Hello all

I am trying to generate a PDF file and then edit it from the PHP script.
Tried the example given in the manual......but facing a fatal error

Fatal error: Call to undefined function pdf_add_outline()

so i tried pdf_add_bookmark for bookmarking instead of pdf_add_outline() but of no use...

can anyone tell me how to deal with PDF's and their edit mode.

Thanks in advance

Hi friends

I got the same error Please any one advise

it looks like u didn't configure php to handle pdf files....
u need to install the pdflib and enable in php.ini
in-case u want to use these functions

Thanks for your reply


I installed the PDFLib in the htdocs folder and also in the xamp folder. uncommented what is required in the php.ini file also.

But still the PDF functions don't work. Is the path of installation correct?

Help appreciated

Thanks again :)


the pdfLib should not be installed in the htdocs
i geuss it should be installed in the /usr/local
u should refer to the pdflib website and see the installation guide


usr/local is available in linux OS. But i am using Windows.
htdocs is the root folder which contains all folders with files that need to be executed.

Kindly suggest some solution


what is the web server u r using ???

I am using XAMP server. It has php, mysql, perl etc all in one place


I am using XAMP server. It has php, mysql, perl etc all in one place


r u using windows machine or linux machine

Yes i am using Windows OS. waiting for a solution ....


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