DanielGardner 0 Newbie Poster

I have a problem that is particular to certain browsers. My Dad's website attempts to show a video when the user clicks on the video title link. On clicking, a drop down box extends, and the video content plays. Then if user choses to close the dropdown box, the video content disappears. This is the code used:

<a href="javascript:ReverseContentDisplay('gracadedeus(taber)')">Watch</a>
<a href="http://www.obreiroaprovado.com/assista/flv/video/prcalvin/tabernaculo/A%20Graca%20de%20Deus_(Tabernaculo).flv">Download Video</a>
<a href="http://www.obreiroaprovado.com/assista/flv/audio/prcalvin/tabernaculo/A%20Graca%20de%20Deus_(Tabernaculo).mp3">mp3</a>
			"A Graca de Deus"
<div id="gracadedeus(taber)" style="display:none;">
<!-- ****** Begin embed video code ****** //-->
<embed src="http://www.obreiroaprovado.com/video/flv/flvplayer.swf?file=http://www.obreiroaprovado.com/assista/flv/video/prcalvin/tabernaculo/A%20Graca%20de%20Deus_(Tabernaculo).flv&autoStart=true" width="320" height="240" quality="high" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer">
<a href="javascript:ReverseContentDisplay('gracadedeus(taber)')">Close</a>
<!-- ****** End embed video code ****** //-->

My problem is: while Firefox correctly ceases the video playing should the user close the content box, in IE the box and video disappear however you can still hear the audio of the video as if it were still playing.

The webpage I speak of in particular is this one (in Portuguese): http://www.obreiroaprovado.com/assista/flv/video/prcalvin/

My understanding of HTML doesn't help me out much in this problem, and I would appreciate any ideas you all have to fix the problem, even if it means adding more code somewhere.

Thanks for your time,


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