is global domains legit and can you make
any money at it?
help, i need more information

yes, please help me if anyone is making money
at global domains, let me know. i would like
some more information. help.

Is real. In fact you can access my web page, which was designed through global domains. I have total control on my web page & can post and change whatever & whenever I want.
Is in spanish since is my first language, but there is a link in the bottom of the page that is english. You can click there and see what is all about.

Is great, try it!

Laura Santiago

commented: Revive an year old topic +0

yes, please help me if anyone is making money
at global domains, let me know. i would like
some more information. help.

GDI is very real. You receive webhosting, 10 100mb email accounts and a business opportunity. I am very pleased with my GDI business. So much so that I offer my downline my new referrals to help them grow their business. It's a great opportunity!!

They are real, just don't expect anything from their 24/7 customer support because they haven't replied to my email for the last 24 hours. I wonder why they call it 24/7.

Also the forum is basically useless because it is heavily moderated so if you post something against them, don't expect it to appear.

If you will ask if I am a paid member, yes I am and also quiting because the service is beyond poor.

I do agree that customer service leaves a lot to be desired, however, the overall concept of the business plan is great. Yes, the forum is heavily moderated to pretty much keep negative posts to a minimum. Still, in all, it's a really good business model. Why? It is affordable for what you're getting, 10 100 megabyte email accounts, a webhosting account and a dollar for every one you sign up. I use my website to advertise the GDI opportunity as well as my other online business. Since I also advertise heavily on safelists, traffic exchanges & FFA sites, the 10 email accounts come in handy and can handle the thousands of emails I get everyday.

In business, plan alone won't make profit, good implementation and good business practice is needed to make a business run and make profit. If a company like Global Domains International can't answer a very simple email, how do you expect them to handle bigger problems ?

Let us say I continue being a member, and somebody signed up under me, how will I answer my downlines if they ask me "Where is the 24/7 customer support that GDI promised ?" Even myself asked that to everybody.

You see the business plan is great, but the service they give to members (based on my own experience) is beyond poor.

My problem is very simple, I'm just asking them to remove my other account so I won't get billed on that account, for I already have an existing account where I already paid the membership fee. If I can delete that account myself then I won't be wasting my time sending them emails asking for account deletion.

I'm not amused on their hosting package, I have several webhosting sites with servers in Texas and Montreal.

It's been more than 36 hours and still haven't got any word from them, and also tried the email that was suggested by another member in this thread. still got nothing.

A good business MUST have a good relationship with their clients. It's as simple as that.

I have no argument with you there. You are absolutely right. I hope your issue is resolved before the next business cycle.

In business, plan alone won't make profit, good implementation and good business practice is needed to make a business run and make profit. If a company like Global Domains International can't answer a very simple email, how do you expect them to handle bigger problems ?

Let us say I continue being a member, and somebody signed up under me, how will I answer my downlines if they ask me "Where is the 24/7 customer support that GDI promised ?" Even myself asked that to everybody.

You see the business plan is great, but the service they give to members (based on my own experience) is beyond poor.

My problem is very simple, I'm just asking them to remove my other account so I won't get billed on that account, for I already have an existing account where I already paid the membership fee. If I can delete that account myself then I won't be wasting my time sending them emails asking for account deletion.

I'm not amused on their hosting package, I have several webhosting sites with servers in Texas and Montreal.

It's been more than 36 hours and still haven't got any word from them, and also tried the email that was suggested by another member in this thread. still got nothing.

A good business MUST have a good relationship with their clients. It's as simple as that.

now they charged me for another $10 for my other account because they ignored my emails.

How very nice of Global Domains Incorporated, easy money by stealing from their clients.

I can't explain why you haven't heard from them. I had 2 domains for a while, then cancelled one with no problem. The issue was resolved within 48 hours. I'm sorry you are so unhappy with the company. For my $10 a month, they're the best.

now they charged me for another $10 for my other account because they ignored my emails.

How very nice of Global Domains Incorporated, easy money by stealing from their clients.

I made a mistake here, they haven't charged me yet with my account BUT still they don't answer my emails. I've been sending emails since day 1 and still got no reply. I also checked my spam emails but found nothing.

I have had a GDI acct and cancelled so i could find myself a great upline and i did.. GDI was very helpful in canccelling the acct. and very nice about it.. I was surprised..
now i'm back with them again and everything is working fine for me

I have now been a member for 10 days and i have 7 referrals and i'm building 4 levels deep.. 3in7 is a great tool to use in promoting GDI

Those that just Dream about being successful never become successful because all they do is Dream it and not do it

is global domain real and legal?

is global domain real and legal?

Hi Strokerbone , yes GDI is a legal business and you get a real domain address and 10 free email addresses but look here to really look at it over for yourself

3in7 is a terriffic downline builder for GDI . I have gotten 13 referrals in 12 days.. and i'm just beginning ..

this is an Interview with one of the co-founders of GDI

This is a video presentation about GDI ( global domains international)

I got another referal today! that makes 14 in 14 days...

I moved my new signup under Sonya!
Congrats Sonya you have a new signup

I have to agree, if you're looking for a simple system with a reputable company that is backed by industry giants such as Yahoo and acknowledged and written about in Inc. Magazine, then GDI is worth checking out, and it's only $10.

If you go through "3in7" it's much better in that they'll help build for you too. It's free to join, I came in just recently and already have 2 ppl in! I run another business but this one will not only give me an Internet address for life, but an opportunity to make a long term income. It's for anyone who doesn't have a lot of time to spend running around. Just post a little, just like this and see what happens for you. Spend the 5 minutes it takes to see what's really in front of you:


And I couldn't agree with You more Roger ..

We have a great opportunity here come and join us

Here here!
- you're my upline Carol!

All the best,

commented: good poster in forums +1

:cheesy: If you would like to know about GDI take alook at GDI Video Presentation .. This will tell you all you need to know

and then when you comeback signup with Roger He's doing a real good job You won't be disappointed :mrgreen:

I now have 15 referals and this is the start of my 16th day

That's great Carol, congrats!
The system obviously works and with a little effort, everyone can succeed with GDI and even more rapidly through 3 in 7.

For those of you "sitting on the fence" you can sum this up in two words: 'no-brainer'. You don't have to quit your job or stop what you're doing to succeed in GDI. It will compliment whatever program, job or business you're doing and it's nice to know it's endorsed by major companies from around the world.
The concept is simple, the pay plan is fair and the reach is enormous.

Act now!


another new member thats 16 in 16 days

roger I have added you to my rotator along with one other person .I won't take you off untill you both get a new member
Lets begin building your future today and join us with 3in7 and move closer to your DREAMS

Sounds great, thanks Carol!

What's your 'secret'?

All I do Is Post in Forums..

If You can do that then you can make 3in7 work.. get the guatantee that if you don't get 3 GDI referals in 7 days than your first 30 days at GDI are FREE
Signup under Roger and then Roger and I will help YOU BUILD YOUR Downlines
Join Our team Today!

Roger I sent you the list of the best five I'll send you more when your ready

Sounds great Carol, weblink gets zapped, how do you keep yours on without them blasting it on this thread??

I hope people are still posting?
Hey guys, still alive and kicking!

GDI Rocks!



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