776 Topics

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Member Avatar for christophis

Hi, just looking for some tips on the best way to advertise my website. Any feedback would be appresiated. <URL snipped>

Member Avatar for Johnathan
Member Avatar for Yana

Can someone please help me? Anyone? I am trying to figure out how make sure each time I post my blogsite, it comes up on all search engines such as msn, aol, google. so far the only one that pops it uo is yahoo. and my blog site is made …

Member Avatar for Yana
Member Avatar for tec100

Is anybody a GDI affiliate? How do you rate it, Is it anygood? there is a new unofficial GDI affilliate forum (you need to register to view) << snip >>[url="http://s10.invisionfree.com/ws_affiliate_forum/index.php"][/url]

Member Avatar for crsuccess
Member Avatar for Dani

Anyone else noticing that Google is playing around with the AdSense text? Yesterday I saw some titles in italic and today they weren't bold, while they usually are.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Mr.'BackUp'

Has anyone used [color=#008000][url="http://www.linkmarket.net"]www.[b]link[/b][b]market[/b].net[/url] ?[/color] or offer any advice. I know you only gotta pay $24/year but i would rather not waste my money if i can avoid it thanks guys!

Member Avatar for jenny4u
Member Avatar for fireboat

Hi! I'm a newbie here and I've been working on a new site that's recently been uploaded. After a week of trying to get backlinks and whatnot, I finally got it on Google search engine. My first victory. Today I put adsense ads on for the first time. Getting the …

Member Avatar for jenny4u
Member Avatar for Dani

What are some ways to promote in house sales ... in other words to get the word out to prospective advertisers that you sell advertising directly and at rates more appealing than if they went through agencies?

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for mlinley

is global domains legit and can you make any money at it? help, i need more information thanks,

Member Avatar for jenny4u
Member Avatar for indianscorpion2

hello everyone....i started using adsense from yesterday.... i heard that google people are cheaters......wen u are approaching the 100$ mark...i mean somewhere around 95$.. they send an email saying invalid clicks...and ban ur account.... is this true....if so....why doesnt anybody do something against google??? becoz google makes money until i …

Member Avatar for ses5909
Member Avatar for nomax5

[COLOR=#000000]sounds a bit like a sales pitch but:[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000][B]everyone you send an email to is just one click away from your website.[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]I have a couple of FREE websites that try to get them to make that click, one is new and on your "Website Review" forum.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]I think its …

Member Avatar for bobchrist
Member Avatar for vijaybhatia

hi i want to know about google adsense from scratch...what is this and what are the benefits of google adsense?? And what all i need to enter in its world??? reply plzzzz thanx

Member Avatar for aniseed
Member Avatar for shimon

Here is a very cool advertising idea. Mobile Coupons. This is not my idea, that is why I have titled the post by the originator's name. To give him the credit, where credit is due. As far as I know, Brent Dusing has created the first "mobile coupons" service. Here's …

Member Avatar for jnights

Hi, We have been running a very large soccer community online for several years and have just started looking into effective monetization techniques. Is MySpace still a viable way to promote one's site or is this old school now? If it's the latter, then what are the best alternatives? We …

Member Avatar for concept

Hello, Probably like you, I got into Internet marketing as I saw the potential for making money if done properly. My team of designers, marketing people, copywriters and trend finders have plenty of ideas of how to use the technology we have available to really do a world class job …

Member Avatar for DeMagH

Hey, I've been collecting a list of email addresses of ppl with online activities who might be interested in what i provide in my forums as a user to user trading community. So, i thought that i should be sending the email as an HTML format to look more attractive …

Member Avatar for DeMagH
Member Avatar for pemwan

Thanks to eBay I quit my corporate job and now work a lot less and earn A LOT more money..." Thanks to eBay I quit my corporate job and now work a lot less and earn A LOT more money..."

Member Avatar for ultranet
Member Avatar for Dani

We all know how great Google AdSense is. However, what other programs are there out there? Has anyone had good performance with ValueClick, CJ, FastClick, Burst, etc? I use ValueClick but it doesn't generate nearly as much as AdSense does for me.

Member Avatar for Advertistic
Member Avatar for nzd

Site with 250,000 unique visitors per month. Total over 1.000.000 visitors per month. How to setup price plans for banners? 468x60px in header? Can you help me with this decision? Thanks.

Member Avatar for Advertistic
Member Avatar for steven01

anyone tried [URL="http://admedian.com"]admedian[/URL] Do they pay?Are they realiable? Ps:how to put the ad tags in the desire position I want?

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for tpauctions

hi i am really having problems getting my site know i have tried traffic sites but to no real avail pay-per-click is a little too expensive at the moment anyone have any ideas? all help appreciated Thankyou

Member Avatar for etechsupport
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for cpenner

Hi. I'm building an online application to interact with volunteers at events. This site will involve hundreds to thousands of people for each event creating an account, and visiting the site regularly. To keep the cost down for events, I'd like to subsidize things through advertising. On the up side, …

Member Avatar for cpenner
Member Avatar for northern_mamma

[COLOR=#555555]I just moved from EZBoard in July to vBulletin (with a lot of help--I'm not terribly proficient in the IT department and am a one woman shop so contract out all the pieces I can.) [/COLOR] [COLOR=#555555] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#555555]But the company seems to be growing at a nice little clip …

Member Avatar for Archie
Member Avatar for Dani

I know it's against the TOS to disclose AdSense statistics, but I just want to comment I've noticed enormous drops in eCPM rates over this past month. Just wondering if this is across the board? Or is it just me? CTRs are appearing consistant.

Member Avatar for JakesOnline
Member Avatar for ep2002

Hi All, Unfortunately AdSense declined me b/c of my site having e-books only for adults. Can anyone recommend an alternative to AdSense? Thanks Michelle

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Grumpy

Google Adsence... Is there anything like it? I have been using the google adsense/adwords to generate some revenue on my sites. I am wondering if there is anything else similiar to it. Any suggestions?

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for webmasterran

Please tell me which one is better when it comes to ' Advertising ' which one of these companies deliver better traffic is it Miva or Ask ?

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for lansing

I started using Google Adsense 1 week ago last Saturday. I got the Adsense adverts on my site. I have had over 2,500 Page Impressions since then. I have made a small amount of money from Clicks, but I haven't got a penny from the Page Impressions. I was under …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Dani

For awhile, I chose to use ValueClick banners as an alternative to AdSense, when AdSense was just showing PSAs. I created a file called valueclick.html and all I put on it was the ValueClick javascript code - and I gave it the page title: ValueClick - AdSense Alternative. I then …

Member Avatar for emmacool
Member Avatar for bailey

My brother and I both have accounts with them but they are withholding our payments, his especially, I caught them shaving my sales. Since Sue left there it's really gone downhill, if you have their banners take frequent screen shots or they'll shave your sales too. Bailey :mad: :eek:


The End.