13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for JackMogle

Hi, This is my first web application. I've problem in accessing my web page through IIS. Before going to my issue, let me explain about the process of my project. I've totally 4 pages in my prjt ( page 1, a,b,c ). In page1 i've a IFrame where i load …

Member Avatar for mduncan8

Currently, my site uses a function in the code behind to generate html links to that open a pop-up to a page based on the id that is passed to the function. [code] <%= openPlanFinderGlossary("0093") %> [/code] [code] public static string openPlanFinderGlossary(string id) { string retVal; string altText; string termName …

Member Avatar for MichaelWClark

I created a stored procedure to handle paging and sorting. Linked a LinqToSql to it and bound my gridview from that. I use my Gridview.PageSize to determine how many results to pull from the table through my stored procedure. The issue is because of this a pager never gets created. …

Member Avatar for MichaelWClark
Member Avatar for erum

there is a link [URL="http://www.junnark.com/Articles/Build-a-Web-Chat-Application-Using-ASP-Net-LINQ-and-AJAX-VB.aspx"]http://www.junnark.com/Articles/Build-a-Web-Chat-Application-Using-ASP-Net-LINQ-and-AJAX-VB.aspx[/URL] where i downloaded application , but its throwing more than 40 error messages can nay one favour me to downlaod and run on its own behlaf .i m uisng vb.net to run this application

Member Avatar for jackforall

hey all i just got a training in a visual studio 2008 for developing sites which have their ext as .aspx and have database and all that work done usink linq now i want to create a site for me and before i start developing it i just want to …

Member Avatar for jackforall
Member Avatar for pathomporn

Dear Sir. I do my program with VB.NET and use windows service to run some module with windows OS everything is fine. But I want to know how I can put the Description of my service to the Administrator Service Tools. I try to find anyway but never know in …

Member Avatar for marniel647

guys anyone helps me how to create a setup in vb.net that comes with a ms access database and the .net framework if it is not existing in the system.. and also a crystal report... and also i want my database go automatically to C:\temp of the system.. pls help …

Member Avatar for Naveed_786
Member Avatar for jay_el_em

Hi all I am a beginner programmer, and I think I might have bitten off more than I can chew.I've done some small projects, and then decided to do a simple banking app, just as a learning exercise. Problem is I don't know where to begin, and I've not created …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for davidhenry0001

I created this code in ASP.NET which asks no. of files to upload in a text box and then it dynamically createsthat no. of File upload controls. Till here its working fine. But i m unable to save files which should happen when i click on Button. Please help... Here …

Member Avatar for davidhenry0001
Member Avatar for rayda

i m doing a project using asp.net vb.. i wanna make 1 pc as the server to keep all my database and codes, another pc use to access the web page that i hv created in the server pc.. but i do not know how to or what to write …

Member Avatar for guru_sarkar
Member Avatar for erum

her is the file [CODE]using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Documents; using System.Windows.Input; using System.Windows.Media; using System.Windows.Media.Animation; using System.Windows.Shapes; using System.Windows.Navigation; using VotingPanel2.ServiceReference3; namespace VotingPanel2 { public partial class CreateSurveyForm : Page { public CreateSurveyForm() { InitializeComponent(); VotingPanel2.ServiceReference3.Service3Client client = new VotingPanel2.ServiceReference3.Service3Client(); //VotingPanel2.ServiceReference1.Service3Client …

Member Avatar for erum
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

i have a employee class and a userlogin class in the mdf file. there is an foreign key between the employee and the userlogin tables. the EID in the Employee class is in the uesrlogin class which is a foreign key in the userlogin. but when i try to access …

Member Avatar for rafaele-elvis

Hi Comrades, I am developing a web application. The application manages a physical book and multiple choice questions as self-practiced exercises. The problem is that there are a lot of formula in every lesson of the book. I have used a way is to capture these formulas and insert like …

Member Avatar for guru_sarkar
Member Avatar for new SE

Hi all, i havw make a page for user entry..now i'm uisng [CODE] <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="CmpCode" ErrorMessage="*" runat="server" ControlToValidate="txtCmpCode"></asp:RequiredFieldValidator> [/CODE] to make a validation but not enough space.. anybody have any suggestion to make a validation rather than diaplay the error message? i'm thinking about just red bold the textbox but …

Member Avatar for guru_sarkar
Member Avatar for bernard_bear

Hi everybody! Im getting an error with RangeValidator. Its simply and very strange. Im validating a text field that gets a date. The minimun value is "1900/01/01" and the maximum value is "2010/12/31". The error occurs when I insert the date "1987/10/18". All other dates are accepted (well, those i …

Member Avatar for guru_sarkar
Member Avatar for MichaelWClark

I am trying to bind my gridview to a stored procedure via Linq to SQL but keep getting 'Data source is an invalid type. It must be either an IListSource, IEnumerable, or IDataSource.' I know I am supposed to convert the stored Proc .ToList, but this method is not available …

