I am having a problem with my datalist and repeaters. Below is the code. For some reason, when it searches the database and returns results, it counts the correct number of results, but only displays the correct number minus one. So if it returns 3 results, it only displays 2, returns 9, displays 8. This is true for the first two repeaters bound on the first SQL query. The second query counts the right number of records, but doesn't bind to the control like it is supposed to! I get no errors, just no records! Thank you.
if Not Page.IsPostBack then
if Not Session("UAID") Is Nothing then
Dim conPubs As New OdbcConnection( System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("ConnectionString") )
Dim dtrReader As OdbcDataReader
Dim strUAID As String = Session("UAID")
Dim intOnlineFriends As Integer = 0
Dim cmdSelect As New OdbcCommand( "SELECT b.*, c.*, a.Views, a.MainPic, a.UserName, (SELECT COUNT(CommentID) FROM ProfileComments WHERE ReceiveUserID=? and WasRead=0) As intComments, (SELECT COUNT(MessageID) FROM Messages WHERE ReceiveUserID=? and WasRead=0) As intMessages FROM Users a LEFT JOIN ProfileComments b ON b.ReceiveUserID=a.UserID LEFT JOIN Messages c ON c.ReceiveUserID=a.UserID WHERE a.UserID=? LIMIT 5", conPubs )
cmdSelect.Parameters.AddWithValue( "?ReceiveUserID", strUAID )
cmdSelect.Parameters.AddWithValue( "?ReceiveUserID", strUAID )
cmdSelect.Parameters.AddWithValue( "?UserID", strUAID )
Dim cmdSelect2 As New OdbcCommand( "SELECT (SELECT COUNT(UserID) As intOnlineFriends FROM Users WHERE Logged=1 AND UserID IN (SELECT FriendID FROM ProfileFriends WHERE UserID=?)) As intOnlineFriends, MainPic, UserID FROM Users WHERE Logged=1 AND UserID IN (SELECT FriendID FROM ProfileFriends WHERE UserID=?) LIMIT 12", conPubs )
cmdSelect2.Parameters.AddWithValue( "?UserID", strUAID )
cmdSelect2.Parameters.AddWithValue( "?UserID", strUAID )
dtrReader = cmdSelect.ExecuteReader()
if dtrReader.HasRows then
while dtrReader.Read()
ltlUserName.Text = dtrReader("UserName")
ltlMainPic.Text = "<img src=""/Profiles/" & Session("UAID") & "/" & dtrReader("MainPic") & """ alt="""""" />"
if dtrReader("intComments") > 0 then ltlComments.Text = dtrReader("intComments") & " New Comments!"
if dtrReader("intMessages") > 0 then ltlMessages.Text = dtrReader("intMessages") & " New Messages!"
ltlViews.Text = FormatNumber(dtrReader("Views"),0)
rpComments.DataSource = dtrReader
rpMessages.DataSource = dtrReader
end while
dtrReader = cmdSelect2.ExecuteReader()
if dtrReader.HasRows then
while dtrReader.Read()
ltlOnlineFriends.Text = dtrReader("intOnlineFriends") & " Friends are Online Now!"
end while
dlOnlineFriends.DataSource = dtrReader
end if
end if
if conPubs.State = ConnectionState.Open then conPubs.Close()
end if
end if
Oh and if you have the expertise to combine these two queries into one, that would be greatly appreciated as I am not as fluent with queries as I am with other programming. Keep in mind, they have different limits (query 1 has limit of 5, query 2 has limit of 12).
And any opinions on how to make the code better or more efficient, feel free to criticize. Thank you.