Member Avatar for anmol.raghuvanshi1

In my registration page i want user to select multiple images and upload it i am saving images name in database for reference. I am successful in uploading single images in database and can also show image in view but now i have problem in uploading multiple images.

if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');


class Update_profile extends CI_Controller {

      var $file_path;  //for original image
      var $file_path_url; //for thumbnails

     function __construct()
          // Call the Model constructor
          $this->load->helper(array('form', 'url'));
          //return full path of directory
          //Make sure these directory have read and write permission
          $this->file_path = realpath(APPPATH . '../upload/large');
          $this->file_path_url = realpath(APPPATH.'../upload/thumbs/');

         // $this->load->model('Insert_article');        

    public  function index() {


    }// index function ends

  // function to upload images
    function upload()
        //loading image class
        $session_data = $this->session->userdata('sessiondata');
        $user_id = $session_data['user_id'];
        //post image

        //set preferences
        $config['encrypt_name'] = TRUE; // for encrypting the name
        $config['upload_path'] = LARGEPATH;
        $config['allowed_types'] = 'jpg|png|gif';
        $config['max_size']    = '78000';

        //load moadel ********

        //load upload class library
        $this->load->library('upload', $config);

        //$this->upload->do_upload('filename') will upload selected file to destiny folder
        if (!$this->upload->do_upload('filename'))
            // case - failure
            $upload_error = array('error' => $this->upload->display_errors());
            $this->load->view('edit_profile', $upload_error);
            // case - success
            //callback  returns an array of data related to the uploaded file like the file name, path, size etc
            $upload_data = $this->upload->data();

            // call to model function *********
            $data['images'] = $this->Edit_profile->insert_new_post($upload_data);

            //now creating thumbnails

            $config1 = array(

                    'source_image'      => $upload_data['full_path'],
                    'create_thumb'      =>true,
                    'overwrite'         =>true,
                    'maintain_ratio'    =>true,
                    'new_image'         => THUMBPATH,
                    'thumb_marker'   =>'',
                    'maintain_ratio'    => true,
                    'width'             => 128,
                    'height'            => 128
                /// print_r($config1);
                    if ( ! $this->image_lib->resize()){echo $this->image_lib->display_errors();}

                //  echo $this->image_lib->display_errors(); 
            //here is the second thumbnail, notice the call for the initialize() function again
            //$data['success_msg'] = '<div class="alert alert-success text-center">Your file <strong>' .$upload_data['file_name']. '</strong> was successfully uploaded!</div>';
             //$this->load->view('edit_profile', $data);

            $this->session->set_flashdata('success_msg', '<div class="alert alert-success text-center">Your file <strong>' . '</strong> was successfully uploaded!</div>');



} //class ends   

Above code is working for uploading single image and saving name of image in database and creating thumnails also and then i changed it to

    function upload()
                $name_array = array();
                $count = count($_FILES['file']['size']);
                foreach($_FILES as $key=>$value)
                for($s=0; $s<=$count-1; $s++) {
                $_FILES['file']['type']    = $value['type'][$s];
                $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'] = $value['tmp_name'][$s];
                $_FILES['file']['error']       = $value['error'][$s];
                $_FILES['file']['size']    = $value['size'][$s]; 

                //set preferences
                $config['encrypt_name'] = TRUE; // for encrypting the name
                $config['upload_path'] = LARGEPATH;
                $config['allowed_types'] = 'jpg|png|gif';
                $config['max_size']    = '78000';

                //load moadel ********

                //load upload class library
                $this->load->library('upload', $config);

                   // case - failure
                    $upload_error = array('error' => $this->upload->display_errors());
                    $this->load->view('gallery', $upload_error);
                   // case - success
                    //callback  returns an array of data related to the uploaded file like the file name, path, size etc
                    $upload_data = $this->upload->data();
                    //$data = $this->upload->data();
                    $name_array[] = $upload_data['file_name']; //success till here now inserting in database and creating thumbnails
                    $data['images'] = $this->Image_gallery->insert_new_post($upload_data);

                    $this->session->set_flashdata('success_msg', '<div class="alert alert-success text-center">Your file <strong>' . '</strong> was successfully uploaded!</div>');



Finally my model

     function insert_new_post($upload_data)

    $session_data = $this->session->userdata('sessiondata');
    $user_id = $session_data['user_id'];

    $filePath = $upload_data['file_name'];
    $query = "UPDATE `tbl_usrs` set profile_picture='".$filePath."' where user_id='".$user_id."'";
   // $this->db->query($query,array($img));
   $arg=array ($upload_data);

            return true; // if added to database
        }else {
                return false;


So how can i change my model so that for given login user it can upload multiple image and name of those images is saved in database.

