HI, I have attempted to put a login page on to my web page that i am developing as a learnig curve. I am almost there i think, i have created a table in my database that stores the username and passwords and i have a php script that i have wrote that should check the database and if the credentials are correct then let me though to the webpage. However no matter what i enter in the username and password box it says incorrect. This is the php code:
<?php session_start();
$servername = "localhost";
$username = "Dylanc";
$password = "xxxx";
$dbname = "FirstAttempt";
// Create connection
$conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
// Check connection
if ($conn->connect_error) {
die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);
$result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Username = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['Username']) . "' and Password = '" . mysql_real_escape_string(md5($_POST['Password'])) . "'");
if ($row['admin']==1) {
$_SESSION['usersession'] = $_POST['Username'];
header("Location: mainpage.php");
} elseif ($row['admin']==0) {
header("Location: index.php?error=2");
header("Location: index.php?error=1");
I have a row in my table called admin, on the accounts that should be able to login this is set to 1 so the code should check the username and password and if the admin row is set to 1 then go thorugh to "mainpage". If admin is set to 0 this should fail and set error =2. I then have this in the index page:
<?php if($_GET['error'] == '2'): ?>
Login Credentials are Incorrect<?php endif ?><?php if($_GET['LogOff'] == '1'): ?>Logout Successful<?php endif ?></h3>
<form action="Credentials.php" method="post" name="login">
<td class="menu" style="width: 394px"> Username: </td>
<td class="menu" style="width: 204px">
<input class="auto-style16" name="username" style="width: 250px" type="text" size="20" /></td>
<td class="menu" style="width: 394px"> Password: </td>
<td class="menu" style="width: 204px">
<input class="auto-style16" name="password" style="width: 250px" type="password" size="20" /></td>
<td class="menu" style="width: 394px; height: 23px;"> </td>
<td class="auto-style1" style="height: 23px; width: 204px;">
<input class="auto-style16" name="Submit1" type="submit" value="Login" style="height: 28px" /></td>
<td class="menu" colspan="2"> </td>
So if the error=2 then dispaly incorrect credentials. I am getting that error each time so it is like the php code runs and think the admin row is set to 0 even though it isn't. Hope this makes sense. Does anyone have any suggestions?