OK, there's going to be a lot here, but it's just something that I built as my own crapped down version of PHPmyAdmin. I know it's not great. but that's not the point ;)
Getting started
<table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td align="left" valign="top">
<?php $host = "localhost"; //Location of Mysql
$name = "michael"; //User Name for Mysql
$pass = ""; //Password for Mysql
$connect = mysql_connect ($host, $name, $pass)
or die (mysql_error());
$database = mysql_list_dbs ($connect)
or die (mysql_error()); $database_list = "<ul>"; $db_value = 0; while ($db_value < mysql_num_rows ($database))
$database_names[$db_value] = mysql_tablename ($database, $db_value);
$database_list .= "<li>$database_names[$db_value]";
$tables = mysql_list_tables ($database_names[$db_value]) or die (mysql_error());
$tb_list = "<ul>";
$tb_value = 0;
while ($tb_value < mysql_num_rows($tables))
$table_names[$tb_value] = mysql_tablename ($tables, $tb_value);
$tb_list .= "<li>$table_names[$tb_value]";
$tb_list .= "</ul><br />";
$database_list .= "$tb_list";
$database_list .= "</ul>";
echo "<b>Database Management</b>";
echo "$database_list"; ?> </td>
<td algin="left" valign="top">
Please type the name of the database you wish to modify!
<form method="post" action="db_modify.php"> <input type="text" name="DBname" id="DBname"><i> ---enter database name as seen</i>
<br />
<input type="submit" name="submit" id="sumbit" value="Modify Database"> </form>
<br />
<br />
Please type the name of the database you wish to Create!
<form method="post" action="db_create.php"> <input type="text" name="DBname" id="DBname">
<br />
<input type="submit" name="submit" id="sumbit" value="Create Database"> </form>
Modifying the databases
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Modify Database</title>
<table border="1" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td align="left" valign="top">
$host = "localhost"; //Location of Mysql
$name = "michael"; //User Name for Mysql
$pass = ""; //Password for Mysql
$DBname = " $_ POST[DBname]"; //Name of the database to be created in Mysql
mysql_connect($host,$name,$pass) or die("Unable to connect to database"); //connecting to the database using the variable set
mysql_select_db("$DBname") or die("Unable to select database $DBname<br /><a href=\"<A href="http://localhost/dbadmin/db_management.php/">Return">http://localhost/dbadmin/db_management.php\">Return to Database Management</a>"); //at connection to the databse select DBNAME (phpforms) or tell that it couldnt connect
$tables = mysql_list_tables ($DBname) or die (mysql_error());
$TBlist = "<ul>";
$TBvalue = 0;
while ($TBvalue < mysql_num_rows($tables)) // while the value is less than the number of rows in current database
$table_names[$TBvalue] = mysql_tablename ($tables, $TBvalue); //display current name based on value
$TBlist .= "<li>$table_names[$TBvalue]"; //output the current name
$TBvalue++; //add 1 to the current value of TBvalue
$TBlist .= "</ul>";
echo "Tables located in $DBname";
echo $TBlist;
if ($DBname == "mysql")
<td algin=\"left\" valign=\"top\">
Cannot Remove $DBname!
<br />
Form Action to delete this database has been removed!
<br />
<br />
Please type the name of the Table you wish to delete!
<form method=\"post\" action=\"tb_remove.php\">
<input type=\"text\" name=\"TBname\" id=\"TBname\">
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"DBname\" id=\$DBname\" value\"$DBname\">
<br />
<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" id=\"sumbit\" value=\"Remove Table from Database\">
<br />
<br />
Please type the name of the Table you wish to Create!
<form method=\"post\" action=\"tb_add.php\">
<input type=\"text\" name=\"TBname\" id=\"TBname\">
<input type=\"text\" maxlength=\"4\" size=\"4\" name=\"rows\" id=\"rows\">
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"DBname\" id=\$DBname\" value\"$DBname\">
<br />
<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" id=\"sumbit\" value=\"Add Table into Database\">
<td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\">
<a href=\"<A href="http://localhost/dbadmin/db_management.php/">Return">http://localhost/dbadmin/db_management.php\">Return to Database Management</a>";
echo "
<td algin=\"left\" valign=\"top\">
Click to remove the current Database!
<form method=\"post\" action=\"db_remove.php\">
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"DBname\" id=\"DBname\" value=\"$DBname\">
<i>Warning: This cannot be undone!</i><br />
<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" id=\"sumbit\" value=\"Delete Database\">
<br />
<br />
Please type the name of the Table you wish to delete!
