
I am getting a problem , when i try to access a asp.net application in MAC OS 9x under IE 5.2x browser.

1. No server side validation are working , ie like regular experations
2. When the page got loaded in the browser, all the server side hyperlinks which are stuit the screen works fine.
When i try to scrol the screen and try to click on any hyperlink, on mouse over the page get reloaded.
i.e it takes to the top of the screen.


How are you using validation? Using the validator controls? They are done client side, via Javascript, and are IE PC only.

hi fanie,
did you find a solution for your problem, i have a similar problem here, none of the validations work even though i get a validationsummary but once i close that popup my application errors out.

is there a way to make clientside validations work properly for MAC IE 5.0 or above.

Thank you


I am getting a problem , when i try to access a asp.net application in MAC OS 9x under IE 5.2x browser.

1. No server side validation are working , ie like regular experations
2. When the page got loaded in the browser, all the server side hyperlinks which are stuit the screen works fine.
When i try to scrol the screen and try to click on any hyperlink, on mouse over the page get reloaded.
i.e it takes to the top of the screen.


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