hi all im trying to update a script and i have the following errors which ive googled and im lost if anyone can help be much appreciated ty jan x
PHP Notice: Use of undefined constant prepare_insert - assumed 'prepare_insert' in /home/matureco/public_html/UPLOADIMAGE/config/db_connect.php on line 32
code for this error is below
//prepare to insert data
if(! function_exists(prepare_insert) )
function prepare_insert($data) {
$data = trim ( $data );
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc ())
$data = stripslashes ( $data );
return mysqli_escape_string ( $data );
PHP Notice: Use of undefined constant prepare_show - assumed 'prepare_show' in /home/matureco/public_html/UPLOADIMAGE/config/db_connect.php on line 43
if(! function_exists(prepare_show) )
//prepare to show in browes
function prepare_show($data) {
$data = stripslashes ( $data );
$data = htmlspecialchars ( $data, ENT_QUOTES );
return nl2br ( $data );
PHP Notice: Use of undefined constant Age - assumed 'Age' in /home/matureco/public_html/UPLOADIMAGE/config/db_connect.php on line 55
// find age
if(! function_exists(Age) )
function Age($birthdate)
return date("Y") - substr(trim($birthdate),-4,4);