i am getting error
Not Found
The requested URL /home was not found on this server.

please overview my code here . specially main functions are servePage and displayPage .

 * Copyright 2009 - 2011 Color Shift, Inc.
 * @package Luminance v4.0
 * This class handles all of our page building and output

class LuminancePageBuilder
    private $lumRegistry;
    private $lumStrings;
    private $url;
    private $bits = array();
    private $plugins;
    private $last_bit_id = 0;
    private $info = null;

    function __construct(&$registry)
        $this->lumRegistry = $registry;
        $this->lumStrings = new LuminancePluginStrings($registry);

public function addCustomString($string)

    public function loadStringTable()

    public function servePage()
            //echo "Serve Page\n";

        $page_data = $this->build();

        if ($page_data !== false)
            // good
            // bad

    private function displayPage($page_data)
        header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); 
            case '200':
                header('HTTP/1.1 200 OK');
            case '503':
                header('HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable');
            case '404':
                header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');

        echo $page_data->getResult();

    public function showNotAvailable()

    public function show404()


    private function findPluginContent($bit, $is_last)
        // we'll go through each installed plugin starting with
        $classes = lum_getInstalledPlugins();

        foreach ($classes as $plugin)
            $potential_plugin = 'LuminancePlugin'.$plugin;

            if (!class_exists($potential_plugin))

            if (method_exists($potential_plugin, 'parseBit'))
            //echo $potential_plugin;   
                            $obj = new $potential_plugin($this->lumRegistry);

                if (method_exists($potential_plugin, 'setIncomingInfo'))

                // let's see if the object knows what this bit is
                $stop = $obj->parseBit($bit, $is_last, $this->last_bit_id);

                if ($stop === WEB_SERVICE_ERROR)
                //echo "Web Serive Error";

                // see if we're supposed to cache this page - only if caching is turned on
                $cache_page = $obj->cachePage();

                // see if we need to add strings to the string table

                // we pass this into each subsequent bit plugin in case it needs it
                // for instance, the Pages plugin uses it to verify parent pages
                $this->last_bit_id = $obj->getLastBitId();
                if (method_exists($potential_plugin, 'getOutgoingInfo'))
                    $this->info = ($obj->getOutgoingInfo() ? $obj->getOutgoingInfo() : $this->info);

                // we don't need you any more!

                // return what we've found!
                return array($stop, $cache_page);

    public function setLastBitId($id)
        $this->last_bit_id = $id;

    public function getLastBitId($id)
        return $this->last_bit_id;

    private function addStringsToTable($strings)

        if (is_array($strings) && count($strings) > 0)
            if (isset($GLOBALS['ADD_STRINGS']))
                $GLOBALS['ADD_STRINGS'] = array_merge($GLOBALS['ADD_STRINGS'], $strings);
                $GLOBALS['ADD_STRINGS'] = $strings;

    private function getPageNotAvailable()
        $page_data = new LuminancePage();

        if (is_file(PAGE_NOT_AVAILABLE))
            $page_data->setResult('<p>Page not available</p>');
        return $page_data;

    private function getPageNotFound()
        $page_data = new LuminancePage();

    if (is_file(PAGE_NOT_FOUND))

            $page_data->setResult('<p>Page not found</p>');
        return $page_data;

    private function build()
        // this function stores the entire page so we can
        // do more with it after the page is built

        // start the buffer capture

        // Do we need to parse the url. We may have already done it
        $url_bits = $this->getBits();
                echo $url_bits[0];
                echo "\n";
                echo $url_bits[1];
                echo "\n";
        // default to the home page if there are no bits
        if ((count($url_bits) == 1 && $url_bits[0] == '') || count($url_bits) == 0)
            $url_bits[0] = DEFAULT_HOME_SEO_NAME;

                        }else if(count($url_bits) == 2 && $url_bits[0] == 'index.php')

                    $url_bits[0] = DEFAULT_HOME_SEO_NAME;
                else if(count($url_bits) == 2 && $url_bits[1] == 'index.php')

                    $url_bits[1] = DEFAULT_HOME_SEO_NAME;
        // so we know if a bit resulted in any content or not
        $found_content = false;

        // so we know if we should cache the page or not
        // fyi, the caching define is used in the caching class
        // this function doesn't care about that right now
        $cache_page = false;

         * At this point we need to check our bits against
         * our plugins to see what kind of page we're supposed
         * to display.

        for ($i = 0;$i<count($url_bits);$i++)
            $is_last = ($i == (count($url_bits) - 1));
            $bit = $url_bits[$i];
            if ($bit == '')

            bit: $bit<br/>
            lum_logMe('is last:');

             * Look for bits by the name in the url
             * For instance:
             * http://www.yourdomain.com/en/category/page
             * URL bits look like this:
             * $url_bits[0] = 'en';
             * $url_bits[1] = 'category';
             * $url_bits[2] = 'page';
             * We'll now iterate through each bit
             * and look for it in each plugin until 
             * we find a match.
             * If we ultimately cannot find a bit
             * we'll either display error 404 not found.

