tefflox 2 Junior Poster

Please take a look at Listenlight.net. It works perfectly in Firefox 2 (at least on my computer), but I get very discouraging reports that it breaks IE -- but what doesn't?

Anyhow, I would like the flashy "live text" effects to work in IE, but I am only ankle-deep in javascript at the moment, have never toiled for Darth Internet Explorer. But, here I am :-(

I run linux exclusively, and I'm not happy to research installing any microsoft warez on my computer, but if I must, I must. Listenlight.net is a sort of developing portfolio, so it needs to work for all viewers.

Also, I suspect a memory leak (whatever that means), so if you spot a bomb in my code, please help me out.

In case of confusion, there is a video on my blog of how it should work -- http://denacht.blogspot.com.

The inner pages employ this function :: setTimeout("setInterval('fx()', t)", t2); ... which I am told is bad practice. Tho it works in firefox 2. Should I do that a better way?


I love you people :-)

Page source ::

<!DOCTYPE html 
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  <meta name="description" content="listenlight poetry journal" />
  <meta name="keywords" content="poetry" />

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<div style="position:absolute; bottom: 15%; left: 10%; right: 10%; text-align:left; color: darkkhaki; font-size: small; letter-spacing: 2px; border: 1px solid cornflowerblue; padding: 1.5em;">
  <br/>Issue 13 for December 2007
  <br/>Editors Jesse Crockett and Guillermo Parra
  <br/>Address query or submitted work to jesse -at listenlight.net
  <br/>Archive Issues <big><a class="archives" href="/12">&nbsp;12</a> &bull; <a class="archives"  href="/11">&nbsp;11</a> &bull; <a class="archives"  href="/10">&nbsp;10</a> &bull; <a class="archives"  href="/09">&nbsp;09</a> &bull; <a class="archives"  href="/08">&nbsp;08</a> &bull; <a class="archives"  href="/07">&nbsp;07</a> &bull; <a class="archives"  href="/06">&nbsp;06</a> &bull; <a class="archives"  href="/05">&nbsp;05</a> &bull; <a class="archives"  href="/04">&nbsp;04</a> &bull; <a class="archives"  href="/03">&nbsp;03</a> &bull; <a class="archives"  href="/02">&nbsp;02</a> &bull; <a class="archives"  href="/01">&nbsp;01</a> &bull; <a class="archives"  href="/00">&nbsp;00</a></big>

  <script type="text/javascript">
    setInterval("alterText();", 100);
    setInterval("alter();", 75);
    setInterval("alter();", 75);         

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