Hi everyone,

Im Reyn, i just want to ask for help. We are making now a project using coldfusion but we are having a problem. Can someone help me on how to compute the final grade.

The situation is, a student has grades from first grading to fourth grading and i want to get the final average out of it. Plz help me on this....


Hi Reyn,

i would like to know the name of the table and the names that you use to represent the individual grades (column names) in that table.

if you give me this i probably can give you the code to get your thing done


Thanks Ramesh

Anyway, we have only one table to compute the grades,tbl_grade which ahs stuent_id, 1stgrading, 2nd grading, 3rdgrading, 4thgrading and the finalgrade.
We already tried to put the formula in the finalgrade column in database, yah it really work in SQL,but it doesn't work if we apply in coldfusion. We can input the grades of the students in one section because it has multiple textbox.

I hope you can help me.... Please....please....please....



I want to use cfform's 'required' attribute to disable blank entries on some of the fields on my form but blank fields are not detected when the form is submitted. Is there a setting on the cold fusion admin for using cfform's validation?

Hi Reyn

use the following query to get the average of the 4 grades

<cfquery name="getgrades" datasource="yourdsn">
  select  student_id, 1stgrading, 2ndgrading, 3rdgrading, 4thgrading,
(1stgrading+2ndgrading+3rdgrading+4thgrading)/4 as avg_grad
  from tbl_grade

then the query will have avg_grad as the computed column.

use the field avg_grad as the average grade for students in your output

I hope this solves your problem


Hello Ramesh,

tnx for the code... sorry for the late response... actually i already used that code but it seems that the error will exist. i will send the detailed errors so that you will know what is my problem. okey... see yah... tnx a lot....


Hello Ramesh,

It's me again asking for your help. Still we encountered problems. How can I insert or add data using multiple textfield in one form?

Like this:
First Grading

James Tan 88

Jaime Abba 85

Grace Sasa 78

Gerald Hulife 96

Mark Reyes 85

Second Grading

James Tan 88 78

Jaime Abba 85 90

Grace Sasa 78 85

Gerald Hul 96 85

Mark Reyes 85 90

How will I insert that in different fields in a database?

Like this:

Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Ave
James Tan 88 78

Jaime Abba 85 90

Grace Sasa 78 85

Gerald Hul 96 85

Mark Reyes 85 90

If anyone knows how, Please help me....



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