Experienced Fellow Programmers,

I asking questions to those who have experiences with web crawlers.
I do not want my web crawler getting trapped onto some domain, while crawling it. Trapped and going in a loop for some reason. And so, what to look-out for to prevent loops ?

1.I know crawlers should not spider dynamic urls as they can go in a neverending loop. And so, apart from that, what other dangers are there ?

2.I know I have to program the crawler to avoid trying crawl pages that are dead. And so, got to lookout for 404 pages. And what other numbers got to lookout for ? I need a list of error numbers to feed my crawler.

3.I do not want any hacker/crook/fraud calling my crawler (pinging it) to crawl bad natured pages. Pages that are phishing pages. And so, how do I write code for my crawler to identify phishing pages so it does not crawl or index them on my searchengine ?

4.I do not want any hacker/crook/fraud calling my crawler (pinging it) to crawl his pages that are infected with virus, worm, ant, spyware, etc. Pages that will infect my crawler to carry infections to other domains it crawls afterwards. And so, how do I write code for my crawler to identify infected pages so it does not crawl or index them on my searchengine nor carry the infections to third party domains ?

When I asked 4 times above, "How do I code ?", I meant, "which php fuctions you want me to look into ?".
Anything else I got to program my crawler to watch-out for ?
Good questions. hey ?

Which one of these should I stick to ?


$xml = file_get_contents($sitemap); //Should I stick to this line or below line ?


//Parse the sitemap content to object
$xml = simplexml_load_string($sitemap); //Should I stick to this line or above line ?

I know crawlers should not spider dynamic urls as they can go in a neverending loop. And so, apart from that, what other dangers are there ?

That's not actually true, since nowadays every single page on the web is dynamic. But, yes, you want to avoid URLs that look something like index.php?n=1sdfjksldf and index.php?n=345sdf, etc.

You can keep track of what URLs you've crawled on a particular domain, along with their contents, and if you are finding yourself crawling lots of pages with nearly identical content, then stop.

Here is a list of all of the HTTP status codes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes

In general, 2xx codes are valid, 3xx codes are redirects, 4xx codes are client error (e.g. trying to fetch a page that doesn't exist, such as 404 or 410), and 5xx codes are server error (e.g. the server is temporarily down or having issues).

As far as crawling bad URLs, I suggest that your crawler use the command line version of Google Chrome. Chrome already has a lot of built-in functionality to protect web browsers from executing harmful code.

If you have a dedicated server, virtual private server, etc., you can install the headless version of google chrome in Linux, and then use shell_exec() to run it and pass back to PHP the response.

So, to answer your question about file_get_contents() or simplexml_load_string(), when I look at simplexml_load_string() in the PHP docs, it says it interprets a string of XML into an object. So it sounds to me like you would want to do

$xml = simplexml_load_string(file_get_contents($sitemap_url));


Thanks for the link. Spot on, what I wanted!

I made changes as you suggested by commenting out the lines that were not working.
Issue on this line: $dom->loadXML($xml);



//Preparing Crawler & Session: Initialising Variables.

//Preparing $ARRAYS For Step 1: To Deal with Xml Links meant for Crawlers only.
//Data Scraped from SiteMaps or Xml Files.
$sitemaps  = []; //This will list extracted further Xml SiteMap links (.xml) found on Sitemaps (.xml).
$sitemaps_last_mods  = []; //This will list dates of SiteMap pages last modified - found on Sitemaps.
$sitemaps_change_freqs  = []; //his will list SiteMap dates of html pages frequencies of page updates - found on Sitemaps.
$sitemaps_priorities  = []; //This will list SiteMap pages priorities - found on Sitemaps.

//Data Scraped from SiteMaps or Xml Files.
$html_page_urls  = []; //This will list extracted html links Urls (.html, .htm, .php) - found on Sitemaps (.xml).
$html_page_last_mods  = []; //This will list dates of html pages last modified - found on Sitemap.
$html_page_change_freqs  = []; //his will list dates of html pages frequencies of page updates - found on Sitemaps.
$html_page_priorities  = []; //This will list html pages priorities - found on Sitemaps.

