Hello All,
My old computer crashed. I installed XAMMP on my new computer. My old PHP files don't run. I learned that the reason is that register_globals feature has been deprecated and is now permanently Off by default. My old files were written in a 'register_globals=On' environment. I understand that one results is that the superglobals, such as $_POST[], no longer carry HTML form variables into the PHP area. I need to update the code of my old files to accomodate this change.
I reviewed prior threads related to the 'Undefined Index error' that is given when trying to use $_POST[] in PHP 5.3 and higher. But found only two over the past 5 or 6 weeks. One did not generate any replies, and the other generated only one reply that was incorrect.
In Internet searches, I have seen suggestions of using FILTER_INPUT() with functions called INPUT_GET or INPUT_POST. I have not been able to grasp how to use them to carry HTML form data to PHP variable for some type of processing.
How can I process form data without using the old superglobals? How can I update my old files with a minimum of re-writing?
Thanks in Advance.