Also check out as I am trying to compile a list of places that I can ads from

Ok... I have a site, getting people stopping by, so what the hell put a couple ads out their and see what happens. I do have a vb forum, and I am still trying to learn how to do the conditional for members.

What I would like to get to learn is how others are using Phpadsnew to server their ads. While using ads from the thread link above, how are you servering them... I haven't really played with Phpadsnew enough to really take advantage of it's usage.

So any ideas on getting this started would be great
Thanks in advanced

I'm using phpAdsNew with local invocation. No messy JavaScript on my site :)

I'm using phpAdsNew with local invocation. No messy JavaScript on my site :)

Ok... don't understand that... what does local invocation do... could you explain.

I'm using phpAdsNew with javascript invocation, which allows me to run my ad server on one location and serve ads on multiple websites and multiple servers. I'm not sure why javascript is "messy" because it's a solution that's worked well for me.

I'm curious, cscgal, how are you targeting ads for a specific forum or forums?

phpAdsNew allows you to specify a "source" for an advertisement (i.e. page1, page2, etc.), for logging purposes. I have customized my vBulletin to make this source be the name of a forum. JavaScript is messy because it is a client-side language, which means it is interpreted by the web browser instead of the server.

I still don't think Javascript is really "messy." :)

I see the option to specify a source. Does this work with the vBulletin querystring (i.e. f=127) or do you need to first install your mod_rewrite code for vBulletin?

If you use the JavaScript invocation in your templates, you should be able to use source=$forumid within the URL.

If you use the JavaScript invocation in your templates, you should be able to use source=$forumid within the URL.

I would love to be able to serve targeted ads based on the source, but would like to do that not just for the forumdisplay, but also all topics within a given forum.

For example, if the forum was about games, I would want to target gamers throughout the topics in that forum, while another forum at the same site might target music fans. But the forumid isn't used in the URLs of indidual threads.

BigBlueBall, are you using vBulletin? If so, it doesn't matter. The thread templates still have access to the $forumid variables. Not sure how it works in other forum systems, but either way, I would assume that all threads have access to the forum ID they are part of.

BigBlueBall, are you using vBulletin? If so, it doesn't matter. The thread templates still have access to the $forumid variables. Not sure how it works in other forum systems, but either way, I would assume that all threads have access to the forum ID they are part of.

Yes, I'm using vBulletin, but I'm a little confused on how to use the source delivery option to retrieve the forumid info. I thought source looked at the URL of the current page.

Nono. Source can be anything. It's simply a parameter that phpAdsNew allows you to pass in. In this case, you'll want to make it your forumid. So in the ad tag for phpAdsNew, where it says source= make sure it says source=$forumid

Then, let's say a particular campaign just wants to run in forumid 4. When setting up the campaign, go to Limitations and set a limit to only display the ad when source == 4.

Ok Dani, sorry for being so dense but I think I'm getting it.

Banner Settings
On the Delivery Options tab I set Source is equal to and supply the integer representing the forum I want the ad to appear in.

Zone Settings > Invocation Code
Here in the "source" field I enter the text "$forumid" which in turn generates the following invocation code:

<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'>
    if (!document.phpAds_used) document.phpAds_used = ',';
    phpAds_random = new String (Math.random()); phpAds_random = phpAds_random.substring(2,11);
    document.write ("<" + "script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript' src='");
    document.write ("" + phpAds_random);
    document.write ("&amp;what=zone:17&amp;source=%24forumid");
    document.write ("&amp;exclude=" + document.phpAds_used);
    if (document.referer)
 	  document.write ("&amp;referer=" + escape(document.referer));
    document.write ("'><" + "/script>");
 </script><noscript><a href='' target='_blank'><img src=';source=%24forumid&amp;n=aae8f62b' border='0' alt=''></a></noscript>

Unfortunately, when I try this, I don't get ANY ads served (I don't have a chain setup either). I think I'm missing something here.

You have source=%24forumid

That's how phpAdsNew displays the code. Change that to source=$forumid as soon as you paste it where you want it.

Thank you so much Dani! That did the trick. I mistakenly assumed that the phpAdsNew generated invocation code would be correct. I guess the ? tripped it up. :)

%24 is the representation for $ when the $ character isn't accessible (I believe that's how it works). Regardless, the $forumid variable wasn't being populated where you wanted it to be.

I'm using phpAdsNew with local invocation. No messy JavaScript on my site :)

Ok you seem like a guru.. how do I get people that want to advertise. or how to i get "ads" for the phpadsnew?? thanks....


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