Google Analytics is hard to read and want to find easy alternatives.

Plenty. Just google "google analytics alternatives".

Unfortunately I"m not familiar with any Google Analytics alternatives, and I've been in the industry a long time.

There are products such as Statcounter, but it's only free up to 500 page views per month, and if you're a Cloudflare user, there's also some rudimentary analytics built into it. Depending on if you're an ecommerce site or specifically what you're looking for, there's also platforms like Kissmetrics, but again, they're far from free at $300/mo.

Plausible starts at $9/mo and goes up from there. As I had mentioned, there are a handful of paid Google Analytics alternatives, but nothing else free the way GA is.

Clicky is my other favorite but I would not suggest you shift yourself from google Analytics to anywhere due to its versatile features.

You need to purchase it to get the best one. Try Semrush.

While definitely a valuable SEO tool, I wouldn't exactly call Semrush a Google Analytics alternative. Especially for those looking for a simpler interface since Google Analytics 4 is being pushed on everyone.

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