13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for MonsterCookies

Hello Everyone! I'm looking for some advice from some C# pros out there. I am not a C# developer, I am a java/actionscript developer. I have an old VB6 component wrapped up into activeX that I am trying to update. I have rebuilt the component from scratch in visual studio …

Member Avatar for pardeep3dec

Dear Experts, I am Completely new to ASP.NET i want to design a page in which when i will click on LINKBUTTON ([url]www.in.com[/url]) then website should be open but there is an error Server Error in '/WebSite2' Application. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The HTTP verb POST used to access path '/WebSite2/www.in.com' is not …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for strmstn

Hello, I have been struggling with this for hours now. Is there any way to completely remove the icon that is displayed in the upper left corner of a window in WPF, without setting the window style to ToolWindow? I have tried loading user32 and setting various WinAPI-styles with no …

Member Avatar for k.d.m
Member Avatar for Sud1302

I have design an ASP.NET website. But my Home page is index.html. How can I upload my total website to the WEB SERVER? I have already tried once using "publish website". But a message "<%@ page language="VB" autoeventwireup="false" inherits="Home, App_Web_dsarh45t" %> " is shown at the top of the aspx …

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for swatisharma7891

I am making a website of online shopping but I have a problem in payment page making ,what will the exact coding for this page?

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for barriegrant1

im building a site that places galleries within an itemTemplate, each gallery has its own ID, im tring to allow each gallery to have its own "edit" button, this will allow the user to delete or rename the gallery etc. is it possible to make the button ID the same …

Member Avatar for barriegrant1
Member Avatar for sky_net88

I have a detailview, inside the detailview there are four radio button and I want to return a value when the radio button is selected. Do my code have any problem? [code] For Each dtv As DetailsViewRow In questionDetails.Rows If (CType(dtv.FindControl("Option1"), RadioButton)).Checked = True Then Label1.Text = "1" ElseIf (CType(dtv.FindControl("Option2"), …

Member Avatar for OSM101

I am facing a problem displaying css in IE using secure http (https). The css is displayed correctly on other browsers (firefox,opera,chrome). Also when I use the ip of the server and connect normally without a secure connection (http) it works fine. Is it a bug in IE? How can …

Member Avatar for denmarkstan

please let someone help me here. The name "StaffID" is not permitted in this context. Valid expressions are constants, constant expressions, and (in some contexts) variables. Column names are not permitted.

Member Avatar for barriegrant1
Member Avatar for ssreevidya.m

hai, I have a datalist that contain image button control and i bind images from folder to it. I need to get image slide show when clicking on an image. How can I implement it. Thanks in advance, sreevidya.

Member Avatar for barriegrant1
Member Avatar for bhagawatshinde

Hi, Everybody I am New in ASP.Net I am developing an website i want to show messagebox like windows application i am useing asp.net with c#. How i can do this. Can anybody help me please.......... Thanks in Advance

Member Avatar for prit005
Member Avatar for sherinpoulose

I am using my own user registraion form because i don't want 'security question and answer' in create user wizard. now i have my own login form also. If I use asp.net login control(but my own registration form), can i then use membership provider for assigning roles and all. If …

Member Avatar for MrCapuchino

Hello, I'm developing a Web Form based Web Page, still I'm using an Http Handler to do some ajax interaction in my page. The problem is that I have to keep my httpHandler class in the root directory in order to be able to use it in my javascript code. …

Member Avatar for paresh_thummar

[CODE] string sid = Session["id"].ToString(); string q1, q2; q1 = "select count (*) from All_msg where target_id = '" + sid + "'"; SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand(q1, cn); int v1; v1 = (int)cmd1.ExecuteScalar(); q2 = "select count (*) from All_msg where target_id = '" + sid + "'"; SqlCommand …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for rocket1356

I am trying to open another page from an image. I can open the page on a different window by doing this: onclick="Response.Redirect(cci_info\cci\features\create_CCI\WebForm1.aspx);" But I don't want to open another window, rather I need the image button to open a page in the same window. Thanks for the help. [code=ASP]<asp:image …

Member Avatar for ziketo
Member Avatar for sherinpoulose

I am trying to generate rules form of output from user data.that output i have to store in sql database.so when each time , user is giving different data for processing, i have to create a new database for storing the rules from their data. how can i do this …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for denmarkstan

Please good people, i need your help. I having been trying to solve this problem, but no way. what is the best method to insert data so that this error of data truncation will be avoided in C#/asp.net. Here is what i have been trying to do: [CODE]public class BuildTable …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for atrueresistance

So, I'm using ASP with a VB code behind. I have text boxes that are supposed to appear one by one only if the there is a location number in the preceding text box. I had that function working perfectly, but I needed to add a MaskedEditExtender in the place, …

Member Avatar for devsaini

hi, i have a table stu_record and a field name is image_student as a image type and image save in it in binary form. nor when i'm login i want to store this image into a session variable. and on other pages this session value store into another table as …

Member Avatar for vijay_myl
Member Avatar for vuyiswamb

Good Evening All I have Silverlight application and it is rendering better(not Good) in IE and it renders differently from different browsers, like IE8,Firefox 3, 4, and worse in Chrome. i tried different examples , i used one example that was good , but the moment i view this in …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for dwinn

Hello, I am developing a program in VB.Net and ASP.Net to allow a user to type in a code in a textbox and when they click search, a list of records with a code matching the code typed in are retrieved from an SQL Server Express database. At the moment, …

Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for minckle

I have a datagrid containing multiple rows / columns, with template column, each cell contains a textbox. I need to be able to track when a textbox gets focus and which textbox it is? so when i click on a textbox i need to run a server side event. There …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for Saikumar Adep

Hi Sir, I need to develop a progress bar in my web application which is in asp.net. This progress bar should see on screen while switching to new page of my application. (Because while switching to the another page , it tooks much time so user get confuse) I have …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for MrBlack

[CODE] Session.Abandon(); Session.Clear(); Session["user"]=null [/CODE] i m trying to clear a Session but these methods are not working..how can i clear this Session plz help me.. thnxx

Member Avatar for prit005
Member Avatar for dwinn

Hello everyone, I am developing a form in VB.Net and ASP.Net that enables a user to grab data from a SQL Server 2005 Express database and display the data on the screen depending on the search criteria that they provide. What would be the best way to go about doing …

Member Avatar for dwinn
Member Avatar for Saikumar Adep

I am having a Gridview with check box. I want display only those rows that are checked in the Gridview to another gridview with using JavaScript. Please help me to resolve my query

Member Avatar for ashes22

I have a Telerik MVC Grid where I have a column as " select " , " edit" forwhich I have used Format Property to show Links to my ActionMethods . Now I want to show the selected Row text in Bold when someone clicks on " Select" / " …

Member Avatar for harius

Hi My webpage contains a Datalist attached to AccessDataSource. This DataList displays records in Access database table.In addition it also contains a text box and a button. A user enters text in TextBox and uses Add Button or Delete Button. The TextBox text should be inserted in a table or …

Member Avatar for prvnkmr194

when I click on any button on my page it start refresh whole page and reload it why ? can any help in this............

Member Avatar for strmstn
Member Avatar for diana_bett

I have an accordion in my webform. i want to apply validation such that when one clicks on the first pane, then the fields that are within that pane are required but when one clicks on the next pane, they have to fill in the particular details. Kindly help

Member Avatar for prasan7

The End.