How do I install and run a windows application from the web? I want to at the click of a button install a windows application on the local pc and run it. The application itself is going to be using WMI to get info from the PC and send it to the web DB. Anyone know how to do this?


hmmm....I'm sure that's it, but I can't find from those two links how to do it. Could you help me out so more?


That was my thought too slade... :confused:

commented: your awesome +19

I must be missing something here. I also thought it would work like that, but if I just have a link to the .exe like that it will run it on the computer where it is located (the link location, the server)!? It won't install and run on the remote computer where I am opening the web page. At least that is what is happening to me.

Well, if I am correct it is running just like a .doc or .pdf file would when referenced on a page like that. It will attempt to access it as a download, not a "double click".

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