
i have a sample web appliaction which get a value from HTML text feild and redirect to HTML page according to the value passed
but the problem is that i can't get the value entered in the html text throught (request.form) method

I get the below error
werkzeug.routing.BuildError: Could not build url for endpoint 'suc'. Did you forget to specify values ['name']?

from flask import Flask ,redirect, url_for, request

app = Flask (__name__)

def suc(name):
    return "hello Boss %s" % name

@app.route('/login', methods = ['GET','POST'])
def login():
    if request.method == 'post':
        user = request.form['nm']
        return redirect(url_for('suc',name = user))
        user = request.args.get('nm')
        return redirect(url_for('suc',name = user))

if __name__ == '__main__' :
    app.run(debug = True)


      <form action = "http://localhost:5000/login" method = "post">
         <p>Enter Name:</p>
         <p><input type = "text" name = "nm" /></p>
         <p><input type = "submit" value = "submit" /></p>


Im sure that the value of text not passed correctly to user varable becouse when i change the code and pass the value name like the following :-
return redirect(url_for('suc',name = 'hossam'))`
The code works fine

To set it up more,correct and fix error.
Capitale letters in method == 'POST'
Have remove GET to avoid to confusion.



from flask import Flask,redirect,url_for,request,render_template

app = Flask (__name__)
def my_form():
    return render_template("index.html")

def suc(name):
    return "hello Boss %s" % name

@app.route('/login', methods=['POST'])
def log():
    if request.method == 'POST':
        user = request.form['nm']
        return redirect(url_for('suc', name=user))

if __name__ == '__main__' :


      <form action = "http://localhost:5000/login" method="post">
         <p>Enter Name:</p>
         <p><input type="text" name="nm" /></p>
         <p><input type="submit" value="submit" /></p>
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