//Preparing $ARRAYS For Step 2: To Deal with html pages meant for Human Visitors only.
//Data Scraped from Html Files. Not Xml SiteMap Files.
$html_page_meta_names  = []; //This will list crawled pages Meta Tag Names - found on html pages.
$html_page_meta_descriptions  = []; //This will list crawled pages Meta Tag Descriptions - found on html pages.
$html_page_titles  = []; //This will list crawled pages Titles - found on html pages.
// -----

//Step 1: Initiate Session - Feed Xml SiteMap Url. Crawing Starting Point.
//Crawl Session Starting Page/Initial Xml Sitemap.
$initial_url = "https://www.rocktherankings.com/sitemap_index.xml"; //Has more xml files.

//$xmls = file_get_contents($initial_url); //Should I stick to this line or below line ?
//Parse the sitemap content to object
//$xml = simplexml_load_string($xmls); //Should I stick to this line or above line ?
$xml = simplexml_load_string(file_get_contents($initial_url)); //Code from Dani: https://www.daniweb.com/programming/web-development/threads/540168/what-to-lookout-for-to-prevent-crawler-traps

$dom = new DOMDocument();
$dom->loadXML($xml); //LINE: 333

echo __LINE__; echo '<br>'; //LINE: 335


echo __LINE__; echo '<br>';  //LINE: 339

foreach($sitemaps AS $sitemap)
    echo __LINE__; echo '<br>';
    extract_links($sitemap); //Extract Links on page.

foreach($html_page_urls AS $html_page_url)
    echo __LINE__; echo '<br>';
    extract_links($html_page_url); //Extract Links on page.

scrape_page_data(); //Scrape Page Title & Meta Tags.



//Links Extractor.
function extract_links()
    echo __LINE__; echo '<br>';  //LINE: 362

    GLOBAL $dom;
    //Trigger following IF/ELSEs on each Crawled Page to check for link types. Whether Links lead to more SiteMaps (.xml) or webpages (.html, .htm, .php, etc.).
    if ($dom->nodeName === 'sitemapindex')  //Current Xml SiteMap Page lists more Xml SiteMaps. Lists links to Xml links. Not lists links to html links.
        echo __LINE__; echo '<br>';

        //parse the index
        // retrieve properties from the sitemap object
        foreach ($xml->urlset as $urlElement) //Extracts html file urls.
            // get properties
            $sitemaps[] = $sitemap_url = $urlElement->loc;
            $sitemaps_last_mods[] = $last_mod = $urlElement->lastmod;
            $sitemaps_change_freqs[] = $change_freq = $urlElement->changefreq;
            $sitemaps_priorities[] = $priority = $urlElement->priority;

            // print out the properties
            echo 'url: '. $sitemap_url . '<br>';
            echo 'lastmod: '. $last_mod . '<br>';
            echo 'changefreq: '. $change_freq . '<br>';
            echo 'priority: '. $priority . '<br>';

            echo '<br>---<br>';
    else if ($dom->nodeName === 'urlset')  //Current Xml SiteMap Page lists no more Xml SiteMap links. Lists only html links.
        echo __LINE__; echo '<br>';

        //parse url set
        // retrieve properties from the sitemap object
        foreach ($xml->sitemapindex as $urlElement) //Extracts Sitemap Urls.
            // get properties
            $html_page_urls[] = $html_page_url = $urlElement->loc;
            $html_page_last_mods[] = $last_mod = $urlElement->lastmod;
            $html_page_change_freqs[] = $change_freq = $urlElement->changefreq;
            $html_page_priorities[] = $priority = $urlElement->priority;

            // print out the properties
            echo 'url: '. $html_page_url . '<br>';
            echo 'lastmod: '. $last_mod . '<br>';
            echo 'changefreq: '. $change_freq . '<br>';
            echo 'priority: '. $priority . '<br>';

            echo '<br>---<br>';

    GLOBAL $sitemaps;
    GLOBAL $sitemaps_last_mods;
    GLOBAL $sitemaps_change_freqs;
    GLOBAL $sitemaps_priorities;

    GLOBAL $html_page_urls;
    GLOBAL $html_page_last_mods;
    GLOBAL $html_page_change_freqs;
    GLOBAL $html_page_priorities;

    echo 'SiteMaps Crawled: ---'; echo '<br><br>'; 
        echo '<br>';
        echo '<br>';
        echo '<br>';
        echo '<br><br>'; 

    echo 'Html Pages Crawled: ---'; echo '<br><br>'; 

        echo '<br>';
        echo '<br>';
        echo '<br>';
        echo '<br>';

