Hi Friends

I got very big issue I hope some one can solve my issue!!

How to write the new line in existing pdf file ?
I am using third party library file libphp_pdf.dll its working in linux machine only.

I am try to configure windows machine i got the error message.

any otherway to write the new line exiting pdf file ..

Please send me any suggestion .


Hi Friends

I got very big issue I hope some one can solve my issue!!

How to write the new line in existing pdf file ?
I am using third party library file libphp_pdf.dll its working in linux machine only.

I am try to configure windows machine i got the error message.

any otherway to write the new line exiting pdf file ..

Please send me any suggestion .


check FPDF (www.fpdf.org) and the extension FPDI (fpdi.setasign.de)

this way it's possible to create dynamic pdf file while using php4 only

hai friends

I got the solution. Thanks for your replay .

Step1: download the pdf lib file www.pdflib.com

Copy the dll php extension folder.

Try this code you got the solution


function myErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline)
echo $errstr;
$old_error_handler=set_error_handler("myErrorHandl er");
//trigger_error("Incorrect page limit", E_USER_ERROR);
//Folder where the temporary files will be uploaded for modifications if(is_uploaded_file($_FILES))
//Create a new pdf object
$pdf = pdf_new();

//Set the required parameters
pdf_set_parameter($pdf, 'pdiwarning', 'true');
pdf_set_parameter($pdf, 'compatibility','1.5');

//Open an inmemory pdf file

//$pdi = pdf_open_pdi($pdf, "firstfile.pdf", "", 0);
//$page= pdf_open_pdi_page($pdf, $pdi, 1, "");

//Get the file to add the content
//Actual filename which will be used later to download the modified file
//Get the file to add the content
//Actual filename which will be used later to download the modified file

//Actual filename which will be used later to download the modified file

$pdi = pdf_open_pdi($pdf, $file, "", 0);
//$page= pdf_open_pdi_page($pdf, $pdi, 1, "");

// $width = pdf_get_pdi_value($pdf, "width", $pdi, $page, 0);
// $height = pdf_get_pdi_value($pdf, "height", $pdi, $page, 0);

//Gets the content to be added and noof pages in the pdf document
//$content='test test';

$noofpages = pdf_get_pdi_value($pdf, "/Root/Pages/Count", $pdi, 0, 0);


//Creates a pdi instance for the selected file
//$pdi = pdf_open_pdi($pdf, $file, "", 0);

//Loop for importing the contents of every page

//Imports the selected page
$page= pdf_open_pdi_page($pdf, $pdi, $i, "");
//Gets the dimensions of the selected page
$width = pdf_get_pdi_value($pdf, "width", $pdi, $page, 0);
$height = pdf_get_pdi_value($pdf, "height", $pdi, $page, 0);
//Starts a new pdf page
pdf_begin_page($pdf, $width, $height);
// place page from pdi into the pdf file
pdf_place_pdi_page($pdf, $page, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
// now add text to the first page at the top right corner
$font = pdf_findfont($pdf, "Courier", "host", 0);
pdf_setfont($pdf, $font, 10);
pdf_show_xy($pdf, $content, $width-(($length*6)+10), $height-15);
pdf_close_pdi_page($pdf, $page);

//Send the modified pdf file to the user
$data = pdf_get_buffer($pdf);
header("Content-type: application/pdf");
header("Content-disposition: attachement; filename=$filename");
header("Content-length: " . strlen($data));
echo $data;


and what if your hosting provider doesn't support this commercial library?

fpdf works on every php host and is free... I tried the same some years before and skipped pdf-lib because I needed to host on a dedicated server

I am not clear please can you send me the fpdf details brefly



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