Hi there ,
How to write multiple update_batch query in codeigniter?
My script is not working ...
Please give some solutions for multiple update row using update_batch...

getting below Error:

A Database Error Occurred

You must use the "set" method to update an entry.

Filename: D:\xampp\htdocs\DEAL\system\database\DB_active_rec.php

Line Number: 1273

mycontroller :


my model:

Class Deal_model extends CI_Model
public function deal_imghighlightupdate($id)

                $dataimages = array();
                if(isset($_FILES["image1"])) {  
                         $dataimages[] = array('merchant_deals_id'=>$id, 'deal_images' => $_FILES["image1"]["name"]);                   
                $dataimages = array();
                if(isset($_FILES["image2"])) {  

                         $dataimages[] = array('merchant_deals_id'=>$id, 'deal_images' => $_FILES["image2"]["name"]);  

                $dataimages = array();
                if(isset($_FILES["image3"])) {  

                         $dataimages[] = array('merchant_deals_id'=>$id, 'deal_images' => $_FILES["image3"]["name"]);  


        $this->db->update('deal_images', $dataimages, 'merchant_deals_id');

The third argument for update() must be a WHERE condition (for example: 'id = 4'), instead with update_batch() the third argument is the index key, so try to change your code to:

$this->db->update_batch('deal_images', $dataimages, 'merchant_deals_id');

And it should work.

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