Hi! I have an image of a radio button on my page (there are reasons why I'm not using a real one). I want to make the image change from one image (radio_button.gif) to another (radio_button_selected.gif) and vice-vera. I'm trying to create logic that will toggle the variable and change the image out. My code isn't very good, and it's not working, so anyadvice would be helpful. Thanks!

<script type="text/javascript">
var radio = "on";
		function change(elem)
        if var radio=="on";{
			var radio=="off";
		 else {
<a onclick="change(this);"> <img name="img3" CLASS="draggable" src="images/radio_button.gif"> </a>

Here's my advice :) (Full working code)

<script type="text/javascript">
var radio = "off";

function change() {
    if (radio == "on") {
        radio = "off";
    else {
        radio = "on";

<a onclick="change();"> <img name="img3" CLASS="draggable" src="images/radio_button.gif" /> </a>

Wonderful! Thanks! It works great.

Toggling the variable flip:

flip = (flip != true);
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