//Meta Data & Title Extractor.
function scrape_page_data()
    GLOBAL $html_page_urls;
        foreach($html_page_urls AS $url)
            // https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.file-get-contents
            $html = file_get_contents($url);

            $doc = new DOMDocument();

            // https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.libxml-use-internal-errors.php

            // https://www.php.net/manual/en/domdocument.loadhtml.php

            // https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.libxml-clear-errors.php

            // https://www.php.net/manual/en/domdocument.getelementsbytagname.php
            $meta_tags = $doc->getElementsByTagName('meta');

            // https://www.php.net/manual/en/domnodelist.item.php
            if ($meta_tags->length > 0)
                // https://www.php.net/manual/en/class.domnodelist.php
                foreach ($meta_tags as $tag)
                    // https://www.php.net/manual/en/domnodelist.item.php
                    echo 'Meta Name: ' .$meta_name = $tag->getAttribute('name'); echo '<br>';
                    echo 'Meta Content: ' .$meta_content = $tag->getAttribute('content');  echo '<br>';
                    $html_page_meta_names[] = $meta_name;
                    $html_page_meta_descriptions[] = $meta_content;

            //EXAMPLE 1: Extract Title
            $title_tag = $doc->getElementsByTagName('title');
            if ($title_tag->length>0)
                echo 'Title: ' .$title = $title_tag[0]->textContent; echo '<br>';
                $html_page_titles[] = $title;

            //EXAMPLE 2: Extract Title
            $title_tag = $doc->getElementsByTagName('title');

            for ($i = 0; $i < $title_tag->length; $i++) {
                echo 'Title: ' .$title = $title_tag->item($i)->nodeValue . "\n";
                $html_page_titles[] = $title;

    echo '<br>';

    echo '<br>';

    echo '<br>';




As far as crawling bad URLs, I suggest that your crawler use the command line version of Google Chrome. Chrome already has a lot of built-in functionality to protect web browsers from executing harmful code.<<

I do not know how to use command line version of chrome in Windows 10.
What keywords should I search for on youtube tpo get spot on tutorial results, you reckon ?

If you have a dedicated server, virtual private server, etc., you can install the headless version of google chrome in Linux, and then use shell_exec() to run it and pass back to PHP the response.<<

Again, what keywords you suggest, I search for on youtube to get spot on tutorial results ?


Can you help me out here ? I at a deadend with this crawler baby!

Why I see error ?
Following getting echoed ...

**( ! ) Warning: DOMDocument::loadXML(): Start tag expected, '&lt;' not found in Entity, line: 6 in C:\wamp64\www\Work\buzz\Templates\crawler_Test.php on line 44
Call Stack
#   Time    Memory  Function    Location
1   1.1780  363544  {main}( )   ...\crawler_Test.php:0
2   7.7297  366240  loadXML( $source = class SimpleXMLElement { public $sitemap = [0 => class SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 1 => class SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 2 => class SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 3 => class SimpleXMLElement { ... }] } )  ...\crawler_Test.php:44




//Preparing Crawler & Session: Initialising Variables.

//Preparing $ARRAYS For Step 1: To Deal with Xml Links meant for Crawlers only.
//Data Scraped from SiteMaps or Xml Files.
$sitemaps  = []; //This will list extracted further Xml SiteMap links (.xml) found on Sitemaps (.xml).
$sitemaps_last_mods  = []; //This will list dates of SiteMap pages last modified - found on Sitemaps.
$sitemaps_change_freqs  = []; //his will list SiteMap dates of html pages frequencies of page updates - found on Sitemaps.
$sitemaps_priorities  = []; //This will list SiteMap pages priorities - found on Sitemaps.

//Data Scraped from SiteMaps or Xml Files.
$html_page_urls  = []; //This will list extracted html links Urls (.html, .htm, .php) - found on Sitemaps (.xml).
$html_page_last_mods  = []; //This will list dates of html pages last modified - found on Sitemap.
$html_page_change_freqs  = []; //his will list dates of html pages frequencies of page updates - found on Sitemaps.
$html_page_priorities  = []; //This will list html pages priorities - found on Sitemaps.

