Hi, it is possible change this URL with .htaccess?
From https://www.example.it/news.php?slug=aaaa-bbb-ccccc
To ( seo-friendly without ‘news’ ): https://www.example.it/ aaaa-bbb-ccccc
Adolfo_1 0 Light Poster
jkon 672 Posting Whiz in Training Featured Poster
Adolfo_1 commented: I also have category and publisher http://localhost/example/category.php?slug=lex but they all contain news +1
Dani 4,543 The Queen of DaniWeb Administrator Featured Poster Premium Member
Adolfo_1 commented: As jkon Thanks In localhost it gives me URL: http://localhost/example/news/aaaa-bbb-ccccc And The requested URL was not found on this server. +1
jkon 672 Posting Whiz in Training Featured Poster
Adolfo_1 commented: Thanks In localhost it gives me URL: http://localhost/example/news/aaaa-bbb-ccccc And The requested URL was not found on this server. +0
jkon 672 Posting Whiz in Training Featured Poster
jkon 672 Posting Whiz in Training Featured Poster
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