I have some hash and salt code I intend to try out (not used it before) but I am not sure of a couple of things. I have a new
user aspx Register form page and a Log-in form. Do I use the hash and salt code on both the Register.aspx.vb page and Log-in aspx.vb page and, in the MS Access database I am using, whereas plain text would be in my three database columns as: email: 'j.brown@whatever.com', the username as 'jbrown', and the password as 'mypassword' would the salt and hash code insert instead something like the following: email: 'j.brown@whatever.com', username as 'jbrown', and the password as: roKMJYrGEKrp8z5Mah7J2T0cHcMAkZmxT6hplA3i1zTjidv0h.
Is that how it works?
Thank you.