//Preparing $ARRAYS For Step 2: To Deal with html pages meant for Human Visitors only.
//Data Scraped from Html Files. Not Xml SiteMap Files.
$html_page_meta_names  = []; //This will list crawled pages Meta Tag Names - found on html pages.
$html_page_meta_descriptions  = []; //This will list crawled pages Meta Tag Descriptions - found on html pages.
$html_page_titles  = []; //This will list crawled pages Titles - found on html pages.
// -----

//Step 1: Initiate Session - Feed Xml SiteMap Url. Crawing Starting Point.
//Crawl Session Starting Page/Initial Xml Sitemap. (NOTE: Has to be .xml SItemap).
$initial_url = "https://www.rocktherankings.com/sitemap_index.xml"; //Has more xml files.

//$xmls = file_get_contents($initial_url); //Should I stick to this line or below line ?
//Parse the sitemap content to object
//$xml = simplexml_load_string($xmls); //Should I stick to this line or above line ?
$xml = simplexml_load_string(file_get_contents($initial_url)); //Code from Dani: https://www.daniweb.com/programming/web-development/threads/540168/what-to-lookout-for-to-prevent-crawler-traps

$dom = new DOMDocument();
$dom->loadXML($xml); //LINE: 44

echo __LINE__; echo '<br>'; //LINE: 46


echo __LINE__; echo '<br>';  //LINE: 50

foreach($sitemaps AS $sitemap)
    echo __LINE__; echo '<br>';
    extract_links($sitemap); //Extract Links on page.

foreach($html_page_urls AS $html_page_url)
    echo __LINE__; echo '<br>';
    extract_links($html_page_url); //Extract Links on page.

scrape_page_data(); //Scrape Page Title & Meta Tags.



//Links Extractor.
function extract_links()
    echo __LINE__; echo '<br>';  //LINE: 73

    GLOBAL $dom;
    //Trigger following IF/ELSEs on each Crawled Page to check for link types. Whether Links lead to more SiteMaps (.xml) or webpages (.html, .htm, .php, etc.).
    if ($dom->nodeName === 'sitemapindex')  //Current Xml SiteMap Page lists more Xml SiteMaps. Lists links to Xml links. Not lists links to html links.
        echo __LINE__; echo '<br>';

        //parse the index
        // retrieve properties from the sitemap object
        foreach ($xml->sitemapindex as $urlElement) //Extracts html file urls.
            // get properties
            $sitemaps[] = $sitemap_url = $urlElement->loc;
            $sitemaps_last_mods[] = $last_mod = $urlElement->lastmod;
            $sitemaps_change_freqs[] = $change_freq = $urlElement->changefreq;
            $sitemaps_priorities[] = $priority = $urlElement->priority;

            // print out the properties
            echo 'url: '. $sitemap_url . '<br>';
            echo 'lastmod: '. $last_mod . '<br>';
            echo 'changefreq: '. $change_freq . '<br>';
            echo 'priority: '. $priority . '<br>';

            echo '<br>---<br>';
    else if ($dom->nodeName === 'urlset')  //Current Xml SiteMap Page lists no more Xml SiteMap links. Lists only html links.
        echo __LINE__; echo '<br>';

        //parse url set
        // retrieve properties from the sitemap object
        foreach ($xml->urlset as $urlElement) //Extracts Sitemap Urls.
            // get properties
            $html_page_urls[] = $html_page_url = $urlElement->loc;
            $html_page_last_mods[] = $last_mod = $urlElement->lastmod;
            $html_page_change_freqs[] = $change_freq = $urlElement->changefreq;
            $html_page_priorities[] = $priority = $urlElement->priority;

            // print out the properties
            echo 'url: '. $html_page_url . '<br>';
            echo 'lastmod: '. $last_mod . '<br>';
            echo 'changefreq: '. $change_freq . '<br>';
            echo 'priority: '. $priority . '<br>';

            echo '<br>---<br>';

    GLOBAL $sitemaps;
    GLOBAL $sitemaps_last_mods;
    GLOBAL $sitemaps_change_freqs;
    GLOBAL $sitemaps_priorities;

