I want to add a Facebook share button on my website. But I don't want the new window pop up dialog. I want the dialog that opens on the website, just like Facebook has.

I want to accomplish this:


Instead of this:


Can anyone point to me a resource?

michaelsmith commented: I am looking for this +0

I looked at other websites and not one has such an interface. Look at how Daniweb shares. What's wrong with that?

I just think it's more neat.

I had to make custom social share buttons for a client as well and opened the shared dialogs in a new window, but small in size like a modal and centered on the screen.


<ul class="share">
        <a href="//www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=<?php echo curPageURL();?>">Facebook</a>
        <a href="//plus.google.com/share?url=<?php echo curPageURL();?>">Google</a>
        <a href="//twitter.com/intent/tweet?url=<?php echo curPageURL();?>">Twitter</a>

PHP function to get the current page URL:

function curPageURL() {
    $pageURL = 'http';
    if ($_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") {$pageURL .= "s";}
    $pageURL .= "://";
    if ($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] != "80") {
    } else {
    return $pageURL;


$('.share').on('click', 'a', function (e) {


    var url = this.href,
        title = document.title,
        userAgent = navigator.userAgent,
        mobile = function() {
            return /\b(iPhone|iP[ao]d)/.test(userAgent) ||
            /\b(iP[ao]d)/.test(userAgent) ||
            /Android/i.test(userAgent) ||
        screenX = typeof window.screenX != 'undefined' ? window.screenX : window.screenLeft,
        screenY = typeof window.screenY != 'undefined' ? window.screenY : window.screenTop,
        outerWidth = typeof window.outerWidth != 'undefined' ? window.outerWidth : document.documentElement.clientWidth,
        outerHeight = typeof window.outerHeight != 'undefined' ? window.outerHeight : document.documentElement.clientHeight - 22,
        w = 480,
        h = 400,
        targetWidth = mobile() ? null : w,
        targetHeight = mobile() ? null : h,
        V = screenX < 0 ? window.screen.width + screenX : screenX,
        left = parseInt(V + (outerWidth - targetWidth) / 2, 10),
        right = parseInt(screenY + (outerHeight - targetHeight) / 2.5, 10),
        attributes = [];
    if (targetWidth !== null) {
        attributes.push('width=' + targetWidth);
    if (targetHeight !== null) {
        attributes.push('height=' + targetHeight);
        'width=' + w,
        'height=' + h,
        'left=' + left,
        'top=' + right,

    var newWindow = window.open(url, title, attributes.join(','));

    if (window.focus) {

    return newWindow;

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