Hello... I'm a nOob. Sorry if this is in the wrong forum or if it's been asked... I did search but couldn't find anything.
I have a job between hands I don't know if I can handle to be honest.
I have to redesign this website: www.tiendaxtienda.com (in spanish). As you see, you have 2 drop down menus that are divided in "store types" and "ctities". If you select, say, "Academies in Madrid Capital" a 2nd page opens with a table with the results.
For the new design the idea is for a completely new window to open that is divided in 4. On the top part will be the websites' logo, on the bottom there'll be sponsors logos, to the left there'll be the results's table (that right now shows up in a second page, centered) and on the right there'll show information on an academy when you click on the academy's name (on the left side of the screen) -that happens now but it opens a 3rd page, leaving the results table behind-.
Is that even possible? How would I go about "embedding" the PHP form/results on the 2nd page?.
If someone can help me I'll be forever greatful!!!! *bows*
PS: If you need more info about the website or its files, let me know!