I am having no luck with this code but for some reason i can get this element to work but not the other one. here is my code.

<td><a onclick="javascript:approve_account_function(<?php echo $row['id'];?>, <?php echo $rownumber;?>)" class="btn btn-success" name="yes_account" id="yes_account">Approve</a></td>
                         <td><a onclick="javascript:decline_account_function(<?php echo $row['id'];?>, <?php echo $rownumber;?>)" class="btn btn-danger" name="no_account" id="no_account">Decline</a></td>
                         <input type="hidden" name="sub_id<?php echo $rownumber;?>" id="sub_id<?php echo $rownumber;?>" value="<?php echo $row['id']; ?>"/>
                      } ?>
      <input type="hidden" name="row_total" id="row_total" value="<?php echo $rownumber; ?>"/>

one thing to rememebr is that my hidden elements are being generated by a while loop so they will be different per user. This way i can pass these elements to my ajax and then through ajax pass them to the server through php, my row_total element works but my other one does not.

Here is the ajax call, there are two but they are nearly identical in function

<script type="text/javascript">

function approve_account_function(subscriber_id, rownum){
  var xhr;
    if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
        xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
        xhr = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
    else {
        throw new Error("Ajax is not supported by this browser");

    var note_text = $(this).attr("sub_id"+subscriber_id);
    var cnotes = $("#row_total").val(); //will be the value of loggedIn

    // var note_text=$('#row_id'+rownum).val();
    // var cnotes=$('#row_total').val();
     var lock_data = "sub_id="+note_text+"&row_total="+cnotes;

  //var lock_data = $("form#approval_form").serialize(); // gets all data from your form
    url : "http://localhost/xampp/approve_subscriber/approve_account.php",
    type: "POST",
    data: lock_data,
      success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR)
      //data - response from server

      // reloads page after user clicks ok on the response

function decline_account_function(subscriber_id, rownum){
  var xhr;
    if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
        xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
        xhr = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
    else {
        throw new Error("Ajax is not supported by this browser");

    var note_text=$('#sub_id'+rownum).val();
    var cnotes = $("#row_total").val(); //will be the value of loggedIn

    // var note_text=$('#row_id'+rownum).val();
    // var cnotes=$('#row_total').val();
     var lock_data = "sub_id="+note_text+"&row_total="+cnotes;

  //var lock_data = $("#newtable").serialize(); // gets all data from your form
    url : "http://localhost/xampp/approve_subscriber/decline_account.php",
    type: "POST",
    data: lock_data,
      success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR)
      //data - response from server

      // reloads page after user clicks ok on the response


here is one of the php files, they are both identical except the sql statements so if one gets fixed it should be applyable to the other.

include_once '../includes/db_connect.php';

$total = $_POST['row_total'];

for ($i=0; $i < $total; $i++) { 

    $id = $_POST['sub_id'.$i];

    $add_sql = "INSERT INTO approved_users SELECT * FROM temp_users WHERE id='".$id."'";
    $delete_sql = "DELETE FROM temp_users WHERE id='".$id."'";

    if (mysqli_query($con, $add_sql)) {
        mysqli_query($con, $delete_sql);
        echo "Successfully Approved User";
        // table modified and updated


//echo "Successfully Approved User";


im not sure how to fix this issue mainly because i dont see it, i have done this before or so i thought in another snippet of code and i have tried applying the same method but to no success

any and all help is as always greatly appreciated

It might be a cross-domain security measure. Instead of using a fully qualified domain for your URL, try using a relative path. If your form is on a different server and you have to use the full domain, then look into cross domain ajax posting.

lol i figured it out, the issue was on my end, i was not passing my form values correctly in my loop, my rownumber reference was always 1 ahead of the function so essentially i was passing sub_id1 to a php file listening for sub_id0. i moved my rownumber counter and now it works like a charm, im sorry for the confusion, thanks for the help bnmng

Cool. Glad you figured it out. And thanks for responding.

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