13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for dwinn

Hello, I was wondering if somebody could help me... I have created a user login page for my website in VB.Net and ASP.Net. At the moment, a user logs in with a username and password that has been hardcoded in to my script. I now need to take it further …

Member Avatar for dwinn
Member Avatar for jaskiratj

in my project i have made 2 master pages....now the problem is when i try to apply a new sitemap on the second master page...it does not configure according to the new urls...i mean the new sitemap does not gets binded up...in my treeview...it shows the list according to the …

Member Avatar for aspproject
Member Avatar for sherinpoulose

I am using visual studio 2008 to develop the web application. but I am not using the login controls in asp.net for logging in of users.I created my own new user registration aspx page and login page.i have my own sql database.logged in user details are now successfully entered into …

Member Avatar for aspproject
Member Avatar for suvisoya

hi can anyone help to my problem .i had a normal form in asp.net 2008 and when i redirect the same page data wants to maintain in same contorl and i need to maintain selected tree node too so please help how to maintain data after redirect same page thanks

Member Avatar for aspproject
Member Avatar for apanimesh061

[ICODE] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>Events !</title> <script type="text/javascript"> window.onload = function() { document.getElementById('anImage').addEventListener('click', function() { alert('F-15 Tomcat'); }, false); document.getElementById('anImage').addEventListener('click', function() { alert('F-15 Tomcat again !'); }, false); document.getElementById('anImage').addEventListener('click', function() { Alert; }, false); } function Alert() { alert('This is a Two …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for wickedBlast

Hello community! My first post here. (might probably have been under c#.. filename.asp.cs) I have a web AD management project undergoing as I am currently at testing.. the interface *yay* Extent of the project; pulling a list of employees managed by Mr X. Edit specific fields. I'm building my interface …

Member Avatar for wickedBlast
Member Avatar for apanimesh061

[ICODE] var a = { one : 1, arr : ['one','two','three'], doThis : function(){return 20;}, two : 2 }; var html = 'a.one = ' + a.one + '<br/>'; html += 'a.arr[0] = ' + a.arr[0] + '<br/>'; html += 'a.doThis() = ' + a.doThis() + '<br/>'; html += 'a.two …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for erum

i have following code [CODE]<div id=date_check visible=true runat=server> <strong>Check-In Date</strong> <%-- <asp:TextBox ID="txt_checkin" runat="server" onchange="checkdate(this);"></asp:TextBox> <a href="javascript:calendar_window=window.open('calendar.aspx?form1=form1.txt_checkin','calendar_window','width=554,height=488');calendar_window.focus()"> <img alt="" src="images/calendar.png" /> </a> --%> <asp:TextBox ID="txt_checkin" runat="server"></asp:TextBox> <ajaxtoolkit:CalendarExtender ID="Calendarextender1" runat="server" OnClientDateSelectionChanged="checkDate" TargetControlID="txt_checkin" Format="dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy"> <%--<input runat=server type="text" id="txt_checkin">--%> <strong>Check-Out Date</strong> <asp:TextBox ID="txt_checkout" runat="server"></asp:TextBox> <ajaxtoolkit:CalendarExtender ID="Calendarextender2" runat="server" OnClientDateSelectionChanged="checkDate" TargetControlID="txt_checkout" Format="dddd, …

Member Avatar for DeadSoul
Member Avatar for jineesh

I have used 2 datetime Pickers in a custom user control for selecting dates. using the event valuechanged I wrote the code. The 'focused' property of the datetime picker is not set to true even though I have changed date. Why is this happening? Read the code below. Please any …

Member Avatar for DeadSoul
Member Avatar for staticclass

Hi guys, I created an application in C#, which requires [B].Net Framework 4.0[/B] (Not the client profile) I created a Setup project for my application, since it has to be installed on a very big number of computers, some of which may have not access to the internet. Moreover, I …

Member Avatar for staticclass
Member Avatar for siddharthsethun

Hi, I am trying to call function provided by exslt in .NET. xmlns:date="http://exslt.org/dates-and-times" extension-element-prefixes="date" I prefixed "date:" to the function. <xsl:variable name="dow"> <xsl:value-of select="[B]date[/B]:day-in-week($DateTime)"/> </xsl:variable> It works fine in XALAN but throws an error in .NET saying "date" is not declared. Please advice. Thanks!!!

Member Avatar for apanimesh061

There is a tag cloud on the right side of this web page .... "IT ROTATES !" [URL="http://blog.rootshell.be/2011/01/13/tunisia-tracks-users-with-javascript-injection/"]http://blog.rootshell.be/2011/01/13/tunisia-tracks-users-with-javascript-injection/[/URL] Is there a way to implement that rotating thing ..... !!!!???? Please help

Member Avatar for sherinpoulose

suppose there is a datatable (in asp.net,not sql database table) with 3 columns col1 col2 col3 high cool no high normal no low cool yes low normal no high dry yes low dry yes column values are like these. col3 name is already known. suppose col1 is selected now.then how …

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Member Avatar for gogs85

I have in sql database in table price ,path who leads to images on a Web Server, hava i show image in web page with sql query ?

