I keep getting some weird errors in this script:

[B]Warning[/B]:  mysql_connect(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) in [B]/home/www/ikhelper.freehostia.com/globinc/loginfunc.php[/B] on line [B]86[/B]

[B]Warning[/B]:  mysql_select_db(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in [B]/home/www/ikhelper.freehostia.com/globinc/loginfunc.php[/B] on line [B]87[/B]

[B]Warning[/B]:  mysql_query(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in [B]/home/www/ikhelper.freehostia.com/globinc/loginfunc.php[/B] on line [B]90[/B]

[B]Warning[/B]:  mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in [B]/home/www/ikhelper.freehostia.com/globinc/loginfunc.php[/B] on line [B]92[/B]

[B]Warning[/B]:  mysql_query(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in [B]/home/www/ikhelper.freehostia.com/globinc/loginfunc.php[/B] on line [B]149[/B]

[B]Warning[/B]:  mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in [B]/home/www/ikhelper.freehostia.com/globinc/loginfunc.php[/B] on line [B]150

and the script:


function show_login_form($username,$password,$regcode)

   Login by typing your username and password into
   the boxes below and clicking on the 'Login' button.
   Your username must match your IK account username <b>exactly</b>
   and the password <b>must be different</b>.

  <form action="login.php" method="post">
   <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
     <td align="right">Username:
     <Input type=text name=username value="<?echo stripslashes($username)?>" class=textinput>

     <td align="right">Password:
      <Input type=password name=password value="" class=textinput>


     <td align="right">
      <input type=submit name=submit value="Login">

   If you do not have an account, please click <a href="register.php">here</a>
   to register an account, or if you have a registration code, enter it here:
   <input type=text name=regcode size=5 value="<?echo stripslashes($regcode);?>" class=textinput>.


function prepare_failed_alert($failedattempts)
  if ($failedattempts == 1)
    $string  = "Warning, there has been a failed attempt ";
    $string  = "Warning, there have been $failedattempts failed attempts ";
  $string .= "to log into your account.";

  $_SESSION['head_message'] .= $string;

function process_groups()
    // now we'll get the group memberships

    // set the session variables for the groups you want to check.  If found it will
    // contain a positive number, if not, it will contain FALSE and the existance of 
    // it can be checked with:
    // if ($_SESSION["variable"])

function authenticate($username,$password,$regcode)
    require_once ("usersql.php");

    $loginwhen=date("Y/m/d H:i:s",time());


    $query="SELECT * FROM $usertable WHERE username='$username' AND password='$password'";

      if ($dbregcode=="")
        $query="UPDATE $usertable SET lastloginwhere='$loginwhere', failedattempts='0',
               lastloginwhen='$loginwhen' WHERE username='$username'";


        if ($failedattempts > 0)

        if ($regcode != "")
          $_SESSION['alert'] .= "You don't need to enter the registration code any more";
        return true;
       } // end if dbregcode is empty
        if ($dbregcode == $regcode)
           $query="UPDATE $usertable SET userreqcode='', lastloginwhere='$loginwhere',
                  active='1', useractivated='$loginwhen', failedattempts='0',
                  lastloginwhen='$loginwhen' WHERE username='$username'";

          if ($failedattempts > 0)
           } // end failed attempts



           return true;
         } // end if the regcode matched
          $_SESSION['alert'] = "You need to enter the registration code as well";
          return false;
         } // end if the regcode didn't match
       } // end else not empty
      // let's see if the username was valid
      $query="SELECT * FROM $usertable WHERE username='$username'";
        $query="UPDATE $usertable SET failedattempts='$failedattempts'
          WHERE username='$username'";
       } // end if we found a valid username

      $_SESSION['alert'] = "Invalid Username and Password, please try again";
      return false;

whats the problem?


looks like the problem is not in the code it self but in configurration
the first error about the mysql connection socket
you should check mysql for the socket and check that it is the same one used in php.ini

Im new to PHP, and im using a free web hosting service.
What socket should it be, and how can i find the PHP.ini?

you should check the hosting company for mysql and php settings and it looks the error is not in your code it is just in server configuration

Ok, thanks

anytime dude

anytime dude

How do i change the settings in my script?

you could use


but i advice you to contact the server administrator

if ((($_FILES[

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