    GLOBAL $html_page_urls;
    GLOBAL $html_page_last_mods;
    GLOBAL $html_page_change_freqs;
    GLOBAL $html_page_priorities;

    echo 'SiteMaps Crawled: ---'; echo '<br><br>'; 
        echo '<br>';
        echo '<br>';
        echo '<br>';
        echo '<br><br>'; 

    echo 'Html Pages Crawled: ---'; echo '<br><br>'; 

        echo '<br>';
        echo '<br>';
        echo '<br>';
        echo '<br>';

//Meta Data & Title Extractor.
function scrape_page_data()
    GLOBAL $html_page_urls;
        foreach($html_page_urls AS $url)
            // https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.file-get-contents
            $html = file_get_contents($url);

            $doc = new DOMDocument();

            // https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.libxml-use-internal-errors.php

            // https://www.php.net/manual/en/domdocument.loadhtml.php

            // https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.libxml-clear-errors.php

            // https://www.php.net/manual/en/domdocument.getelementsbytagname.php
            $meta_tags = $doc->getElementsByTagName('meta');

            // https://www.php.net/manual/en/domnodelist.item.php
            if ($meta_tags->length > 0)
                // https://www.php.net/manual/en/class.domnodelist.php
                foreach ($meta_tags as $tag)
                    // https://www.php.net/manual/en/domnodelist.item.php
                    echo 'Meta Name: ' .$meta_name = $tag->getAttribute('name'); echo '<br>';
                    echo 'Meta Content: ' .$meta_content = $tag->getAttribute('content');  echo '<br>';
                    $html_page_meta_names[] = $meta_name;
                    $html_page_meta_descriptions[] = $meta_content;

            //EXAMPLE 1: Extract Title
            $title_tag = $doc->getElementsByTagName('title');
            if ($title_tag->length>0)
                echo 'Title: ' .$title = $title_tag[0]->textContent; echo '<br>';
                $html_page_titles[] = $title;

            //EXAMPLE 2: Extract Title
            $title_tag = $doc->getElementsByTagName('title');

            for ($i = 0; $i < $title_tag->length; $i++) {
                echo 'Title: ' .$title = $title_tag->item($i)->nodeValue . "\n";
                $html_page_titles[] = $title;

    echo '<br>';

    echo '<br>';

    echo '<br>';



See if you can test it on your LocalHost and reproduce the error.

Thank You!

You're getting that error because on line 34 you're setting $xml to be a SimpleXML object, and then on line 37, you're loading that object, instead of a string, into the DOMDocument.

As a side note, web crawling must be done ethically and in accordance with the website's terms of service. It's important to respect robots.txt files, crawl politely, and not overload servers with excessive requests.

The error you're encountering is likely due to the fact that you're attempting to load the XML content into a DOMDocument using the loadXML() method, while the content you're loading is actually obtained from a URL using file_get_contents(). The loadXML() method is specifically used for parsing XML strings, not the content of a URL.

To fix the issue and load the XML content from the URL correctly, you can directly use the load() method of DOMDocument by passing the URL as the parameter.

$initial_url = 'http://example.com';

$dom = new DOMDocument();

The XML content is obtained from the URL using file_get_contents() or similar methods. However, for XML content, you can directly use the load() method of DOMDocument to load the content from the URL.

The load() method takes the URL as a parameter and loads the XML content into the DOMDocument instance.


You saying, I should delete this line ?

$xml = simplexml_load_string(file_get_contents($initial_url));

fair enough, I did this but still same error:

$initial_url = "https://www.rocktherankings.com/sitemap_index.xml"; //Has more xml files.
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$dom->loadXML($initial_url); //LINE: 42


So, which line should I change to what, if I did wrong on the above post ?


I took 3 crawlers from 3 different tutorials and tried combining them into 1.
1 of the tutorial was your's. And so, since you're tutorial was involved, I did 95% of the work to combine the 3 into 1. I now prefer you edit it and complete the other 5% (if you don't mind & got time in your hands). As you know, combining things into 1 does not always work. So, I reckon best you weed-out the wheat from the chaff. That way, I can just go and memorize the wheat.
What do you say ?
Do you mind throwing away the chaff here ...



//Preparing Crawler & Session: Initialising Variables.