            // a system bit is a hard coded bit that's set in defines.inc.php
            if ($this->isAdminPage($bit))
                // we found content!
                $found_content = true;

                // don't cache system pages
                $cache_page = false;

                // break out of the loop

             * this will check the bit against all valid
             * plugins. If there is any content it will be
             * output to the buffer and captured here.
             * if we should stop processing the plugin will
             * let us know.

            list($stop, $cache_page) = $this->findPluginContent($bit, $is_last);

            if ($stop)
                // we've found our content!
                $found_content = true;

        if (!$found_content)
            // return an error 404!
            return false;

        $page_data = ob_get_contents();


        // now we do our string replacements
        // string replacements based on language!
        // meta title, key words, string table, etc!

        $page_data = $this->replaceStrings($page_data); 

        $c = new LuminanceCache(HTML_CACHE_PATH, _USE_DEBUG);

        if ($cache_page == true && _USE_CACHING)
            // this is permanently stored in the cache until the page content 
            // is changed in the admintools. We'll find the page cache on 
            // change and delete it.
            $path = "";
            if (!is_dir($cache_path))
                mkdir($cache_path, 0775);

            if (!$this->lumRegistry->language->is_default)
                $cache_path .= '/'.$this->lumRegistry->language->lang_code;
                if (!is_dir($cache_path))
                    mkdir($cache_path, 0775);

            for ($i = 0;$i<count($url_bits);$i++)
                $folder = '/'.$url_bits[$i];
                if ($folder == '/'.DEFAULT_HOME_SEO_NAME)
                    $folder = '';

                $cache_path = $cache_path.$folder;
                if (!is_dir($cache_path))
                    mkdir($cache_path, 0775);
                $path = $cache_path;    

            $c->store_html($path, $page_data);

        return new LuminancePage("200", $page_data); // 200 OK Page Header and the data

    private function isAdminPage($bit)
        if ($bit == TOOLS_STEP)
            // load the user authentication
            return true;
        return false;           

    public function replaceStrings($page_data)
        $string_table = $this->lumStrings->getStringTable();

        // these were set dynamically by plugins
        $custom_string_table = $this->lumStrings->getCustomStringTable();

        if (isset($custom_string_table) && is_array($custom_string_table))
            $custom_string_table = str_replace('[META_TITLE]', $string_table['[META_TITLE]'], $custom_string_table );
            $custom_string_table = str_replace('[META_DESCRIPTION]', $string_table['[META_DESCRIPTION]'], $custom_string_table );
            $custom_string_table = str_replace('[META_KEYWORDS]', $string_table['[META_KEYWORDS]'], $custom_string_table );         
            $string_table = array_merge($string_table, $custom_string_table);

        if (isset($string_table) && is_array($string_table))
            // we're doing this twice on purpose to catch any secondary replacements
            $page_data = strtr($page_data, $string_table);
            $page_data = strtr($page_data, $string_table);
                echo $page_data;
        return $page_data;      

    public function parseUrl($url)
        $url_split = explode('#', $url);
        $url = $url_split[0];
        $url_split = explode('?', $url);
        $url = $url_split[0];
        $url = substr($url,1);
        $this->bits = explode("/", $url);

        if (count($this->bits) == 1 && $this->bits[0] == '')
            $this->bits[0] = DEFAULT_HOME_SEO_NAME;

        return $this->bits;

    public function getBits()
        return $this->bits;

    public function setBits($bits)
        $this->bits = $bits;



class LuminancePage

    private $result = '';
    private $header = ''; // the http header value

    function __construct($header = null, $result =null )
        $this->result = $result;
        $this->header = $header;

        public function getResult()
        return $this->result;

    public function setResult($value)
        $this->result = $value;

    public function getHeader()
        return $this->header;

    public function setHeader($value)
        $this->header = $value;


Asking people to analyze over 400 lines of code is disrespectful IMO. Eliminate the unnecessary cruft such as many of your getter/setter methods for this class that do no touch the $url member.

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