13,153 Topics
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Hey there! I need your help. Just small fixing. Im brand-new to C#. I got the email from gmail account - look at the data (bold): Name: xxxx Surname: xxxx Email: xxxx Description:Card A6 [B]Order:true[/B] [B] // no data --- It should be : Order: Images/order_names/faithcard.jpg[/B] [B]Code behind (C#):[/B] [CODE] … | |
Hello Everyone! Am working on a project and its ready for the production server. I used the windows login controls and ASPNET.mdf as the default database. I have moved the folder containing the project to the production server and deployed it on IIS but when a uer tries to access … | |
Hi I am coding for cross-page posting using PostBackUrl property of the button on Page1. But the Button when clicked does not postbacks to the target page, simply flashes up Page1. When digged inside the html resource of the page1, I found the WebResource.axd file as a script holder When … | |
Hi all, My first time here. I'm quite the newbie when it comes to ASP after coding in VB6. Frankly I'm stumped by something I'm sure should have a simple solution. Here's a very basic snippet of what I'm trying to do, so the problem (and hopefully the solution) is … | |
I have data in arraylist like below. Item | outlook | < overcast > | yes | < rainy > | wind | < strong > | no | < weak > | yes | < sunny > | humidity | < high > | no | < normal > … | |
Hey there! Im developing website using asp.net c# but Im using some html tags in asp.net c# mixed. So I rather chose to use [B]html[/B] select tag and checkbox tag. Contact.aspx.cs (code behind) doesn't recognise it because it is html tags. Is there a way to recognise html tags in … | |
I have a problem and I am not sure why this is happening. I have a Detailsview that users will be filling out. I have several dropdownlists and all of them work as they should accept the one with the ID of typeOfEmployee. When that is selected the value does … | |
I want to use gridview to output many rows from a table in the database such that each row will have a linkbutton with it; so that when i hit the linkbutton of any row,it will take me to another page that would output the details of the row that … | |
Hi all I used master page in my application and there is a button and text box on it which redirects user to another page. There is also another button and text box for user to login in to his control panel. When i fill up the login form and … | |
I have created a program in ASP.Net and VB.Net that allows users to loging and download and upload files to and from an FTP site. I have so far got it to the point where the user can download files and when they go to the download page, a listbox … | |
Hi I just want to know how to display the Image Upload with currently image then remove image how will do this?? Thanks:) | |
Hello; I'm currently working to convert a classic ASP site to ASP.NET. I am getting the error 'Cannot convert type String to System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.GenericHTMLControls' (I'm associating frontend variable to backend). Unfortunately, Google has not been much help on this. Anyone have any pointers on this? An example of this is: Frontend: … | |
hi i created a master page and i formatted it for the height and with, it is displayed correctly in the asp.net design page, but when i view it in the internet explorar i get a white space in between the menu and the body part. i can't find the … | |
Morning Guys,I have an issue with timer a wrote a code which i will write below and whenever it is running it loads like refreshes the browser each time and it shows the loading symbol as it displays each new seconds i mean from second 1 to 2 to 3 … | |
Hi please help me .is it possible sending messages to Social network like (Orkut,facebook twitter) using asp.net .i got a new task from my team lead .when i click the button textbox message need to send orkut or facebook thanks | |
Syntax Error in Insert Into statement. pls give correct code for me.[code]Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.OleDb Partial Class login Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Dim cn As OleDbConnection Dim cmd As OleDbCommand Dim dr As OleDbDataReader Dim icount As Integer Dim str As String Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) … | |
I am new to .NET technology.I want to know how to make .exe.I am using C# language. | |
I added Ajax control tool kit in my project but I when i run page i found error like Could not load type 'System.Web.UI.ScriptReferenceBase' from assembly 'System.Web.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35'. Wat should i do ? Please help me... | |
I am trying to setup 3 projects - Development, Production and a Tracking one. So I created 3 folders, DEV, PROD, Tracker DEV is connected to [url]www.devexample.com[/url] PROD is connected to [url]www.prodexample.com[/url] Tracked is connected to tracker.devexample.com Here is where I'm having problems: 1- Each of the above application is … | |
For passing Values between ASP.NET Web Forms how to create the instance of [COLOR="Red"]Source.aspx[/COLOR] page(Source WebForm) in [COLOR="Red"]Target.aspx[/COLOR](Target WebForm ) page Destination Web Form([COLOR="Red"]Target.aspx.cs[/COLOR]) [COLOR="Red"]Not-Working code is shown below: [/COLOR] [CODE]private void Page_Load (object sender, System.EventArgs e) { //create instance of source web form WebForm1 wf1;//[COLOR="Red"]Problem here[/COLOR] //get reference to … | |
Hello, I have a simple C# ASP.NET project. (Response.write :D) I have a windows hosting for run it but, when I pressed F6 (build key) , project building but I cant find my .aspx file. Sorry about bad English, Thanks. | |
Hi, I have to submit a project this semester. I need some unique or new project ideas of making website using asp.net tool greatly involving database management. I googled but didnt get attractive ideas. I don't want to built online library management, ebanking or something like these. Can anyone share … | |
[url]http://www.dotnetcurry.com/ShowArticle.aspx?ID=662[/url] Sir I my query is exactly same as in these Url. But in these they are calculating the sum of checked rows I want to show a pop-up of that checked rows(values) of that gridview Please Solve my thread | |
Hi all In my file upload control i uploaded a large image, let say of 3 MB, how can i reduce its file size to kbs. I am also re sizing that image and maintaining its quality, that's ok, but how can i reduce its file size. | |
hi guys, i m displaying news titles & it's contents using repeater control. pictorial representation: news Title 1 news Title 2 news Title 3 news Title 4 now, when i click on news Title 1,it's content should appear from my database in between news title 1 and news title 2.same … | |
hi guys a)I'm working on this project in asp.net and sql server.I would like to host the site im my local iis server for testing purposes b4 i publish.when i import the site to iis it poses some 404 complaining about the web.config file. what i'm i not doing ryt. … | |
please view the attached file... i just want to know how to insert data in a Null Column in just one click... ex: ID UserName PassWord Category Status 1 Me1 You one Null 2 Me2 You one Null 3 Me3 You one Null 4 Me4 You one Null 5 Me5 … | |
I was able to generate a graph successfully using the <asp:Chart> in asp .net with c# code behind feature but a hiccup came in because I want one of my axes to represent TIME which it doesnot seem to support. Are there any alternatives or can I do this : … | |
Hi , im totally new to asp.net any one please let me know how can i find code to be edited to customize radius selection tool . This is a asp.net web project which has mapxtrem template . Anyone needs more details to answer pls let me know . [CODE] … | |
Hello, I am trying to make a page which has some pictures and the user can view more pictures by clicking an arrow to scroll horizontally. So, how I can do the horizontal scrolling?. Thanks, |
The End.