//Preparing $ARRAYS For Step 1: To Deal with Xml Links meant for Crawlers only.
//SiteMaps Details Scraped from SiteMaps or Xml Files.
$sitemaps  = []; //This will list extracted further Xml SiteMap links (.xml) found on Sitemaps (.xml).
$sitemaps_last_mods  = []; //This will list dates of SiteMap pages last modified - found on Sitemaps.
$sitemaps_change_freqs  = []; //his will list SiteMap dates of html pages frequencies of page updates - found on Sitemaps.
$sitemaps_priorities  = []; //This will list SiteMap pages priorities - found on Sitemaps.

//Webpage Details Scraped from SiteMaps or Xml Files.
$html_page_urls  = []; //This will list extracted html links Urls (.html, .htm, .php) - found on Sitemaps (.xml).
$html_page_last_mods  = []; //This will list dates of html pages last modified - found on Sitemap.
$html_page_change_freqs  = []; //his will list dates of html pages frequencies of page updates - found on Sitemaps.
$html_page_priorities  = []; //This will list html pages priorities - found on Sitemaps.

//Preparing $ARRAYS For Step 2: To Deal with html pages meant for Human Visitors only.
//Data Scraped from Html Files. Not Xml SiteMap Files.
$html_page_meta_names  = []; //This will list crawled pages Meta Tag Names - found on html pages.
$html_page_meta_descriptions  = []; //This will list crawled pages Meta Tag Descriptions - found on html pages.
$html_page_titles  = []; //This will list crawled pages Titles - found on html pages.
// -----

//Step 1: Initiate Session - Feed Xml SiteMap Url. Crawing Starting Point.
//Crawl Session Starting Page/Initial Xml Sitemap. (NOTE: Has to be .xml SItemap).
//$initial_url = "https://www.rocktherankings.com/sitemap_index.xml"; //Has more xml files.
$initial_url = "http://localhost/Work/buzz/Templates/0.xml";

//$xmls = file_get_contents($initial_url); //Should I stick to this line or below line ?
//Parse the sitemap content to object
//$xml = simplexml_load_string($xmls); //Should I stick to this line or above line ?
$xml = simplexml_load_string(file_get_contents($initial_url)); //Code from Dani: https://www.daniweb.com/programming/web-development/threads/540168/what-to-lookout-for-to-prevent-crawler-traps

$dom = new DOMDocument();
$dom->loadXML($xml); //LINE: 44z
//$result = @$dom->loadXML($xml); //LINE: 44

echo __LINE__; echo '<br>'; //LINE: 46


echo __LINE__; echo '<br>';  //LINE: 50

foreach($sitemaps AS $sitemap)
    echo __LINE__; echo '<br>';
    extract_links($sitemap); //Extract Links on page.

foreach($html_page_urls AS $html_page_url)
    echo __LINE__; echo '<br>';
    $scrape_page_data($html_page_url); //Extract Links on page.



//Links Extractor.
function extract_links()
    echo __LINE__; echo '<br>';  //LINE: 73

    GLOBAL $dom;
    //Trigger following IF/ELSEs on each Crawled Page to check for link types. Whether Links lead to more SiteMaps (.xml) or webpages (.html, .htm, .php, etc.).
    if ($dom->nodeName === 'sitemapindex')  //Current Xml SiteMap Page lists more Xml SiteMaps. Lists links to Xml links. Not lists links to html links.
        echo __LINE__; echo '<br>';

        //parse the index
        // retrieve properties from the sitemap object
        foreach ($xml->sitemapindex as $urlElement) //Extracts xml file urls.
            // get properties
            $sitemaps[] = $sitemap_url = $urlElement->loc;
            $sitemaps_last_mods[] = $last_mod = $urlElement->lastmod;
            $sitemaps_change_freqs[] = $change_freq = $urlElement->changefreq;
            $sitemaps_priorities[] = $priority = $urlElement->priority;

            // print out the properties
            echo 'url: '. $sitemap_url . '<br>';
            echo 'lastmod: '. $last_mod . '<br>';
            echo 'changefreq: '. $change_freq . '<br>';
            echo 'priority: '. $priority . '<br>';

            echo '<br>---<br>';
    else if ($dom->nodeName === 'urlset')  //Current Xml SiteMap Page lists no more Xml SiteMap links. Lists only html links.
        echo __LINE__; echo '<br>';

        //parse url set
        // retrieve properties from the sitemap object
        foreach ($xml->urlset as $urlElement) //Extracts Sitemap Urls.
            // get properties
            $html_page_urls[] = $html_page_url = $urlElement->loc;
            $html_page_last_mods[] = $last_mod = $urlElement->lastmod;
            $html_page_change_freqs[] = $change_freq = $urlElement->changefreq;
            $html_page_priorities[] = $priority = $urlElement->priority;

