13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for kanuri1

hi frnnds, iam raghuram, i had got a problem .when iam inserting the values in database ,it will not inserted. i had done the coding ,but it doesn't show any mistakes. while inserting the data it will show error on insert.executenonquery() and the error is "String or binary data would …

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for sharafat

I devlop a web sites i want to change to differnce languages like urdu , arabic , sindhi please i want a software or online tranlators

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for mshravs

here i'm using the calendar tool as a popup window to select dates. but its showing in the format of mm/dd/yyyy, where as i needed in the dd/mm/yyyy. can any help me plz

Member Avatar for mshravs
Member Avatar for jchandramouli

Hi, I cannot use any of the features (like intellinsense, auto tag creation, scripting, outline tags, switching between design and code) in my visual studio html pages (like .aspx, .ascx, .html ,etc.,.) in 2008. But in visual studio 2005 its perfect. I use svn (subversion) as my source control and …

Member Avatar for jchandramouli
Member Avatar for virang_21

Is it possible to do a page postback after endREquest() or in the endRequest() ? I have a button in update panel that I allow user to click just once as the process took bit of time to finish. I used following code to achieve that but now my application …

Member Avatar for virang_21
Member Avatar for culebrin

Hi, There's not much to add to the title... after I assign the complex object to the session object, the following response.redirect method stops working and hangs the development server. (I tried without it and it works great) maybe there is some considerations to care about session objects, I don't …

Member Avatar for shahid00704

Hello, I have three different string strings string attach1,attach2,attach3; string attachment="text1.txt,document.doc,text2.txt"; i want the above string should be split and each string after splitting it should store into three different strings ex: attach1="text1.txt"; attach2="document.doc"; attach3="text2.text"; there should be a check how many string are coming after splitting the comma and …

Member Avatar for shahid00704
Member Avatar for jlego

in vb6 the most efficient/fast way to test if a variable/object was empty was to use [code] if lenb(x) = 0 then [/code] instead of using if x = "" in .net len(x) works, but is there a more efficient way?

Member Avatar for rutaba

i am using ASP.NET for developing a project of on line flight reservtaion system.. after making forms what should my next step be.. And what kind of fields should be there on the forms? hope my question is understandable.. Waiting for replies.. Regardz

Member Avatar for chandru7
Member Avatar for Nishara

Hi.. I am designing a website using ASP.NET.In my project there is a page called default.aspx with a loginView cotrol.Once a user click login button after entering the User Name and the Password thay are redirected to the default.aspx.I want to have some features(A gridView) can be visible only to …

Member Avatar for chandru7
Member Avatar for mania_comp

Hi.. I want to use SlideShowExtender in my website. For that I have created testing website. But its not working. I have tried both ways of defining GetSlides() method in same page as well as in WebSerice. But none of them is working.. I have attached my sample website in …

Member Avatar for mania_comp
Member Avatar for Arpit_Rocks

hii.. I am working on an asp.net site.. Now My Client wants to copy content from any article(may include images) and show that in the website as a static page.. Now i have to provide him with interface.. i used simple multiline textbox in which he can paste the whole …

Member Avatar for hardlynoticable

Hi Guys, Take a look at the following code snippet: [code] <%@ Page Language="C#" ContentType="text/html" ResponseEncoding="UTF-8" %> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <body> <script runat="server"> void Page_Load() { Response.Write("This is a test"); } </script> </body> </html> [/code] It outputs the following: [code] This is a test <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <body> </body> </html> [/code] (note …

Member Avatar for lancyb

Hi, Since I am a newBee in asp.net, I need the assistance from all of you who are experience in this field of ASP.NET. I am creating a web page, where the user gives comment and star rating. The rating function is created in JavaScript. Please note that I am …

Member Avatar for abhi_291984

Hi All, I am facing new problem when i am executing any of wesite. anyone can suggest me. Thanks in advance. Server Error in '/Test' Application. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. …

Member Avatar for reach_yousuf
Member Avatar for bhaskerlee

Hi, I am developing a web application in ASP.NET/ C#. How do I implement a live webcam chat in my application....? Please give some ideas.................. Thank You,

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for SakthisKumar

Hi I have a file upload in my web application.Its working fine in my local system but when i deployed the application in the server i am getting teh error message as ".../../ following path is denied".It because of the permission issue but for the server i have only ftp …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for kanuri1

hi frnds wishesw to all, i have an problenm that how to write javascript in asp.net for showing client side validations........ pls give me reply it is very urgent for me.....

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for kanuri1

hi frnnds, iam raghuram, i had got a problem .when iam inserting the values in database ,it will not inserted. i had done the coding ,but it doesn't show any mistakes. while inserting the data it will show error on insert.executenonquery() so i requested pls give me the coding of …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for amit-400

Hi , I want to convert any image document to its corresponding PDF format , without using any third-party tool because most of them need to be purchased or on a trial basis. It would be very helpful if someone could post me the source code in C# for implementing …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for tadiw

I have a page written in ASP.NET that is automatically generating some buttons in a panel. In IE everything goes right, but in Firefox I can click only some of this buttons. This is the code that I use in generating the button: for each prow in ... s.Append("<input type='button' …

Member Avatar for iamchamith

Hi I want pass multiple values javascript to asp.net(C#) server side... how i do it using array ?? don't using hidden fields... thanks

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for happyns

Hi one and all, I am using asp.net 2005 gridview to put the data derived from database in horizontal direction. I want three columns to placed in a single row. In that way there will be 3 rows per page. It is as same as orkut home page in which …

Member Avatar for happyns
Member Avatar for mshravs

here i have a problem in saving thing. i have a form and a table connected to two different sql tables gate_outgoing and gateout_item.the form should go into the gate_outgoing and the table should go into the gateout_item table. i need to save this form along with the table and …

Member Avatar for mshravs
Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy

I posted earlier on this site for help on where to set a command when a user session timesout. I posted this in the global.asax file: [code]Imports System.Web Imports System.Web.SessionState Imports System.Diagnostics Public Class Global Inherits System.Web.HttpApplication Sub Application_Start(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal E As EventArgs) Application("CurrentUsers") = 0 Application("TotalSessions") …

Member Avatar for jaredclinton
Member Avatar for mshravs
Member Avatar for mshravs
Member Avatar for minigweek

Hi there folks, I have Visual C# Project- Windows Application , It has a Webbrowser Control , and I intend to load a local HTML file with images into it. I want to embed the embed the html file and image files as resources. So I did. While using the …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for CaffeineCoder

Does anyone know how to setup a dropdown list for C# without using a database? I'm trying to set up one that will allow users to select a newsletter from the dropdown and have it pop up in a new window. Any ideas? [CODE] <ASP:DropDownList id="NewsletterSelect" runat="server"> <ASP:ListItem value="'[Path]'">Newsletter 1</ASP:ListItem> …

Member Avatar for CaffeineCoder
Member Avatar for djr0379

Help! I am looking for a richtextbox for asp.net. Our requirements are that we load the richtextbox and do find/replace on the contents of the text box and then allow the user to print it after we have completed the find/replace operations. The User does not and will not enter …

Member Avatar for StevenCashman
Member Avatar for adam1991

Ive got some information that i want to be sent to the database, first the information is taken from the database to the textboxes which works, i will then be able to edit the text, and send back to the database, ive got the Command all coded but when i …

Member Avatar for jbisono

The End.