13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for KushMishra

Hi guys, I've recently developed a gridview with edit,delete and update panel..... All is working fine except the Update button.....the error shown is...... [CODE] [B]Object reference not set to an instance of an object.[/B] Source Error: Line 48: GridView1.EditIndex = -1; Line 49: conn.Open(); Line 50: SqlCommand cmd = new …

Member Avatar for showet
Member Avatar for EricIskhakov

Hello. I have a FileUpload control in my app, and a user chooses a file that sits on mapped network drives. now i don't want the files to actully download i only want the path to it for a link. my question is how do i get the real path …

Member Avatar for Mapper99

I have some code which exports the contents of a gridview to XML. The XML is coming out with incorrect field tags: <tr> <td>Builder Damage Inspection</td> <td>request for final BDI inspection. No damage report on pre damage inspection.</td> <td>2008-07-09 3:13:59 PM</td> <td>2008-08-13 9:13:48 AM</td> <td>512135</td> <td>5450865</td> <td>CLOSED</td> </tr> Here is …

Member Avatar for hello2222
Member Avatar for johny2011

Hi All, I have downloadae a search site from codeproject below address, and I want to upgrade it in order to fill in my needs. [url]http://www.codeproject.com/KB/applications/SearchDotnet.aspx[/url] That example written in aspx with vb codebehind. It searches in html pages and list results udner search box. What I want to do …

Member Avatar for johny2011

Hi All, I downloaded the example with SQL db for filtering from the adres below [url]http://www.eggheadcafe.com/tutorials/aspnet/c67c4daa-83c2-4baa-aea4-2c8855527acb/aspnet-gridview-filtering-with-dropdownlist.aspx[/url] And when I tried to run it from VS2008, I got this error "The connection name 'NorthwindConnectionString' was not found in the applications configuration or the connection string is empty" I already downloaded msi …

Member Avatar for johny2011
Member Avatar for sandeepbhutani

Hi, I am trying to consume a webservice and getting following error. (I can not change the wsdl source as that is from third party). Please let me know how can I consume the webservice. I am also copying WSDL for reference. Please let me know any way to consume …

Member Avatar for sandeepbhutani
Member Avatar for apanimesh061

[CODE] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> [/CODE] [CODE] <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" > [/CODE] What is the meaning of the above code snippets ?? Why are there web urls in them ?? What is the use ? Please help !!!

Member Avatar for jfarrugia
Member Avatar for jvjvjv_

I am have been trying to teach myself ASP.NET and Javascript for a project and have been stuck on one problem for literally dozens of hours now. I found a really nice javascript drag-and-drop list online, copied the source offered and split the css into a .css file, the javascript …

Member Avatar for dnanetwork

Hi there all. i have made an application which sends an email to client. our mail server is in india. so while sending an email it shows indian date in email. is there any way i can do some code that will convert the indian date to US datetime automatically.

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for manavsm

i want to change the default value of dropdown list to 0 i.e selected index value shud become 0 when press the cancel button so that watever i selected previously is removed i want it in javascipt only...i have done it in c#...since there s no forum for javascript i …

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for bunbo900

Hello, I need to maintain this asp.net web application. I have 1 month of experience in asp.net C#. This portion of the web application using technology LINQ to SQL and Ajax. This seems to be a simple change, but could not get it to work so far. I need to …

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for vishalrane

I have one web page on masterPage i have 2 links which redirects user to another page... For example: Link 1:Customer Detail-this page contain some textbox to save data into the database such as customer id, customer name, customer address,customer contact.. Link 2:Employee Details-this page contain some textbox to save …

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for Muhammad Nauman

i am maintaining a list of users in a chatting application. Is it possible to sent chatter name (that he given while signin) to the global.asax at session_strat or Application_Start. If yes how? Please also tell some other alternative to do so.

