I Have created an admin page to view user account information on monthly bassis but the values to me are not showing up here is the code
$record_campaign = mysql_query("SELECT campaign FROM dailyreport where uid='" . intval($_POST['select3']) . "'");
$record6 = mysql_fetch_array($record_campaign);
$campaign = $record6['campaign'];
$date_table = "Date";
$tleads_table = "Total Leads";
$cleads_table = "Completed Leads";
$opacc_table = "Open Accounts";
$nsure_table = "Not Sure";
$lupload = "Logo Uploaded";
echo "<table border='1' cellpadding='2' cellspacing='2' style='width:150%;'>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<th>Date</th>";
echo "<th>Total Leads</th>";
echo "<th>Completed Leads</th>";
if ($campaign=="Bank Verification" ) {
echo "<th>Open Account</th>";
echo "<th>Not Sure</th>";
else if ($campaign=="Creative Merch") {
echo "<th>Logo Uploaded</th>";
echo "<th> Campaign</th>";
echo "<th>File Submitted</th>";
echo "<th>Reason</th>";
echo "<th>Comments</th>";
echo "</tr>";
$month = $_POST["select1"];
if($_GET["show"]==1) {
$month = $_POST["select1"];
$year = $_POST["select2"];
}else {
$month = date("m");
$year = date("Y");
if($_GET["can"]==1) { $user = $_GET["user"]; }
$startday = 1;
if($month==1||$month==3||$month==5||$month==7||$month==8||$month==10||$month==12) {
$endday = 31;
if($month==4||$month==6||$month==9||$month==11) {
$endday = 30;
$endday = 29;
}else {
$endday = 28;
echo "<script language = 'javascript'>
form1.select1.options[",$month-1,"].selected = true;
form1.select2.options[",$year-2012,"].selected = true;
$date1 = $year."-".$month."-".$startday;
$date2 = $year."-".$month."-".$endday;
$recordset5 = mysql_query("select * from dailyreport where date between '".$date1."' and '".$date2."' and (uid=0 or (uid=" .intval($_POST['select3']).")) order by date");
$days = 0;
while($row3 = mysql_fetch_array($recordset5)) {
$days = $days + 1;
echo "<tr><td>" . $date = $row3['date'] . "</td>";
echo "<td>" . $totalleads = $row3['tleads'] . "</td>";
echo "<td>" . $totalcomp = $row3['cleads'] . "</td>";
if ($campaign=="Bank Verification" ) {
echo "<td>" . $open_acc = $row3['op_acc'] . "</td>";
echo "<td>" . $notsure = $row3['nsure'] . "</td>";
else if ($campaign=="Creative Merch") {
echo "<td>" . $logo_upload = $row3['lupload'] . "</td>";
echo "<td>" . $campaign = $row3['campaign'] . "</td>";
echo "<td>" . $file_del = $row3['fdelivered'] . "</td>";
echo "<td>" . $$reason = $row3['reason'] . "</td>";
echo "<td>" . $comments = $row3['comments'] . "</td>";
echo "<tr/>";
$record_open = mysql_query("SELECT SUM(op_acc) FROM dailyreport where uid={$user}");
$total_open = mysql_fetch_array($record_open);
$record_nsure = mysql_query("SELECT SUM(nsure) FROM dailyreport where uid={$user}");
$total_nsure = mysql_fetch_array($record_nsure);
$record_tleads = mysql_query("SELECT SUM(tleads) FROM dailyreport where uid={$user}");
$total_tleads = mysql_fetch_array($record_tleads);
$record_cleads = mysql_query("SELECT SUM(cleads) FROM dailyreport where uid={$user}");
$total_cleads = mysql_fetch_array($record_cleads);
$record_logo = mysql_query("SELECT SUM(lupload) FROM dailyreport where uid={$user}");
$total_logo = mysql_fetch_array($record_logo);
echo "</div>";
if ($campaign=="Bank Verification" ) {
echo"<label style='margin-top:30px;'><p style='width:55%;'>Total Open Accounts in this Month</p><p>",$total_open[0],"</p><label>";
echo"<label><p style='width:55%;'>Total Not Sure in this Month</p><p>",$total_nsure[0],"</p><label>";
else if ($campaign=="Creative Merch") {
echo"<label style='margin-top:30px;'><p style='width:55%;'>Total Logo Uploaded in this Month</p><p>",$total_logo[0],"</p><label>";
echo"<label><p style='width:55%;'>Total Leads in this Month</p><p>",$total_tleads[0],"</p><label>";
echo"<label><p style='width:55%;'>Total Completed Leads in this Month</p><p>",$total_cleads[0],"</p><label>";
$recordset3 = mysql_query("select * from users where uid=".$user);
while($record3 = mysql_fetch_array($recordset3)){
for(k=0; k< form1.select3.length; k++) {
if(form1.select3.options[k].text =='".$record3["ulogin"]."') {
form1.select3.options[k].selected = true;
The condition which I have placed is not working if ($campaign=="Bank Verification" ) and $total_cleads[0], are also showing the values it is running okay on user page but not working properly on admin page
Thank You