Member Avatar for gogs85
Member Avatar for apanimesh061

[CODE] <html> <head> <title>Hello Ajax version 1</title> <style type='text/css'> * { font-family: Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif; } #helloTitle{ color: #48f; font-size: 1.5em; } </style> <script type='text/javascript' src='prototype.js'> </script> <script type='text/javascript'> window.onload=function() { document.getElementById('helloBtn').onclick = function(){ var name = document.getElementById('helloTxt').value; new Ajax.Request( "hello1.jsp?name = "+encodeURI(name), { method:"get", onComplete:function(xhr){ document.getElementById('helloTitle').innerHTML = xhr.responseText; } …

Member Avatar for shailaja mohite

HI, I am create one web application, In which i am use devexpress component and ajax toolkit control. i am use update panel and in this update panel i am use devexpress combobox. and i am fire SelectedIndexChanged of this combobox. but when i am run the application combobox fill …

Member Avatar for naveedqadri

I have a website in asp.net developed by some one else, i have made some improvements and now facing problem while uploaded [ [url]www.ict-m.com][/url] this site is running well on localhost. scenario : all files has path starts with /ictm/../../*.aspx 1: i created a folder on root directory with name …

Member Avatar for dawsonz

Hello I'm trying to take Data from my GridView at the moment. My gridview has a column called 'DataField' what I want to do is take those values from Datafield to calculate the highest value. The 'Datafield' are as follows: A10, A11, A12 etc. How can I take those values …

Member Avatar for shailaja mohite

HI, I am create one application in which i am use dev express combobox. and i am add runtime data to database and display this added data to that combobox. but it does not dispaly values which are currently added to the database. when i am refresh the page then …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for shrujalgoswami
Member Avatar for Muhammad Nauman

In a chatting application. how it is possible to maintain list of users who eneter in the website after gving their name and passwords. So that every e usres can view all online users. Is ther 3rd part tool or ajax for the purpose? Thanks!

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for karthik.net87
Member Avatar for Nitin Daphale

I load the the grid(Grid is editable), having Price-Quantity-Amount columns. I want to change Amount when I change Quantity.I want to do it at clientside. Any suggestions? [CODE] <asp:UpdatePanel runat="server" ID="UpdatePanel1"> <Triggers> <asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="btnOk" /> </Triggers> <ContentTemplate> <asp:GridView ID="gdv_QuotItems" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false" OnRowDataBound="gdv_QuotItems_RowDataBound" EmptyDataText="No Items To Load."> <Columns> <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Price"> <ItemTemplate> …

Member Avatar for Nitin Daphale
Member Avatar for sherinpoulose

I have a class in which there is a print method to print the output.the code is given below. [CODE] public class class1 { public void printNode(TreeNode root, string tabs) { string rootnode; string childnodes; rootnode = tabs + "| " + root.attribute + "|" + ":"; StringBuilder sb = …

Member Avatar for jfarrugia
Member Avatar for Nitin Daphale

In my project, I have a page which having, Ajax PopupExtender,UpdatePanel,<AJX:TabContainer> . When I set control values(textboxes,labels) on that page, I am not able to refresh the page even through web browser(retype url). All values persist on the controls. Anybody can talk about problem and solution? Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for Nitin Daphale
Member Avatar for umeshMCA

hi, i have a xml file and i would like to read and write data in XML file. thanks regards umesh chand daiya

Member Avatar for thomas6188
Member Avatar for dawsonz

Hello I'm trying to sort my gridview by a particular colum. My gridview has a column which is 'Sort Order' and they are numbered 1,2,3 etc. Now I want to be able to default sort that column in ascending order. Would anyone possibly be able to help? Here is my …

Member Avatar for dawsonz
Member Avatar for deb081900

Hi All According to the documentation in Microsoft.com/MSDN - Walkthrough: Creating User-Selectable Themes I used the following code with different nos. like 4 or 6 or 3 but in line no. 7 I got exception either - ArgumentException was unhandled by user code- is not a valid theme name. Parameter …

Member Avatar for hawkmcdowell85

Hello, I have some limited background in C++ and Java, though I haven't programmed in years. I'm wanting to begin programming through learning C#. I have a project plan in sight to help me learn along the way using Windows Forms and C#. I was looking for guidance here in …

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Member Avatar for ViRiPuFF

Hi Can someone please direct me to a tutorial relating to downloading files from an aspx Page. Thanks ViRiPuFF

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The End.