A\Core;

class Controller {


extended by:

class SiteController extends \A\Core\Controller {

    public function __construct() {
        echo 'Created SiteController!';
  • I'm not sure if this is the correct/best way to get the class without loading the entire namespace.

The autoload class being loaded with spl_autoload_register(array($this,'autload'):

private function autoload($className){



So, here I'm trying to see if a namespace occurs and then I'm getting the class from the $className string. It calls the SiteController via the elseif but then doesn't come back around for its parent ('Controller'). It doesn't even try call spl_autoload_call().
The 'Controller' class is in the $_coreClasses so when processed should not encounter the elseif. Though it doesm't seem to be getting that far anyway.

The stack:

1   0.0000  241480  {main}( )   ..\index.php:0
2   0.0000  281984  A\A::createApplication( )   ..\index.php:13
3   0.0000  284272  A\A->readUrl( ) ..\A.php:43
4   0.0000  285000  A\A->getController( )   ..\A.php:116
5   0.0000  285528  spl_autoload_call ( )   ..\A.php:125
6   0.0000  285744  A\A->autoload( )    ..\A.php:0
7   0.0000  288832  require( 'absolute\path\to\controllers\SiteController.php' )    ..\A.php:93

As you can see, it stops looking for the parent class once it includes the SiteController, giving me the error:

Fatal error: Class 'A\Core\Controller' not found in absolute\path\to\controllers\SiteController.php on line 3

Any help/direction here would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

changed autload function to:

private function autoload($className){


        foreach(self::$_classPaths as $path){
            $classFile = $path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$className.'.php';

all works now. As far as I can tell.

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