            // print out the properties
            echo 'url: '. $html_page_url . '<br>';
            echo 'lastmod: '. $last_mod . '<br>';
            echo 'changefreq: '. $change_freq . '<br>';
            echo 'priority: '. $priority . '<br>';

            echo '<br>---<br>';

    GLOBAL $sitemaps;
    GLOBAL $sitemaps_last_mods;
    GLOBAL $sitemaps_change_freqs;
    GLOBAL $sitemaps_priorities;

    GLOBAL $html_page_urls;
    GLOBAL $html_page_last_mods;
    GLOBAL $html_page_change_freqs;
    GLOBAL $html_page_priorities;

    echo 'SiteMaps Crawled: ---'; echo '<br><br>'; 
        echo '<br>';
        echo '<br>';
        echo '<br>';
        echo '<br><br>'; 

    echo 'Html Pages Crawled: ---'; echo '<br><br>'; 

        echo '<br>';
        echo '<br>';
        echo '<br>';
        echo '<br>';

//Meta Data & Title Extractor.
function scrape_page_data()
    GLOBAL $html_page_urls;
        foreach($html_page_urls AS $url)
            // https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.file-get-contents
            $html = file_get_contents($url);

            $doc = new DOMDocument();

            // https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.libxml-use-internal-errors.php

            // https://www.php.net/manual/en/domdocument.loadhtml.php

            // https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.libxml-clear-errors.php

            // https://www.php.net/manual/en/domdocument.getelementsbytagname.php
            $meta_tags = $doc->getElementsByTagName('meta');

            // https://www.php.net/manual/en/domnodelist.item.php
            if ($meta_tags->length > 0)
                // https://www.php.net/manual/en/class.domnodelist.php
                foreach ($meta_tags as $tag)
                    // https://www.php.net/manual/en/domnodelist.item.php
                    echo 'Meta Name: ' .$meta_name = $tag->getAttribute('name'); echo '<br>';
                    echo 'Meta Content: ' .$meta_content = $tag->getAttribute('content');  echo '<br>';
                    $html_page_meta_names[] = $meta_name;
                    $html_page_meta_descriptions[] = $meta_content;

            //EXAMPLE 1: Extract Title
            $title_tag = $doc->getElementsByTagName('title');
            if ($title_tag->length>0)
                echo 'Title: ' .$title = $title_tag[0]->textContent; echo '<br>';
                $html_page_titles[] = $title;

            //EXAMPLE 2: Extract Title
            $title_tag = $doc->getElementsByTagName('title');

            for ($i = 0; $i < $title_tag->length; $i++) {
                echo 'Title: ' .$title = $title_tag->item($i)->nodeValue . "\n";
                $html_page_titles[] = $title;

    echo '<br>';

    echo '<br>';

    echo '<br>';


Then, I can continue teaching the crawler how to give scores to each keyword and rank to each link based on keyword scores. That's the interesting part I can't wait to get into.

One other thing, here I am trying to build a php crawler.
Now, I will start building a .exe crawler using a bot programming tool. Would you be ok if I attach you the crawler to test on your end ? Test on your servers to see how well it manages to build a database that gives good relevant search results. Since you have thousands of pages then best test the bot and see how well it can wade through all the data and provide relevant results. This way. I can test how well my algo is doing. Your benefit, if you like the relevancy if the results, You get to see the algo which I intend to keep a secret. But, I do not mind sharing with those who aid me test the .exe crawler.


1.I know crawlers should not spider dynamic urls as they can go in a neverending loop. <<

  • borobhaisab

For our learning purpose, how can we prevent our crawler's crawling pages that got the '?' ?
Which php function would you use here and how ?

And do I have to teach my crawler to deal with any of thesefollowing or not ? Or, are they not really that necessary ?

@revend jim

2.I know I have to program the crawler to avoid trying crawl pages that are dead. And so, got to lookout for 404 pages. And what other numbers got to lookout for ? I need a list of error numbers to feed my crawler.<<

Out of all the Status Codes mentioned here:
Which ones are important that I should teach my crawler how to deal with them ?

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