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101 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for vckicks

for controls like backspace, del, etc... use this: [code=c#] if (!char.IsDigit(e.KeyChar) && !char.IsControl(e.KeyChar)) e.Handled = true; [/code] :)

Member Avatar for Chatthanz
Member Avatar for rynop

[QUOTE=rinoa04;562567]You can refer this tutorial in order to help you to start. [url][/url] Try on the basic and simple examples first to grasp the idea.[/QUOTE] How is an ASP.NET tutorial going to help him...

Member Avatar for cacaotree
Member Avatar for jjemphoung

This is normal with dreamweaver (at least for me it is). In live view things are usually skewed, especially when working with various CSS styles. That's why I don't pay much attention to it. My advice is to rely solely on the browser.

Member Avatar for matricol
Member Avatar for papanyquiL

Hi, here's the site I'm currently working on: [code][/code] Under the 'contact' tab I have some behind the scenes C# code that SHOULD send me an email whenever the submit button is pressed and all fields are validated. This isn't working for some reason. The host I'm using is GoDaddy. …

Member Avatar for aspproject
Member Avatar for himvj

I believe this is the C# forum 0.0. You should re-post in the VB forums for correctness and people who can better answer your question.

Member Avatar for abelLazm
Member Avatar for pseudorandom21

You'd have to inspect the form that you're wanting to submit to and get it's 'name' value and also the location of the 'action' that the form is sending to. Most of the time the form requests data from inputs, like this: [CODE] $_POST['name'] $_POST['email'] [/CODE] Or any other variation …

Member Avatar for papanyquiL
Member Avatar for VibhorG

parse the entered string to first find mathematical symbols: '*, ^, +, -, etc,' then have the string parsed for characters that can be translated into math functions; 'square root of 2.' A simple way to display the expression would be to use textboxes and GDI+.. For example, you could …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for terdie

If you don't yet know C#, this will be a very long, grueling process... I suggest learning the language first :P

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for spoonlicker

I'm guessing you want to write a program in C++, then convert it into 'Machine Code' so that it can be read by a physical device. If this is really what you want, then the above posters have already answered your questions. Use the above answers to scrape your code …

Member Avatar for spoonlicker
Member Avatar for progprince
Member Avatar for papanyquiL
Member Avatar for spoonlicker

Are you really trying to understand pointers or are you just trying to get someone to explain the copy-and-paste code you found somewhere? As someone in this thread already stated, I'd recommend working on simple programs to get more of an understanding as to how pointers work.

Member Avatar for papanyquiL
Member Avatar for sing1006
Member Avatar for ravenous
Member Avatar for ntrncx

In your if statement on line 18, you check to see whether current is less than size, which it is. It then calls somefunction again to increment current by 1. However, 'b' isn't able to be outputted yet because when you call 'somefunction' within your if loop, it brings it …

Member Avatar for alaa sam
Member Avatar for buniferous

You can use XCode to write C++ applications. You DO have to be registered with Apple to download XCode, but it's free, so I'd suggest you give it a try. Personally, I love XCode. An alternative to that may be the NetBeans IDE. They also have a decent amount of …

Member Avatar for buniferous
Member Avatar for HeartBalloon

I know this thread is a few days old, but maybe you haven't figured it out yet. After adding the path to the cygwin bin folder to your environment variables, make sure to restart Netbeans. Also, I'm guessing you used 'setup.exe' to install cygwin. When it takes you to which …

Member Avatar for papanyquiL
Member Avatar for akase2010

Would you mind showing what the error is? I think it's because you call the Accelerator method but nothing is returned out of it because it's set to void, but maybe I'm wrong... Edit: Ancient beat me to it...

Member Avatar for akase2010
Member Avatar for ploogle
Member Avatar for lil.jeantle

[url][/url] Please search around before asking extremely general questions like these. If you need specialized help, we're here to help :)

Member Avatar for RykeTech
Member Avatar for President007
Member Avatar for President007
Member Avatar for yaragalla_mural

The hash represents a div 'id'. For example [code=html] <div id="header"></div> [/code] Whereas a '.' represents a class. For example [code=html] <div id="header" class="blah"></div> or <li class="blah"></li> [/code] Id's and classes can reside within any HTML object (as you can see with the li tag). In the code you posted, …

Member Avatar for macgurl70
Member Avatar for sg552
Member Avatar for freshface001

You can save your pdf pages as images, and load it that way. Use scroll bars to move it around and make it look like a pdf.

Member Avatar for MindSter
Member Avatar for vmpchris

Yes, separate your different 'views' into different php files, because that's essentially what you want. When you click the title of a post you want to go to it's standalone 'view' or 'page' with just the post on it, with a comment box as well. What you can do is …

Member Avatar for vmpchris
Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca has a C# series where they make a text-based maze type game, and even add in graphics later on. You can use the exact same principles from that to do what you're trying to do.

Member Avatar for papanyquiL
Member Avatar for kitsunemoon

CSS uses nothing but containers and styling for existing HTML properties. You can't physically change the size of the image through CSS. For that, you need to do it via the <img> tag directly in your HTML to set width and height values, etc...

Member Avatar for BrianHelp
Member Avatar for Drainpipe

Since you're going to be connecting HTTP Request, Database exchanges, etc..., I'd recommend going with a high-level language such as ASP.NET with C#. ASP.NET along with C# (or VB) comes with an eccentric library containing all of the classes and functions you'd need for what you're trying to do. If …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for Buolbear4444

To develop and distribute apps for the iPhone you have to pay Apple $99 to join as an 'iPhone Development Member.' With that you get access to support forums, distribution, etc... You don't HAVE to have an iPhone to develop iPhone apps, because XCode has an iPhone 'simulator' that will …

Member Avatar for papanyquiL
Member Avatar for mm_73
Member Avatar for mm_73
Member Avatar for atticusr5

Basically there is one image on that header, the CNN logo (and nav animations). Everything can be done via CSS. Just stretch the header 100% of the page and add a background color of red. The search is simply a text box with a button next to it. Since you're …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for papanyquiL

Hi, I have a navigation bar with images as the buttons with no text on them. I'm trying to make a simple slide down menu on hover so people know which pages those images will direct them to: eg 'home', 'about', etc... However, I can't seem to get it to …


The End.