hi guys, in one of my .NET applications I need to connect to localDB but the code I wrote originally was for sql express and now it's returning an error understandly. Does anybody know what's the equivalent of this for localDB please?
protected void submitData(object sender, EventArgs e)
hookUp = new SqlConnection("Server=localhost\\SqlExpress;Database=test4;" + "Integrated Security=True");
strInsert = "INSERT INTO Overtime(Week,HrsWorked,Overtime,Comment) VALUES (@week,@hrsWrk,@ovt,@cmmt)";
HrsWorked = Convert.ToDecimal(hrs.Value);
Overtime = HrsWorked - WRKHRS;
sqlCmd = new SqlCommand(strInsert, hookUp);
sqlCmd.Parameters.Add("@week", txtStartDate.Text);
sqlCmd.Parameters.Add("hrsWrk", HrsWorked);
sqlCmd.Parameters.Add("@ovt", Overtime);
sqlCmd.Parameters.Add("@cmmt", TextArea1.Value);
txtStartDate.Text = "";
hrs.Value = "";
TextArea1.Value = "";
I presume the difference will only be in this line:hookUp = new SqlConnection("Server=localhost\\SqlExpress;Database=test4;" + "Integrated Security=True");