<form method=\"post\" action=\"tb_remove.php\">
<input type=\"text\" name=\"TBname\" id=\"TBname\">
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"DBname\" id=\"DBname\" value=\"$DBname\">
<br />
<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" id=\"sumbit\" value=\"Remove Table from Database\">
<br />
<br />
Please type the name of the Table you wish to Create!<br />
Table Name / # of Fields / Database for modifacations
<form method=\"post\" action=\"tb_add.php\">
<input type=\"text\" name=\"TBname\" id=\"TBname\">
<input type=\"text\" maxlength=\"4\" size=\"4\" name=\"rows\" id=\"rows\">
<input type=\"text\" name=\"DBname\" id=\"DBname\" value=\"$DBname\" size=\"10\"><i> -- Warning: do not modify if you wish to make changes to current Database!</i>
<br />
<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" id=\"sumbit\" value=\"Add Table into Database\">
<td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\">
<a href=\"<A href="http://localhost/dbadmin/db_management.php/">Return">http://localhost/dbadmin/db_management.php\">Return to Database Management</a>";
Database Creation
$host = "localhost"; //location of the mysql
$name = "michael"; //user name for logging into mysql
$pass = ""; //password for logging into mysql
$DBname = " $_POST[DBname]"; //name of the database for creation
mysql_connect ($host, $name, $pass) or die(mysql_error());
$query = "CREATE DATABASE $DBname";
mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
echo "<b>Database $DBname Has been Created!</b><br />";
echo "<a href=\"<A href="http://localhost/dbadmin/db_management.php/">Return">http://localhost/dbadmin/db_management.php\">Return to Database Management</a>";
Database removal
$host = "localhost"; //location of the mysql
$name = "michael"; //user name for logging into mysql
$pass = ""; //password for logging into mysql
$DBname = "$_POST[DBname]"; //name of the database for deletion
mysql_connect ($host, $name, $pass) or die(mysql_error());
$query = "DROP DATABASE $DBname";
mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
echo "<b>Database $DBname Has been Deleted!</b><br />";
echo "<a href=\"<A href="http://localhost/dbadmin/db_management.php/">Return">http://localhost/dbadmin/db_management.php\">Return to Database Management</a>";
Table add
$DBname = "$_POST[DBname]"; // name of the database that you are currently working in
$TBname = "$_POST[TBname]"; //name of the table for Creation
$rows = "$_POST[rows]"; //the number of rows in a particular table
$form_block = "<form method=\"post\" action=\"tb_create.php\">
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"TBname\" id=\"TBname\" value=\"$TBname\">
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"DBname\" id=\"DBname\" value=\"$DBname\">
<Table cellspacing=\"5\" cellpading=\"5\">
<th>Field Name</th><th>Field Type</th><th>Field Length</th><th>Primary Key?</th><th>AUTO-INCREMENT?</th></tr>";
//count up from 0 untill number of fields is == to the value specified
for ($count = 0; $count < $rows; $count++)
$form_block .= "<tr>
<td align=\"center\">
<input type=\"text\" name=\"field[]\" id=\"feild[]\" size=\"30\">
<td align=\"center\">
<select name=\"type[]\" id=\"type[]\">
<option value=\"char\">char</option>
<option value=\"date\">date</option>
<option value=\"float\">float</option>
<option value=\"int\">int</option>
<option value=\"text\">text</option>
<option value=\"varchar\">varchar</option>
<td align=\"center\">
<input type=\"text\" name=\"length[]\" id=\"length[]\" size=\"5\">
<td align=\"center\">
<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"primary[]\" id=\"primary[]\" value=\"y\">
<td align=\"center\">
<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"auto_increment[]\" id=\"auto_increment[]\" value=\"y\">
$form_block .= "<tr>
<td align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\">
<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Create Table\">
echo $DBname . "<br />";
echo "Define Fields for $TBname";
echo "$form_block";
echo "<a href=\"<A href="http://localhost/dbadmin/db_management.php/">Return">http://localhost/dbadmin/db_management.php\">Return to Database Management</a>";
Table removing
$host = "localhost"; //location of the mysql
$name = "michael"; //user name for logging into mysql
$pass = ""; //password for logging into mysql
$DBname = "$_POST[DBname]"; //name of the database which is having the table removed
$TBname = "$_POST[TBname]"; //name of the table for deletion
mysql_connect ($host, $name, $pass) or die(mysql_error());
$query = "USE $DBname";
$query2 = "DROP TABLE $TBname";
mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
mysql_query($query2) or die(mysql_error() . "<br />" . "<a href=\"<A href="http://localhost/dbadmin/db_management.php/">Return">http://localhost/dbadmin/db_management.php\">Return to Database Management</a>");
echo "<b>Table $TBname Has been Deleted From Database $DBname!</b><br />";
echo "<a href=\"<A href="http://localhost/dbadmin/db_management.php/">Return">http://localhost/dbadmin/db_management.php\">Return to Database Management</a>";
Thats about it, I've written other things but this is what I'm currently working on.
I'm also working on a mysql database tool that will allow the use to edit it in real time, but that's to come later on...much later on.