Thnks in advance

Member Avatar for anmol.raghuvanshi1

can anyone help me in this??

It would be helpful to know how you upload multiple images:

  1. are you using an array?

    <input type="file" name="image[]">
  2. or different names?

    <input type="file" name="image_1">
    <input type="file" name="image_2">
    <input type="file" name="image_3">
    <input type="file" name="image_4">
    <input type="file" name="image_5">

Because in first case you must loop the $_FILES array to get each image information, for more information follow these instructions:

Or simply print the contents of the $_FILES array to see the format of the received request.

Member Avatar for anmol.raghuvanshi1

I am using array.
that's actually i have done but problem is when i select multiple images it uploads only one


in the controller you're trying to rewrite the $_FILES array to condition the execution of line 27:


Ok, then replace lines 4, 5 and 6 with:

$files = $_FILES;

foreach($files as $key => $value)
    for($s = 0; $s < count($files['file']['size']); $s++)

The $files variable will hold a copy of the original $_FILES array. Otherwise the loop will stop because you're overwriting the $_FILES array and it cannot continue. A test method:

public function upload()
    $files = $_FILES;

    print '<h3>Original $_FILES array:</h3>';
    print "<pre>" . print_r($_FILES, true) . "</pre>";

    foreach($files as $key => $value)
        for($s = 0; $s < count($files['file']['size']); $s++)
            $_FILES['file']['name']     = $value['name'][$s];
            $_FILES['file']['type']     = $value['type'][$s];
            $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'] = $value['tmp_name'][$s];
            $_FILES['file']['error']    = $value['error'][$s];
            $_FILES['file']['size']     = $value['size'][$s]; 

            $config['upload_path']   = FCPATH . 'uploads/';
            $config['allowed_types'] = 'gif|jpg|png';

            $this->load->library('upload', $config);

            print "<hr>";

            print '<h3>Rewritten $_FILES array number #'.$s.':</h3>';
            print "<pre>" . print_r($_FILES, true) . "</pre>";

            print "<h3>Upload data:</h3>";
            print "<pre>" . print_r($this->upload->data(), true) . "</pre>";

            print "<h3>Errors:</h3>";
            print "<pre>" . print_r($this->upload->display_errors(), true) . "</pre>";

Member Avatar for anmol.raghuvanshi1

Thnks test method helps me a lot

hmm, can you help me, if the structure like this.
<input type="file" name="image_1">
<input type="file" name="image_2">
<input type="file" name="image_3">
<input type="file" name="image_4">
<input type="file" name="image_5">

Hi, this should work:

public function upload_multi()
    $config['upload_path']   = FCPATH . 'uploads/';
    $config['allowed_types'] = 'gif|jpg|png';
    $config['remove_spaces'] = TRUE;
    $config['encrypt_name']  = TRUE;
    $config['max_size']      = '10000';
    $config['overwrite']     = FALSE;

    $this->load->library('upload', $config);

    # upload
    foreach($_FILES as $key => $value)
        if($value['error'] == 0 && $value['size'] > 0)
            $upload['data'][$key] = $this->upload->data();

            # @see
            # and also if: (size == 0 && error == 0) then file is empty
            $upload['errors'][$key] = "Error: {$value['error']}";

    print "<hr>";

    print '<h3>$_FILES:</h3>';
    print "<pre>" . print_r($_FILES, true) . "</pre>";

    print "<h3>Upload data:</h3>";
    print "<pre>" . print_r($upload['data'], true) . "</pre>";

    print "<h3>Errors:</h3>";
    print "<pre>" . print_r($upload['errors'], true) . "</pre>";

The $upload array will hold the data for each uploaded image and eventual errors. (And will probably work also for the previous question, not sure what I was thinking when answered...).


Thank you for providing solutions to upload multiple image, Really it helpful for me.

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