hya im following a tutorial through a video and im having issues in the following line its showing a error in my editor
$pm_ui .= '<button id="pmBtn" onclick="postPm(''.$u.'',''.$log_username.'','pmsubject','pmtext')">Send</button>';
see full code below including this line if anyone can help be much appreciated
// Protect this script from direct url access
// You may further enhance this protection by checking for certain sessions and other means
if ((!isset($isFriend)) || (!isset($isOwner))){
// Initialize our ui
$pm_ui = "";
// If visitor to profile is a friend and is not the owner can send you a pm
// Build ui carry the profile id, vistor name, pm subject and comment to js
if($isFriend == true && $isOwner == "no"){
$pm_ui = "<hr>";
$pm_ui .= '<input id="pmsubject" onkeyup="statusMax(this,30)" placeholder="Subject of pm..."><br />';
$pm_ui .= '<textarea id="pmtext" onkeyup="statusMax(this,250)" placeholder="Send '.$u.' a private message">