13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for coder91

So I have a table that stores various prices for things. The ID is set as the primary key and doesnt allow nulls. I then have a stored procedure that takes the data entered into the form (ID) included and it works out the cost of that particular item. This …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for coder91

So i have a gridview that contains data is entered in a form from various drop down menus. I am now creating a new field in the form which is a multiline text box. This is to appear in the gridview aswell. However it won't appear for me, is it …

Member Avatar for devinnrock
Member Avatar for AleMonteiro

Hi everybody. I'm trying to insert an indented code inside another indented code, using the first indentation as base for the second. I mean, the second indentation must begin at the end of the first. The indentation i got working right, but it is adding some undesired line breaks, that …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for AleMonteiro

Hi, I'm starting with BI, Analysis Services, Cubes and ADOMD.NET. I searched a lot and was able to make some demos, but the performance is not good. What I'm trying to do it's a Dimension tree view explorer. Currently I have the following code: [CODE] CubeDef cube = conn.Cubes.Find( "SCA" …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for barriegrant1

I need to use a <hr> tag under the date based on a condition. however its within a listview template and am haiving issues either finding it or trying to dynamically add it. below is the code that loads the first article and stores its date in a temp location, …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for korathualex

I want to do a web application that is like touch screen...I wish to set a feedback touch screen web app seen at passport office etc...Please provide a solution at the earliest..

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for bilal.saim

main.aspx ----------- <body> <form> id="form1" method="post" runat="server"> <asp:TextBox ID="TKullanici" runat="server" Height="27px" style="text-align: left" BorderColor="Silver" BorderStyle="Solid" Font-Size="Medium" ForeColor="#999999" BorderWidth="1px"></asp:TextBox> <asp:TextBox ID="TSifre" runat="server" TextMode="password" Height="27px" style="text-align: left" BorderColor="Silver" BorderStyle="Solid" Font-Size="Medium" ForeColor="Gray" BorderWidth="1px"> <asp:Button ID="BGiris" runat="server" cssclass="SBGiris" Text="Giriş" onclick="BGiris_Click" xmlns:asp="#unknown" /> </form> </body> main.aspx.cs ------------ protected void BGiris_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for barriegrant1

Im passing a long string to a method that will return the first 20 words, however when i return the value the old value is still in the string. any ideas? My code is as follows: string textContent = txtDiaryText.Text.ToString().Trim(); int NumberOfWords = 20; getLimitedWords(textContent, NumberOfWords); { //do stuff with …

Member Avatar for barriegrant1
Member Avatar for nered

I have a FormView that has a datasource bind as a object which is a WCF service. In the WCF Service i have a Object PublicationDetail which has a attribute List<string> authors; I want to join the contents of the list and print them out in the form view however …

Member Avatar for nered
Member Avatar for lavanya uppala

Hi sirs I have a problem with Menus and Sub menus.Main menu create horizontally but sub menu alo displayed in Horizontally.I want to Display the horizontal Main menus and vertical sub menus. I am using ASP.net Thanks in Advance.....

Member Avatar for rituu221
Member Avatar for Mits14

hello, i found an interesting source that would help me extract 2007 excel file and save it to SQL server 2005 using ASP.Net but i have encountered an error and i don't know how to solve it. i used the vb file. And i got the error at this part …

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Member Avatar for mani508

hello i want to open an image in pdf in Asp.net. image open in new window and we can zoom in/out of image. how its possible kindly tellme as soon as possible thanks.

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for lavanya uppala

I am trying to How to export the crystal reports to Excel pdf etc. I am not getting the solution it shows the invalid path but i am giving correct path.pls suggest me,How to solve the problem. Thanks in Advance.

Member Avatar for Ajusha
Member Avatar for ravoras

Hello, I am trying to access my website after having recently shifted hosting servers. When I try to access it I get the following error: > HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error > The requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid. …

Member Avatar for siju kuriakose
Member Avatar for mania_comp

This application is currently offline. To enable the application, remove the app_offline.htm file from the application root directory. By removing that file, it works but why does itgets created automatically?

Member Avatar for anandd
Member Avatar for korathualex

I want to read data from word file without using interop.word dll..Because i don't want to install word in every server....Is it possible to deploy interop.word without installation of word in iis..If not provide a solution to read word file without it with complete code....I tried with open xml sdk …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for s1lentb0b

Hi I have an insert statement in my VB code that updates about 20 fields in sql. I pass through todays date and a set of values. This occurs on a button click event. My problem is if the button is clicked more than once the data is duplicated in …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for mubarka

Hi all. I need to make web site work as RSS feeder, but I dont know how to do that and wich dll should i use. I'm asking you to give some usful links and articles .

Member Avatar for mubarka
Member Avatar for aldeene

We try to deply a website to a webserver but it shows only codes. are we missing something? is it possible that a webserver does not support asp?

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for jitendra777

I have a premium html blog template - how can I use to create theme and use in blogEngine.net? I had been to this webcast... Creating custom themes (25:00) [Click Here](http://www.nyveldt.com/blog/post/blogenginenet-creating-themes-webcast) , however, it has been deleted.

Member Avatar for Paul vikas
Member Avatar for nikhilsingh

We have migrated our web Application from windows server 2000 (IIS 6) to windows server 2008 (IIS 7). we were using Pin Edit third party controls in the application. These controls will be rendered as iframe with src, when it was rendering in old server windows server 2000 (IIS 6) …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

i am trying to pick a Varchar field (Question) from tblUser where email = session variable , it doesn't give error but picks -1 and shows it, why ? even that column isn't empt for the matching email code: String connectionString = "Data Source=COSANOSTRA; MultipleActiveResultSets=true; Initial Catalog=Waleed_orsfinal;Integrated Security=True"; protected void …

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Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

i want to make this string , "'basic@yahoo.com'" like this "basic@yahoo.com" in asp.net , via .Repalce function,

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for caKus

I have noticed that when I install a new .NET program (using msi file) on a slow computer, this program needs a lot of time for its first execution. Once the first run is done, if I restart the same program, execution time is normal (even after restarting the computer). …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for shotokanpoloto

I would like to validate columns in an asp:Gridview but am unsure how to do so as all the tutorials I have found show a previous version on Microsoft Visual Studio (I am using 2010). How do I validate each column of the Gridview? Thanks This is the code of …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for swathi sajja

How to add vlc media player in vb.net.i am adding vlc player but it not work pls give suggestion how to play vlc player in dot net windows application.

Member Avatar for TnTinMN
Member Avatar for mani508

hello i want to get all email addresses from database(emailtable) and each email against have unique record.i want to send emails on single click button like (send email) then Email will send all email addresses with unique record of the email addresses. how its possible.? tell me as soon as …

Member Avatar for mani508
Member Avatar for petterrock
Member Avatar for whitelion

# how to validate sql statement 1. hi, is there anyone who can help me in my problem? sql = "SELECT UserID, Status FROM tbl_User WHERE UserID = '" & strUserID & "' and Password = '" & strUserPW & "' " i want to validate my sql statement using …

Member Avatar for whitelion
Member Avatar for SID.SIL

Hi Guys I have a problem.I have a GridView with a LinkButton. I need to click in this Linkbutton to open a Modal Pop Up but I need to send the ID field together to recover it in the next page (modal pop up). How can I do it, please? …

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The End.