
I am tring to populate a drop down by selecting another drop down.
The first drop dwon populates from eventdata table and i want the second drop down to populate from a race table. I have tried to find the row which contains the same event id as the first drop down box and then display the team id which has the same event id.

NOTE event id and race id will have the same data in them, bad naming on my part

include 'config.php';
include 'opendb.php';
$sql="SELECT event_Name FROM eventdata";
while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    $optionsevent.="<OPTION VALUE=\"$event_Name\">".$event_Name;
function Generate(){
$sql="SELECT team_ID FROM race WHERE race_Name=$optionsevent";
while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    $optionsid.="<OPTION VALUE=\"$team_ID\">".$team_ID;
<title>Rally Database - Results Entry Form</title><style type="text/css">
.style1 {
 font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
 font-size: 24px;
body {
 background-color: #CCCCCC;
</style><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"></head>
<div align="center">
  <p><strong><span class="style1">Results Entry Form</span></strong></p>
  <p align="left">Please enter select the Race ID and then the Team ID. </p>
<form method="post" action="enterresultsinsert.php">
    <label>Race ID
    <select name="raceid">
    <OPTION VALUE=0 onChange="Generate();" >Choose
    <label>Team ID
    <select name="teamid">
    <OPTION VALUE=0>Choose
    <label>Stage 1 Time
    <input name="stage1" type="text">
    <label>Stage 2 Time
    <input name="stage2" type="text">
    <label>Stage 3 Time
    <input name="stage3" type="text">
  <label>Stage 4 Time
  <input name="stage4" type="text">
    <label>Stage 5 Time
    <input name="stage5" type="text">
    <label>Stage 6 Time
    <input name="stage6" type="text">
    <label>Stage 7 Time
    <input name="stage7" type="text">
    <label>Stage 8 Time
    <input name="stage8" type="text">
    <label>Total Time
    <input name="total" type="text">
    <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Add Results">

Do you want a server-side refresh of the second SELECT object, or a "<BODY onload=..." javascript that contains all the nested option lists?

The first solution could use AJAX to rewrite the options, triggered by the onchange event of the first SELECT object.

For the second solution, google the EasySelect javascript off the web, then use php to hit your database and write the arrays that Easyselect uses to populate its SELECT options.

the first solution appears to be what i want, i think this is what i have tried in the code above, call the generate function when the first one is selected

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You will have to figure it out using AJAX requests.
Good luck, as it will turn out you have to redesign the code to match the AJAX way.

Yes, AJAX is your solution.
You're looking to use the onChange() javascript function within your Drop-Down box.

Upon changing the value, you'll need to re-grab the information from the database.

AJAX will be the easiest solution to your problem.

AJAX will be the easiest solution to your problem.

AJAX is the only solution

That's extremley narrow minded w_3rabi.
There's a number of solutions available.

I give professional honest advice.
So i'm re-interating, that AJAX is the easiest solution to your problem.

again i would say
is there any solution that does not posts the page back to the sever and does not make your page weight like a ton
except AJAX.......
well i really would like to know about it
and anyway sorry for using the word "ONLY" after rethinking it is not so professional
word ............................

There is at least one other solution to the problem: you save all your data in javascript tables and use onchange() event on one drop down to populate another from respective javascript table. The javascript can be put in an external file (if the information doesn't change to often, so it can be cached by the browsers and load faster) or can be generated on the fly from php, every time the script loads, if it updates often.
I've done this for a site few years ago, when ajax wasn't an option. And it works like a charm :)

ya man
nice technique
but is it as efficient as AJAX

I think it depends on how often the information that populates the drop-downs changes. If it doesn't change often (once a week, a month etc...), than the javascript may actually work faster and better for both user and server, because once the js file is cache, there is no more loading on the server.
If the data for the drop-downs changes regularly, than ajax is probably the best option; anyway, it seems there are some browsers that don't support ajax yet, so... some of the users may have problems using that form.

anyway, it seems there are some browsers that don't support ajax yet, so... some of the users may have problems using that form.

well these browsers aren't widely used
i mean who uses a textual browser anymore
and about the javascript there still the javascript disabled problem

johnny_d. That was my other technique for the non-AJAX solution. Great minds think alike :)


>>nice technique
>>but is it as efficient as AJAX

That was "solution B" in my first reply. It loads the nested Option lists once, so if the user is fiddling around and getting a lot of hits, the "load once" solution might be more efficient.

Google EasySelect for a nice preload solution.

AJAX is sexy but should be used only if data at the server is changing between hits. Otherwise preloading your options or alternative page layers is often more efficient and certainly hits the server fewer times.


Yep. AJAX would be more dynamic and professional.

Loading everything on the fly intially, would be less server-intensive.

Either will do :)

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