Member Avatar for MichaelWClark
Member Avatar for dnanetwork

AdaPost Any Help! This is my Server Side Code.. IIS 7 at Server [CODE] Interface Code [ServiceContract(SessionMode=SessionMode.Allowed,CallbackContract= typeof(interfaceDuplexCallBack))] public interface IDuplexService { [OperationContract(IsOneWay=true)] void DoWork(); } public interface interfaceDuplexCallBack { [OperationContract(IsOneWay = true)] void Done(); } [/CODE] // Interface Implemetation [CODE] public class DuplexService : IDuplexService { public void DoWork() …

Member Avatar for ibdatx

Hi all, I am attempting data binding in WPF. I have a class Recipe and another called RecipeService. There seems a problem with the RecipeService class in terms of compatibility with the Recipe class as when I add its type to the ObjectDataProvider in the XAML file, I get an …

Member Avatar for Antenka
Member Avatar for malashukla

hello to all, i have write a code in asp.net to show and hide the div. according to the value in the query string. here is my code: [code] if (Request.QueryString["divid"] != null) { divid =Request.QueryString["divid"].ToString().Trim(); if (divid == "watercalc") { watercalc.Style["display"] = "block"; pregnancycalc.Style["display"] = "none"; heartbeatcalc.Style["display"] = "none"; …

Member Avatar for croker10
Member Avatar for Lazarevski

Basically I'm using LINQ to connect to a database(LoginDB) and the table (Korisnici) and see if there are entries in the username and password column that fit the entries of the Login1 Login Control. The Error message is : Cannot implicitly convert type 'string' to 'bool' Cannot implicitly convert type …

Member Avatar for croker10
Member Avatar for croker10

All: I created two asp.net projects with c# behind. One is an interface with options to create new users etc, the other is a reporting interface. I would like users to be able to click on links from the admin interface and go to the reporting interface. It doesn't really …

Member Avatar for croker10
Member Avatar for MichaelWClark

We are beginning the design phase for a new training database at my company. We utilize exchange/outlook shared calenders for several things and today the idea of integrating the new training database with one came up. I have done a bit of searching around but really haven't found much info …

Member Avatar for Nidhi_zeni

Hi, My problem is same but I am generating menus at runtime and trying to set cssclass in code but still I am facing same problem.

Member Avatar for Nidhi_zeni
Member Avatar for kapilonkar

I want to copy and move the files on remote server and replace the files through FTP (or any other method). But currently whenever I am trying to connect with Management class to the remote server it asks me for user Domain and I am unable to work around. Please …

Member Avatar for tanvirahmad4914

hi experts i m using ms access data base as back and in my new project, this is my code Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class st_name Dim cmd As OleDbCommand Dim dr As OleDbDataReader Dim thismode As Integer Private Sub st_name_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load tcon() …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for cmaheshwari16

I just wanted to know the following things if u can just help me. I made a website in Visual Studio 2008 and used the database provided by the VS [I dont know which version is this]. That website runs successfully on the machine having visual studio[As in that i …

Member Avatar for diazz

System.Web.SessionState.HttpSessionState curSession = HttpContext.Current.Session; if (curSession.IsNewSession) { if (Utils.SessionHandler.IsSessionExpired == curSession.SessionID) { Error oError = new Error(true); Utils.SessionHandler.AES_Error = oError; string strVal = "{\"array_list\":{\"list\":[{\"Source\":'SessionExpired'}]}}"; Response.Write(strVal); } } i am suddenly facing a problem the above is generating an error "{"array_list":{"list":[{"Source":'SessionExpired'}]}}" in my browser when i added watch it showed me …

Member Avatar for hericles

Hey, I've been working on a product display page that lists product info and images via a repeater control. That all works fine. What I'm doing now is adding some new functionality that uses a link button to send the product code clicked on to the server (via AJAX, to …

Member Avatar for mulevad

Hello, I am trying to send a text message to my phone in C#. I have added a Web Service Reference to my solution. It is described as: vijju311985 RPC SMS Services You Can Send Sms for free The WSDL is at: [url]http://www.aswinanand.com/sendsms.php?wsdl[/url] I created an account on xmethods.net and …

Member Avatar for new SE

Hi all, i'm doing a program using c# in creating an insert page.. i want to insert the zip code into the databse and have been validate using validation expression.. [CODE] <asp:TextBox ID="txtCmpZip" runat="server" BorderStyle="Groove" MaxLength="10" Width="74"></asp:TextBox><asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="CmpZip" runat="server" ErrorMessage="*" ControlToValidate="txtCmpZip"></asp:RequiredFieldValidator> <asp:ValidatorCalloutExtender ID="ValidatorCalloutExtender2" runat="server" TargetControlID="RegularExpressionValidator2"></asp:ValidatorCalloutExtender> <asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID="RegularExpressionValidator2" ErrorMessage="Zip code must …

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The End.