Hi guys,
I have a bit of code that displays an objects image, when you hover over it, it also shows the name of that object. What I would like, is when you hover over it for it to show the object Description instead, I am not sure what to put there and everything I have tried has failed. Any help would be appreciated.
function OBJECT_DisplayObject($P_Element)
$T_List = explode(",",$P_Element);
$T_Name = $P_Element;
$T_Description = SQL_ReadField("Objects",$P_Element,"Description");
$T_FullName = OBJECT_GiveDevelopedNameOfObject($P_Element);
echo '<div class="imageObject"><img src="ressources/images/objects/', $P_Element, '.jpg" width="150" height="150" hspace=0 vspace=0 title="', $P_Element, '"/></div>';
echo "<div style=\"width:160px;height:40;font-family:Garamond;\"><center><b>"
. $T_Name
. "</b>";
if ($T_Name != $T_FullName)
echo "<br>" . $T_FullName;
echo "</div>";