Ladies & Gentle Men Programmers!

If you add the following anonymous web proxy url prior to your chosen URL then you can view that URL anonymously via the web proxy:[^]

For example, if you want to view then you'd view it anonymously via this url:

So far so good. Type your URL here and see for yourself:

Anyways. Now, if you want to search for a keyword on google non-anonymously then you can do it by adding the following google url prior to your chosen KEYWORDS.

For example, if your keywords are: php programming forum

then you'd keywords search on google via this url:

Again, so far so good.

But now look!
If you now want to search for a keyword on google ANONYMOUSLY then you should be able to do it by adding the following google url prior to your chosen KEYWORDS and the following anonymous web proxy url prior to that particular google url.
For example, if your keywords are again: php programming forum

then you'd keywords search on google via the anonymous web proxy with this url:

But guess what ? For some reason google is not making the keywords search if you try searching google via a web proxy! Clicking the above mentioned link you will see it just shows Google homepage but no keywords search results or SERP! Why is that and how to code to solve this issue o that google does conduct searches if you're searching via a web proxy ?

This seems very complicated. Why not just use DuckDuckGo?

From what I understand, they function as a "proxy" in that they simply use Google's search API.

It looks like anonymouse is using an older version of Google or something (If you compare the anonymouse'd version of the Google homepage to the current version, you'll see that it's an older snapshot).


I am trying to build my own Social Network (SN) where you can view the web anonymously but I do not want to run my own web proxy as my host does not allow it plus it is risky running one as people would download illegal stuffs. If my SN users donload illegal stuffs (going against my TOS) then atleast my website isn't compromised.
My SN would have lots of features (which duck Duck Go etc. do not have) and one of them is anonymous browsing.

I just see the captcha submit button without the captcha img:

I see no google search results atall!

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