My question is simple: I have a text area that is filled with IP/CIDR's and I want to know how I can retrieve an IP from there and then check the IP as used.

The text area (which is implemented in plugin's page configuration and I can edit the configuration page through API, I can get the value from the text area using $pluginData -> ipAddresses) I have, is filled with IP/CIDR that are separated by comma, such as: ",,,,,".

My question is: how can I retrieve all the IPs that are in that text area and show them on my admin page, aswell as setting them as a attribute to a service for my client? If it used to check it as "used" and cannot longer be used until it is unchecked.

Since I try to find a solution for my problem I just tried to use "cidrToRange" function but the only thing that I get is "Array".

Have you tried using explode()?

function cidrToRange($cidr) {
    $range = array();
    $cidr = explode('/', $cidr);
    $range[0] = long2ip((ip2long($cidr[0])) & ((-1 << (32 - (int)$cidr[1]))));
    $range[1] = long2ip((ip2long($range[0])) + pow(2, (32 - (int)$cidr[1])) - 1);
    return $range;

// array(2) {
//   [0]=>
//   string(12) ""
//   [1]=>
//   string(12) ""
// }
commented: This function only shows the first and the last IP from the CIDR range. +0

If theres discrepencies with spaces etc. I'd consider

$ips = explode(",",str_replace(" ","",$field)); // Gives IP's
foreach($ips as $key => $ip) {
    $range = explode("/",$ip);
    $ips[$key] = $range;

which will strip spaces out and then create an array of ip addresses

[0] => [[0] =>, [1] => 30]
[1] => [[0] =>, [1] => 10]
commented: Your function works as you said, but what I am trying to do is to retrieve a full list with IPs from the CIDR ranges that I have. +0
$lines = explode("\n", $instruction_textarea); 
if ( !empty($lines) ) 
  echo '<ul>';
  foreach ( $lines as $line ) 

    echo '<li>'. trim( $line ) .'</li>';

  echo '</ul>';


I found a solution that shows me the list of IPs from the first CIDR range. This is the function that I use:

function cidrToRange($cidr) {
    $range = array();
    $split = explode('/', $cidr);

    if(!empty($split[0]) && is_scalar($split[1]) && filter_var($split[0], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4)) {
        $rangeStart = ip2long($split[0]) & ((-1 << (32 - (int) $split[1])));
        $rangeStartIP = long2ip($rangeStart);
        $rangeEnd = ip2long($rangeStartIP) + pow(2, (32 - (int) $split[1])) - 1;

        for($i = $rangeStart; $i <= $rangeEnd; $i ++) {
            $range[] = long2ip($i);
        return $range;
    } else {
        return $cidr;

$IPs = cidrToRange($pluginData -> ipAddresses);

foreach($IPs as $IP) {
    echo "$IP\n";

But I want to show a list with all the IPs from all the CIDR ranges.

function cidrToRange($cidr) {
    $range = array();
    $split = explode('/', $cidr);

    if(!empty($split[0]) && is_scalar($split[1]) && filter_var($split[0], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4)) {
        $rangeStart = ip2long($split[0]) & ((-1 << (32 - (int) $split[1])));
        $rangeStartIP = long2ip($rangeStart);
        $rangeEnd = ip2long($rangeStartIP) + pow(2, (32 - (int) $split[1])) - 1;

        for($i = $rangeStart; $i <= $rangeEnd; $i ++) {
            $range[] = long2ip($i);
        return $range;
    } else {
        return $cidr;

$ip_arr = array();

foreach($cidrs as $cidr)
echo '<ul>';
foreach($ip_arr as $ip)
    echo '<li>'.$ip.'</li>';
echo '</ul>';
commented: "Notice: Undefined variable: cidrs on line 41 && Warning: Invalid argument supplied for" - Line 41" foreach($cidrs as $cidr) +0

$cidrs is not defined yet. This would be for instance explode(",",$my_form_field) passing an array of ranges

commented: I get only the CIDR, e.g.:, etc.. I want to retrieve a list with IPs from all the CIDRs that I have in my textarea. +0

Give me an 20 mins and I'll write something for you. Just got to finish what I'm on and push to live

commented: Sure, thank you very much! +0

Something like that


    $ip_ranges = ",,,,,";
    function multiCidrToRange($cidrs)
        $return_array = array();
        $cidrs = explode(",",str_replace(" ","",$cidrs));
        foreach($cidrs as $cidr)
            $begin_end = explode("/",$cidr);
            $ip_exp = explode(".",$begin_end[0]);
            $range[] = $begin_end[1];
            $range[] = $ip_exp[3];
            $ip_prefix = implode(".",$ip_exp);
            $count = $range[1];
            while( $count <= ($range[0] + $range[1]) )
                $return_array[] = $ip_prefix . "." . $count;
                if($count == 255)
                { exit; }
            $begin_end = false;
            $ip_exp = false;
            $range = false;
            $ip_prefix = false;
            $count = false;
        return $return_array;


commented: Using "var_dump($pluginData -> ipAddresses)" it shows me this: "array(0) { }"... +0

What does $pluginData hold? if you pass a list of comma separated range values to the function it will return an array of ip addresses from all of the ranges

commented: The $pluginData -> ipAddresses is the actual text area that holds all the CIDR ranges. +0

So if you var_dump the text field and it's an empty array it implies it has nothing in the textfield. I need to see more of how it's implemented

commented: I solved the error, but the problem is now that I get only the IPs only to .24 and I should get until .255 +0

OH I see. That won't work then. Let me look up the calculations for the range

commented: Any updates? Can't we work something from cidrToRange function? +0

Got meetings for the next couple of hours. I'll post something as soon as I get chance

I tested this while in a meeting so fingers crossed it works for you:


$ip_ranges = ",,,,";
    function multiCidrToRange($cidrs)
        $return_array = array();
        $cidrs = explode(",",str_replace(" ","",$cidrs));
        foreach($cidrs as $cidr)
            $begin_end = explode("/",$cidr);
            $ip_exp = explode(".",$begin_end[0]);
            $range[0] = long2ip((ip2long($begin_end[0])) & ((-1 << (32 - (int)$begin_end[1]))));
            $range[1] = long2ip((ip2long($range[0])) + pow(2, (32 - (int)$begin_end[1])) - 1);
            $ip_prefix = implode(".",$ip_exp);
            $count = str_replace($ip_prefix . ".","",$range[0]);
            $ncount = 0;
            while( $count <= (str_replace($ip_prefix,"",$range[0]) + str_replace($ip_prefix . ".","",$range[1])) )
                $return_array[] = $ip_prefix . "." . $count;
            $begin_end = false;
            $ip_exp = false;
            $range = false;
            $ip_prefix = false;
            $count = false;
        return $return_array;


commented: Thank you very much! You saved me. It works in the way I want it to. +0
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