Hi i am trying to insert pdo multiple checkbox value in one column into database and display it to the user, but i am getting this error
Error: SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: parameter was not defined.I cant see the error and dont know how to fix it. :(
That is my code :
I have 3 PHP files create table, insert and select


include "connect_pdo.php";

subscribe VARCHAR(200))";

$sq = $pdo->query($sql);

if ($sq) {
    echo "Table created successfully";
//Counting number of checked checkboxes
$checked_count = count($_POST['check_list']);
echo "You have inserted following ".$checked_count." option(s): <br/>";
//Loop to store and display values of individually checked checkbox
foreach($_POST['check_list'] as $selected) {
echo "<p>".$selected ."</p>";
foreach($checkbox1 as $chk1)
$chk = $chk1.",";
try {
include "connect_pdo.php";

$query = $pdo->prepare('INSERT INTO subscriptions (name, email, subscribe) VALUES(:name, :email, :chk)');
$query->execute(array(':name'=> $name,':email'=> $email, ':subscribe'=> $chk));
header("Location: preferences.html");
catch(PDOException $e) {
echo 'Error: ' .$e->getMessage();


include "connect_pdo.php";

$query = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM subscriptions");
echo"<table border=\"1\" width\150\">";
echo '<tr>
while($r = $query->fetch()){

  $test1 = $r[1];
  $test2 = $r[2];
  $test3 = $r[3];

echo "<tr>";

echo '<td>' . $r['1'] . '</td>';

echo '<td>' . $r['2'] . '</td>';

echo '<td>' . $r['3'] . '</td>';

echo '<td><a href="edit.php?id=' . $row['id'] . '">Edit</a></td>';

echo '<td><a href="delete.php?id=' . $row['id'] . '">Delete</a></td>';

echo "</tr>";


read the error carefully, it says:

Error: SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: parameter was not defined.

And look at your prepared statement:

$query = $pdo->prepare('INSERT INTO subscriptions (name, email, subscribe) VALUES(:name, :email, :chk)');

And the execution:

$query->execute(array(':name'=> $name,':email'=> $email, ':subscribe'=> $chk));

As you see you have defined :chk in the prepared statement, and :subscribe in the array that is executed. Fix it and you will solve this error.

What's with the array declaration on line 35? Do you need that? Also, knowing where the error is occuring would be helpful.

hi i changed like this but now is not displaing to the user which checkboxes he tick and also in select php is i showing just one checkbox checked with ", " but is suppose to show all checked checkboxes with ","

//Counting number of checked checkboxes
$checked_count = count($_POST['check_list']);
echo "You have inserted following ".$checked_count." option(s): <br/>";
//Loop to store and display values of individually checked checkbox
foreach($_POST['check_list'] as $selected) {
echo "<p>".$selected ."</p>";
foreach($checkbox1 as $chk1)
$chk = $chk1.",";
try {
include "connect_pdo.php";

$query = $pdo->prepare('INSERT INTO subscribe (name, email, subscribe) VALUES(:name, :email, :chk)');
$query->execute(array(':name'=> $name,':email'=> $email, ':chk'=> $chk));
header("Location: preferences.html");
catch(PDOException $e) {
echo 'Error: ' .$e->getMessage();
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foreach($checkbox1 as $chk1)
$chk = $chk1.",";

That won't work as you're overwriting $chk with each iteration. So however many you have, you'll end up with the last checkbox only with a trailing comma.

Member Avatar for diafol

If you have a checkbox array:

$checkbox1 = (array) $_POST['check_list'];
$checkstring = implode(",", $checkbox1);
echo $checkstring;

No need to loop.

hi thank you so much yes now is working in select is diplaying the checkboxes how i want but now the problem is is not displaying checkbox_count to the user
that part:

$checked_count = count($_POST['check_list']);
echo "You have inserted following ".$checked_count." option(s): <br/>";
//Loop to store and display values of individually checked checkbox
foreach($_POST['check_list'] as $selected) {
echo "<p>".$selected ."</p>";
Member Avatar for diafol

Sorry keep thinking of other stuff to add...

If you have less than 32 checkboxes and you will never go over this, then you can use the following:

//hardcoding these - but get them from DB table
$options = [1=>"Something", 2=>"Somebody", 4=>"Anybody", 8=>"Nobody", 16=>"Whoever", 32=>"Herself", 64=>"Itself", 126=>"Myself"];
$selected = 103; //(means options 1+2+4+32+64) - comes from stored value in DB for user

$output = '';
foreach($options as $k=>$v){
    $sel = ($k && $selected) ? 'checked' : ''
    $output .= "<label><input type='checkbox' name="check_list[]" value='$k' $sel/> $v</label>\n";
//then later on in your html form...

<form ...>

When you get the form sent - you can retrieve the checked values thus:

$checkboxSum = (isset($_POST['check_list'])) ? array_sum($_POST['check_list']) : 0;

Just a thought. A working demo (of sorts) here: http://demos.diafol.org/bitwise-checkboxes.php - must admit - an old page, when I was younger (my excuse).

commented: Always great! +14

no its not working like this too :(
do you know any other way

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Show your code. Your db table schemas. Your form. To say its not working, give up and then ask for a different solution... some people would give up on you, say you.re not working and ask for a different problem to solve.

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