Member Avatar for Muhammad Nauman

i have taken this code from [url]http://channel9.msdn.com/coding4fun/articles/Basic-Chat-Using-ASP-NET-AJAX[/url]. Global.asax: [code] Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Dim chatters As List(Of Chatter) = New List(Of Chatter) chatters.Add(New Chatter(New Guid("CD863C27-2CEE-45fd-A2E0-A69E62B816B9"), "Me")) chatters.Add(New Chatter(Guid.NewGuid, "Juan")) chatters.Add(New Chatter(Guid.NewGuid, "Joe")) Application.Add("Chatters", chatters) Dim chats As List(Of Chat) = New List(Of Chat) chats.Add(New Chat) …

Member Avatar for shailaja mohite

Hi, I am create one web application in which i have to create dyanamically panel and table,tr,td,labels and textboxes. but when i split the string and create tr but more tr created i want 4 tds in 1 tr but they create 4 tr dynamically.. how to solve this problem..[CODE] …

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for fusioninfosys

hi all, I am new in asp.net and my company had a project and all of this project devolopers leave from here , no one know about the project. I need to update it. Actually all are configured locally in my windowsXP system. database ,iis,project file all are here. while …

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for vishalrane

I am having one gridview on my web application.... It all working fine but not getting the result i want... I have also used Edit and Delete Link as shoun in image 1.... When i click Edit button, then it can be edited... but when i click update the data …

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for u4umang2001

Hi i m working with ASP.Net, C# i need to have an example of trigger how to call it from C#, and how to execute???

Member Avatar for matricol
Member Avatar for Lemorlenny

Hi all, this my first post. I'm newbie in C# and ASP.NET so be patient with me, I have a problem when declare object in the try clause working in VS2010 Express: ex. [CODE] protected void Names() { string strQuery; OleDbDataReader myReader; strQuery = "SELECT TOP 1 Name FROM Names"; …

Member Avatar for Lemorlenny
Member Avatar for jaskiratj

hello everyone.. 1)is there a way to print the data present in the griedview? 2)for the same, do we need to export the gridview data to excel for print purpose in web application? if yes, how to export that data... thank you

Member Avatar for shiva07
Member Avatar for jaskiratj

hello everyone i try to explain my problem by this following example i have a gridview binded to a table with columns as(name,rollno,status, and last column of the gridview contains a checkbox) now the problem is i want when i check the checkbox of a particular row...then the status column …

Member Avatar for shiva07
Member Avatar for KushMishra

Hello everyone, I have learned ASP.Net with some little C# and developed various applications using that however I have been assigned tasks of Mainframes with those old COBOL's,JCL's and other stuffs which I don't even know however I will be provided training on Mainframes. So, I am just confused where …

Member Avatar for Mohammadmansuri
Member Avatar for unoho

Hey guys, so im building this application using ASP.net (visual studio 2005) and i have few dropdown lists. the dropdown list has an arrow beside it. when u hover over it, it says "choose data source". i click on it but there seems like no option to connect to analysis …

Member Avatar for cfwebdeveloper
Member Avatar for PPS

I need a little help getting started with this, suggestions would be great! The applications' purpose is this: a school is allocated a certain amount of $ for the year to spend on updating technology, it's called 'refresh'. The database has a table for the [B]location[/B] and amount of $ …

Member Avatar for PPS
Member Avatar for MARKAND911

I tried steps to make a sample application in lightswitch. But when i execute this application and tried to save the data, i m getting this error “Submit operation failed. The remote server returned an error: NotFound.” waiting for reply Markand Bhatt

Member Avatar for Johan Schmidt

Hello, We have created a DLL in VisualStudio 2005 and installed it in Global Assembly Cache (GAC) through MSI to use in Internet Explorer as a plug-in. This DLL is working fine in Windows XP and Windows 2003 Server OS. For Windows7 OS, if we run IE8 as an administrator, …

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for Sinha's

Hello Friends, I have an ASP.NET application and SQL Server as its DB. When the database was small everything was fine, as now the DB contains huge amount of data. It seems it skip out some calculation. The details- Application: It calculates the commission of particular agent (like affiliate) for …

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for get2tk

Hi guys, Pls i am newbie to asp.net website and i am building a page in my website called contact us. i want to create a simple contact us form which will send the messages in the content of the form to my email. i have tried a few times …

Member Avatar for vishalrane
Member Avatar for arunselvaguru

Hi, I want to set a tooltip for gridview header field with own CSS style. Please let me know your comments on this.

Member Avatar for vishalrane

The End.